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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 12,494건 중 241 - 260건 출력
  • 241
    Book Info
    Steel's original and correct list of the Royal Navy, hired armed-vessels, gun-boats, &c. With their commanders and stations. To which are added the following lists, &c. Establishment of rates and men page 2 Appointment of officers - 2 Pursers superrannuation - 2 Establishment of ships in Ordinary - 2 Contractions explained - - 2 Comparative rank of officers - 2 Widows annual pensions - - 2 Navy-ag
  • 242
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    Stolen or stray'd, last night or early this morning, out of the grounds of Mr. Samuel Davies, a black gelding, about fourteen hands high, five years old, ...
  • 243
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    Streanshall Abbey: or, the Danish invasion. A play of five acts: as first performed at the Theatre in Whitby, Dec. 2d. 1799. Written by Francis Gibson, Esq.
  • 244
    Book Info
    Streanshall Abbey: or, the Danish invasion. A play of five acts: as first performed at the theatre in Whitby, Dec. 2d. 1799. Written by Francis Gibson, Esq. F.A.S.
  • 245
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    Strictures on the cow pox, or Vaccine inoculation; by M.F. Wagstaffe, F.M.S.
  • 246
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    Strictures on the modern system of female education. With a view of the principles and conduct prevalent among women of rank and fortune. By Hannah More
  • 247
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    Strictures on the modern system of female education. With a view of the principles and conduct prevalent among women of rank and fortune. By Hannah More. In two volumes. ...
  • 248
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    Strictures on the proposed union between Great Britain and Ireland; with occasional remarks. By Nicholas Gay, Esq. F.R.S.
  • 249
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    Strictures on the true cause of the present alarming scarcity of grain and other provisions; and a plan for permanent relief: humbly submitted to Public Consideration, by Alexander Annesley. With an Historical Deduction of the prices of provisions. Interspersed with various matters connected with the Commerce and Navigation of Great Britain. Together with a Chronological account of the several Sta
  • 250
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    Strictures upon the political parties in the city of Edinburgh: together with a statement of authenticated circumstances and facts, which Merit the Particular and Immediate Attention, both of the Honourable Magistrates, and all the Inhabitants of that City. By a friend to the public
  • 251
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    Strictures, in verse, on the performances at the Theatre-Royal, Norwich towards the close of the season of 1799
  • 252
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    Striking facts, addressed to those who still disbelieve in a real scarcity, and a solemn appeal to all who think otherwise. By the author of 'an appeal to the good sense of the higher and wealthy orders of the people,' &c.
  • 253
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    Subscriptions received for the discharge of the subaltern officers of the army (upon half-pay) confined in different prisons for debt
  • 254
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    Substance of a speech, delivered by William Laurence Brown, D. D. Principal of Marischall College, Aberdeen, in the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, On Wednesday, the 28th of May 1800, on the question respecting the settlement, at Kingsbarns, of the Rev. Dr Robert Arnot, Professor of Divinity in St Mary's College, St Andrew's
  • 255
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    Substance of the Bishop of Rochester's speech, in the House of Peers, Friday, May the 23d, 1800, in the debate upon the third reading of the bill for the Punishment and more effectual Prevention of the Crime of adultery
  • 256
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    Substance of the speech of Lord Auckland, in the House of Peers, April 11, 1799, ... respecting the resolutions adopted by the two Houses of Parliament, as the basis of an union between Great Britain and Ireland
  • 257
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    Substance of the speech of Tho. Jones, Esq. F. R. S. F. A. S. & M. P. on his motion for peace, made in the House of Commons, May 8, 1800: With A Copy Of The Address Moved For BY Him To His Majesty
  • 258
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    Substance of the speech of the Honourable Thomas Erskine, in the House of Commons, on Monday, the 3d of February, 1800, on a motion for an address to the throne, approving of the refusal of ministers to treat with the French Republic
  • 259
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    Substance of the speeches of Lord Auckland, in the House of Lords, May 16th and 23d, 1800; in support of the bill for the punishment and more effectual prevention of the crime of adultery
  • 260
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    Substance of the speeches of the Right Honourable Henry Dundas, on His Majesty's message for declining to treat at present with France; And His Objections To AN Inquiry Into The Late Expedition To Holland. With a preface, Touching Briefly ON The State Of Affairs