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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 2,627건 중 201 - 220건 출력
  • 201
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    An inaugural essay on the yellow fever, as it appeared in this city in 1795. Submitted to the public examination of the faculty of physic, under the authority of the trustees of Columbia College, in the state of New-York, William Samuel Johnson, LL.D. president, for the degree of Doctor of Physic, on the 3d of May, 1797. By Alexander Hosack, Jun. A.M. of New-York
  • 202
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    An index to the laws of Massachusetts: from the adoption of the Constitution to the year MDCCXCVI. By Benjamin Whitman, attorney at law
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    An inquiry into the causes of sterility in both sexes; with its method of cure. By James Walker, M.P.M.S. citizen of the state of Virginia. [Three lines from Genesis in Latin]
  • 204
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    An inquiry into the nature and extent of the inspiration of the Apostles, and other writers of the New Testament: conducted with a view to some late opinions on the subject. By William Parry
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    An inquiry into the present condition of the lower classes, and the means of improving it, including some remarks on Mr. Pitt's bill For the better Support and Maintenance of the Poor. In the course of which the Policy of the Corn Laws is examined, and various other important branches of Political Economy are illustrated. By Robert Acklom Ingram, B. D. Fellow of Queen's College, Cambridge
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    An interesting narrative of the voyage, shipwreck, and extraordinary adventures of Mr. Drake Morris, (merchant of London)
  • 207
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    An introduction to Latin syntax: or, an exemplification of the rules of construction, as delivered in Mr. Ruddiman's Rudiments, without anticipating ... Rules. Containing, 1. The Rules Of Syntax, with a brief illustration. 2. Explanatory Notes. 3. Examples, taken for the most part from the classic authors. 4. English Exercises. To which is subjoined, an epitome of ancient history, From The Creatio
  • 208
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    An introduction to arithmetic; containing arithmetical tables; with the most useful rules in common arithmetic. Vulgar and decimal fractions.---Extraction of the square and of the cube root. Rules for working on the carpenters sliding rule, and on Gunters scale.---Duodecimals, or cross multiplication.--Practical questions in mensuration. The Gregorian calendar; with a perpetual almanac.---A table
  • 209
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    An introduction to merchandize. Containing a complete system of arithmetic. A system of algebra. Forms and manner of transacting bills of exchange. Book-keeping in various forms. An account of the trade of Great Britain, and the laws and practices relating to sale, factorage, insurance, shipping, &c. The third edition, corrected and revised. By Robert Hamilton, LL.D. professor of philosophy in the
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    An introductory book for the use of grammar-schools. The Latin primer: in three parts. Part I. Rules of construction; ... Part II. Rules of position, ... Part III. A large and plain description of the Latin verse, ... By the Rev. Richard Lyne, ...
  • 211
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    An introductory discourse, by Joseph Cockin; a charge, by Edward Parsons; and a sermon, by Samuel Bottomley: with the confession of faith, delivered on Tuesday, April 18, 1797, at the public separation of Samuel Wydown, to the pastoral office, in the independent church, Jubber-Gate, York
  • 212
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    An investigation of the essence of the deity; with a word or two by way of postscript, to the professors of deism, in refutation of their doctrine, that The Bible is not the word of God. By Scepticus Britannicus
  • 213
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    I feel myself entitled to say, and I am sure my neighbours and countrymen, the inhabitants of South Holland and its vicinity, will contenance me in saying ...
  • 214
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    I romani nella Grecia
  • 215
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    Icelandic Poetry, or The Edda of Saemund translated into English verse, by A. S. Cottle, of Magdalen College, Cambridge
  • 216
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    Iconographia Scotica: or portraits of illustrious persons of Scotland engraved from the most authentic paintings &c with short biographical notices. By John Pinkerton, ...
  • 217
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    Illustrations of the manners and expences of antient times in England, in the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries, deduced from the accompts of churchwardens, and other authentic documents, Collected from Various Parts of the Kingdom, with explanatory notes
  • 218
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    Importance of the brewery stated: and the extreme impolicy of renewing the impost of two pennies Scots, or of One Sixth of a Penny Sterling, per Scots pint, on malt liquors, brewed within certain towns in Scotland, And Particularly Within The City Of Edinburgh, And The Four Adjacent Parishes, Demonstrated. Humbly submitted, by the Brewers of Edinburgh, to the consideration of the Landed, Commercia
  • 219
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    In Euripidis Hecubam, Londini nuper publicatam, diatribe extemporalis. Composuit Gilbertus Wakefield, A.B.
  • 220
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    In love, in debt, & in liquor, or our way in Wales; a new musical drama, performed for the first time at Jones's Royal Circus, St. George's Fields. On Wednesday, June 28, 1797. By J. C. Cross, Author of the Divertisement, British Fortitude, Point at Herqui, and Way to get Unmarried, performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent Garden; The Purse, or Benevolent Tar, at the Theatres-Royal Drury-Lane and Ha