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총 80,213건 중 76,821 - 76,840건 출력
  • 76821
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    The articles of cessation of the Lords and Commons in Parliament, presented to His Majesty upon consideration of the former articles, with the alteration and additions offered by His Majestie. And His Majesties gracious answer thereunto, March 22. 1642.
  • 76822
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    The articles of cessation of the Lords and Commons in Parliament. Presented to His Majesty upon consideration of the former articles, with the alterations and additions offered by His Majesty. And His Maiesties gracious answer thereunto. March 22. 1642.
  • 76823
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    The association, agreement and protestation of the counties of Cornvvall and Devon, January 5, 1643
  • 76824
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    The axe at the root, a sermon preached before the honourable House of Commons, at their publike fast, April 26, 1643 by William Greenhill.
  • 76825
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    A: discreet and learned speech: spoken in the Parliament, on Wednesday, the 4th of Ianuary, 1641, by Mr. Hampden, burgesse for Buckiugham [sic]. Concerning the accusation of high treason, preferred by His Majesty, against himselfe, the Lord Kimbolton, Sr. Arthur Haslerig, Mr. Pym, Mr. Strowd, Mr. Hollis, worthy members of the House of Commons. Ther
  • 76826
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    Abingtons and Alisburies present miseries. Both which townes being lately lamentably plundred by Prince Robert and his cavaliers. Expressely related as it was certified to some of the Honourable the High court of Parliament. And therefore published. By G. H.
  • 76827
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    Abingtons and Alisbvries present miseries both which townes being lately lamentably plundered by Prince Robert and his cavaliers : expressely related as it was certified to some of the honourable the high court of Parliament : and therefore published / by G. H.
  • 76828
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    Accommodation cordially desired and really intended a moderate discourse tending to the satisfaction of all such who do either wilfully or ignorantly conceive that the Parliament is disaffected to peace : written upon occasion of a late
  • 76829
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    Admirable and notable things of note viz, 1. the royall letter sent from the French King to his brother the King of England : 2. a true coppy of the Lord George Digbies last letter to the Queenes Majesty : 3. the Queenes Majesties gracious answer to the same : 4. a horrible treason discovered from Holland which was plotted by a company of Iesuites and papists against the Lady Elizabeth at the Hag
  • 76830
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    Admirable and notable things of note: viz. 1. the royall letter sent from the French King to his brother the King of England. 2. A true coppy of the Lord George Digbies last letter to the Queenes Majesty. 3. The Queenes Majesties gracious answer to the same. 4. A horrible treason discovered from Holland, which was plotted by a company of Iesuites a
  • 76831
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    Admirable good newes againe from Ireland. Or, the copie of a letter written from Sir Thomas Lucas, one of the commanders of our army in Ireland, to a worthy member of the House of Parliament here in England, bearing date, Fbruary [sic], 24. 1641. Wherein is a relation of two great overthrowes which was given to the rebels by the English and Scottis
  • 76832
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    Admirable newes from Ireland both good and true: viz. First a humble petition to the honourable houses of parliament, of divers lords, knights, and gentlemen of the kingdome of ireland now resident in London. Secondly, a true coppy of a letter sent from a gentleman of worth in Ireland, to a speciall friend of his, a servant of great trust to the Ki
  • 76833
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    Admirable, good, true and joyfull newes from Ireland being an exact relation of the last weekes passages in Ireland dated from Dublin May the 8, 1642 : wherein is shewed how by the undaunted valour and wisedom of Sir Charles Coot the town and castle of Trim was taken from the enemy : where in 4000 of the rebels were besides 4 lords of the Pale who
  • 76834
    Book Info
    Admirable, good, true, and joyfull newes from Ireland. Being an exact relation of the last weekes passages in Ireland, dated from Dublin May the 8. 1642. Wherein is shewed how by the undaunted valour and wisedom of Sir Charles Coot, the town and castle of Trim was taken from the enemy, wherein 4000. of the rebels were besides 4. lords of the Pale;
  • 76835
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    Advertisements from York and Beverly, July the 20th, 1642
  • 76836
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    Advertisements from York and Beverly, July the 20th, 1642 Die Martis 26 Julii, 1642, also a declaration of the Lords and Commons in Parliament, with addditions to a former declaration, dated July 12, for the protecting of those who are imployed by the authority of both or either House of Parliament, in execution of the ordinance for the militia, or in advancing the propositions for horse, moneys,
  • 76837
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    Advertisements from Yorke and Beverly, July the 20th. 1642.
  • 76838
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    Advice sent from His Maiesties commissioners in Scotland to both the Honourable Houses of Parliament in England : for composing the present differencies and distractions in this kingdome : wherein is expressed their hearty desires and endeavours for setling and establishing the affaires of the same in a peaceable and faire way for His Majesties honour and contentment and happinesse of His kingdom
  • 76839
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    Advice, sent from His Maiesties commissioners in Scotland: to both the Honourable Houses of Parliament in England. Ianuary the 15, 1642. For composing the present differencies and distractions in this kingdome, wherein is expressed their hearty desires and endeavours for setling and establishing the affaires of the same, in a peaceable and faire wa
  • 76840
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    All the memorable & wonder-strikinge Parliamentary mercies effected for & afforded unto this our English nation within this space of lesse than 2 yeares past A. 1641 & 1642.