POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Policy / Military Policy
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총 97건 중 21 - 40건 출력
21Book InfoFrom MAD to Madness:Inside Pentagon Nuclear War PlanningEBSCO eBooks2017전문보기 (Full Text Access)
22Book InfoFull Spectrum Dominance: Irregular Warfare and the War on TerrorEBSCO eBooks2019전문보기 (Full Text Access)
23Book InfoHead Strong: How Psychology is Revolutionizing WarEBSCO e-Book Collection (NetLibrary 21st) - 20232020전문보기 (Full Text Access)EBSCO eBooks2020전문보기 (Full Text Access)Oxford Scholarship Online2020전문보기 (Full Text Access)
24Book InfoHopeless but Optimistic: Journeying Through America's Endless War in AfghanistanEBSCO eBooks2016전문보기 (Full Text Access)
25Book InfoHow to Lose the Information War: Russia, Fake News, and the Future of ConflictEBSCO eBooks2020전문보기 (Full Text Access)
26Book InfoHow to Prevent Coups d'État: Counterbalancing and Regime SurvivalEBSCO eBooks2020전문보기 (Full Text Access)ProQuest Ebook Central - Academic Complete International2020전문보기 (Full Text Access)
27Book InfoInstructional Design FieldbookEBSCO eBooks2022전문보기 (Full Text Access)
28Book InfoIntimacy across the Fencelines: Sex, Marriage, and the U.S. Military in OkinawaEBA Package: All english-language eBooks2021전문보기 (Full Text Access)EBSCO eBooks2020전문보기 (Full Text Access)
29Book InfoJours tranquilles à Damas: Chroniques syriennesProQuest Ebook Central - Academic Complete International2018전문보기 (Full Text Access)
30Book InfoKeeping America Safe: What Is Our Greatest Threat? How Should We Respond?EBSCO eBooks2018전문보기 (Full Text Access)ProQuest Ebook Central - Academic Complete International2018전문보기 (Full Text Access)
31Book InfoManaging the Military: The Joint Chiefs of Staff and Civil-Military RelationsEBSCO eBooks2022전문보기 (Full Text Access)
32Book InfoMarch to Armageddon: The United States and the Nuclear Arms Race, 1939 to the PresentProQuest Ebook Central - Academic Complete International1989전문보기 (Full Text Access)EBSCO eBooks1987전문보기 (Full Text Access)
33Book InfoMilitantes ClandestinosEBSCO eBooks2020전문보기 (Full Text Access)
34Book InfoMilitary Agility: Ensuring Rapid and Effective Transition From Peace to WarEBSCO eBooks2020전문보기 (Full Text Access)
35Book InfoMilitary Cultures in Peace and Stability Operations: Afghanistan and LebanonEBA Package: All english-language eBooks2018전문보기 (Full Text Access)
36Book InfoMilitary Professionalism and Humanitarian Law: The Struggle to Reduce the Hazards of WarOxford Scholarship Online2018전문보기 (Full Text Access)
37Book InfoMilitary Quantitative Physiology: Problems and Concepts in Military Operational Medicine: Problems and Concepts in Military Operational MedicineProQuest Ebook Central - Academic Complete International2012전문보기 (Full Text Access)ProQuest Ebook Central - Health & Medicine Ebooks2012전문보기 (Full Text Access)
38Book InfoNanoweapons: A Growing Threat to HumanityEBSCO eBooks2017전문보기 (Full Text Access)ProQuest Ebook Central - Academic Complete International2017전문보기 (Full Text Access)
39Book InfoNational Versus Human Security: Australian and Canadian Military InterventionsEBSCO eBooks2019전문보기 (Full Text Access)
40Book InfoOfficeren, staten och samhälletEBSCO eBooks2019전문보기 (Full Text Access)