Impact of urbanization on heavy metals in outdoor air and risk assessment: A case study in severe cold regions Can urban shrinkage contribute to mitigating surface air temperature warming? Exploring intra-urban thermal stress vulnerability within 15-minute city concept: Example of heat waves 2021 in Moscow A new methodology for reducing carbon emissions using multi-renewable energy systems and artificial intelligence Passive over active: How low-cost strategies influence urban energy equity Effect of urban structure on land surface temperature around elementary schools in Hangzhou based on local climate zones A stochastic iterative peer-to-peer energy market clearing in smart energy communities considering participation priorities of prosumers Unlocking responsive flexibility within local energy communities in the presence of grid-scale batteries Analysing urban local cold air dynamics and climate functional zones using interpretable machine learning: A case study of Tianhe district, Guangzhou Towards more resilient cities-analyzing the impact of new-type urbanization on urban resilience: Considering spatial spillover boundaries How do driving factors affect the diurnal variation of land surface temperature across different urban functional blocks? A case study of Xi'an, China City configurations to optimise pedestrian level ventilation and wind comfort Quantifying the main and interactive effects of the dominant factors on the diurnal cycles of land surface temperature in typical urban functional zones Microclimate Vision: Multimodal prediction of climatic parameters using street-level and satellite imagery Resilient city construction efficiency and its influencing factors in China's Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle: Considering both construction input and resilience level of the city A bivariate simultaneous pollutant forecasting approach by Unified Spectro-Spatial Graph Neural Network (USSGNN) and its application in prediction of O3 and NO2 for New Delhi, India Leveraging context-adjusted nighttime light data for socioeconomic explanations of global urban resilience Secure environmental, social, and governance (ESG) data management for construction projects using blockchain Extension and trend of the London urban heat island under Lamb weather types Profiling residential energy vulnerability: Bayesian-based spatial mapping of occupancy and building characteristics Enhancing power grid resilience to winter storms via generator winterization with equity considerations Tackling the modifiable areal unit problem: Enhancing urban sustainability through improved land surface temperature and its influencing factors analysis Ventilation performance of induction displacement units in indoor spaces within cold regions Exploring the scale effect of urban thermal environment through XGBoost model Meteorological effects of ventilation corridor in central urban areas: A case study of Wuhan Evaluation of perception and analysis of energy saving potential of nighttime illumination in different types of residential areas: A case study of Dalian, China Traffic assignment optimization to improve urban air quality with the unified finite-volume physics-informed neural network Sectoral carbon emission prediction and spatial modeling framework: A local climate zone-based case study of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Spatial distribution of old neighborhoods based on heat-related health risks assessment: A case study of Changsha City, China Spatial heterogeneity and nonlinearity study of bike-sharing to subway connections from the perspective of built environment Efficient message authentication scheme with forward and backward security in Vehicle Cloud Network towards sustainable smart city Towards sustainable development: Can green digital finance become an accelerator for reducing pollution and carbon emissions in China? Can the resource and environmental dilemma due to water-energy-carbon constraints be solved in the process of new urbanization? Carbon reduction benefits of photovoltaic-green roofs and their climate change mitigation potential: A case study of Xiamen city The cooling effect of trees in high-rise building complexes in relation to spatial distance from buildings Segmenting the potential users of MaaS by combining latent class cluster analysis and structural equation modeling Spatiotemporal patterns and driving factors of urban-rural water use from the production and domestic perspectives: A case study of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration, China Operation of smart distribution networks by considering the spatial–temporal flexibility of data centers and battery energy storage systems Mapping heterogeneity: Spatially explicit machine learning approaches for urban value uplift characterisation and prediction Promoting the sustainable development of CCUS projects: A multi-source data-driven location decision optimization framework Quantifying spatial interaction centrality in urban population mobility: A mobility feature- and network topology-based locational measure Modeling underground climate change across a city based on data about a building block The cascade failure model under ecological network is effective for quantifying the resilience of urban regions Rural heat island effect of centralized residences in China: Mitigation through localized measures Understanding the determinants of bike-sharing demand in the context of a medium-sized car-oriented city: The case study of Milton Keynes, UK Associations between indoor thermal environment assessment, mental health, and insomnia in winter Daylighting and energy performance of window with transparent insulation slats combined with building shading in the hot-summer and cold-winter zone Exploring the association between multi-mode transport and the built environment: A comparative study of metro, bus, taxi, and shared bike use When green transportation backfires: High-speed rail's impact on transport-sector carbon emissions from 315 Chinese cities Diurnal contrast of urban park cooling effects in a “Furnace city” using multi-source geospatial data and optimal parameters-based geographical detector model