Communication of Statistics and Evidence in Times of Crisis. Role of Statistics in Detecting Misinformation: A Review of the State of the Art, Open Issues, and Future Research Directions. Stochastic Models of Rainfall. Maps: A Statistical View. Interpretable Machine Learning for Discovery: Statistical Challenges and Opportunities. Causal Inference in the Social Sciences. Variable Importance Without Impossible Data. Bayesian Inference for Misspecified Generative Models. The Role of the Bayes Factor in the Evaluation of Evidence. Competing Risks: Concepts, Methods, and Software. Making Sense of Censored Covariates: Statistical Methods for Studies of Huntington's Disease. An Update on Measurement Error Modeling. Relational Event Modeling. Distributional Regression for Data Analysis. Recent Advances in Text Analysis. Shape-Constrained Statistical Inference. Manifold Learning: What, How, and Why. Convergence Diagnostics for Entity Resolution. Geometric Methods for Cosmological Data on the Sphere. Geometric methods for cosmological data on the sphere. Inverse Problems for Physics-Based Process Models. Analysis of Microbiome Data. Statistical Brain Network Analysis. Distributed Computing and Inference for Big Data. Fifty Years of the Cox Model Fifty years of the Cox model. High-Dimensional Survival Analysis: Methods and Applications Shared Frailty Methods for Complex Survival Data: A Review of Recent Advances Shared frailty methods for complex survival data: a review of recent advances. Surrogate Endpoints in Clinical Trials Surrogate Endpoints in Clinical Trials Surrogate endpoints in clinical trials. Sustainable Statistical Capacity-Building for Africa: The Biostatistics Case Sustainable Statistical Capacity-Building for Africa: The Biostatistics Case Confidentiality Protection in the 2020 US Census of Population and Housing The Role of Statistics in Promoting Data Reusability and Research Transparency Fair Risk Algorithms Fair risk algorithms. Statistical Data Privacy: A Song of Privacy and Utility Statistical Data Privacy: A Song of Privacy and Utility A Brief Tour of Deep Learning from a Statistical Perspective A brief tour of deep learning from a statistical perspective. A Brief Tour of Deep Learning from a Statistical Perspective Statistical Deep Learning for Spatial and Spatiotemporal Data Statistical Deep Learning for Spatial and Spatiotemporal Data Statistical deep learning for spatial and spatiotemporal data. Statistical Machine Learning for Quantitative Finance Statistical machine learning for quantitative finance. Models for Integer Data Models for integer data.