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총 80,213건 중 76,881 - 76,900건 출력
  • 76881
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    An act for ministers and payment of tythes
  • 76882
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    An act of state, made by the Lords justices and councell of Ireland for the observation of the three and twentieth day of October yeerly, to be a day of Thanks-giving, for the discovery ad prevention of the horrible conspiracy and plot of the papists to massacre all the Protestants in that kingdom : W. Parsons, Jo. Borlase.
  • 76883
    Book Info
    An act of state, made by the Lords justices and councell of Ireland, for the observation of the three and twentieth day of October yeerly, to be a day of thanks-giving, for the discovery and prevention of the horrible conspiracy and plot of the papists, to massacre all the protestants in that Kingdom. W. Parsons, Jo. Borlase.
  • 76884
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    An admiration by way of answer to the petition of the rebells in Ireland. To all true hearted Protestants, why the rebells in Ireland should petition to his Majesty to transport themselves into England to ayd and assist him, and by strength to carry on his designes untill they arrive at a prosperous end, and that they joyning with the papists here
  • 76885
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    An advertisement to the whole kingdome of England, but more especially to the citie of London, speedily to consider their present dangers, and prevent their approaching miseries. With some directions tending to both.
  • 76886
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    An advertizement to all gent. souldiers, youngmen and apprentices that goe voluntary in and about the Citie of London very necessary and usefull for every valiant souldier to have one, to peruse in the time of warre.
  • 76887
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    An agreement betwixt His Majestie and the inhabitants of the county of Oxford for provisions for His Majesties horses billetted in this covnty.
  • 76888
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    An agreement betwixt His Majestie and the inhabitants of the county of Oxford. For provisions for His Majesties horses billetted in this county.
  • 76889
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    An agreement betwixt His Majesty and the inhabitants of the county of Oxford. For provisions for His Majestie's horses billited in this county.
  • 76890
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    An alarum to arms, or, The Kings Majesties resolution to raise arms against all those that shall oppose or resist him in the suppressing the ordinance of Parliament concerning the militia whereunto is annexed the Parliaments resolution to raise forces to maintain the said ordinance, and to defend all those that shall stand for the maintenance of the same : the last news from Hull of sixty cavalie
  • 76891
    Book Info
    An alarum to arms, or, The Kings Majesties resolution to raise arms against all those that shall oppose or resist him in the suppressing the ordinance of Parliament concerning the militia whereunto is annexed the Parliaments resolution to raise forces to maintain the said ordinance, and to defend all those that shall stand for the maintenance of the same : the last news from Hull of sixty cavalie
  • 76892
    Book Info
    An alarum to arms, or, The Kings Majesties resolution, to raise arms against all those that shall oppose or resist him, in the suppressing the ordinance of Parliament concerning the militia. Published by His Majesties command. Whereunto is annexed the Parliaments resolution to raise forces to maintain the said ordinance, and to defend all those tha
  • 76893
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    An alarum to vvarre: proclamed by our royall Soveraigne, and his loyall Parliament. To subiugate the savage cruelties, and inhumane massacres acted by the nocent papists; and to vindicate the barbarous blood-shed, and impious insolencies suffered by the innocent protestants of Ireland. To which is annexed an encouragement to all his Maiesties true-
  • 76894
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    An ansvver or necessary animadversions, upon some late impostumate observations invective against His Sacred Maiesty, bearing the face of the publick, but boldly pen'd and publish't by a privado.
  • 76895
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    An ansvver to a book set forth by Sir Edward Peyton, knight and baronet carrying this title A discourse concerning the fitnesse of the posture necessary to be used in taking the bread and wine at the Sacrament / by Rodger Cocks ...
  • 76896
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    An ansvver to a late scvrrilovs and scandalovs pamphlet, entituled, The Downfall of old Common Councill men.
  • 76897
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    An ansvver to a scandalous lying pamphlet, intituled Prince Rupert his declaration. Published in the vindication of the honour of the high court of Parliament and their army, from the untrue and malicious aspersions cast on them in the said pamphlet. And dedicated to the right honourable the Lords and Commons now assembled in that sacred senat. By
  • 76898
    Book Info
    An ansvver to a scandalous lying pamphlet, intitvled Prince Rvpert his declaration published in the vindication of the honour of the high court of Parliament and their army, from the untrue and malicious aspersions cast on them in the said pamphlet : and dedicated to by their humblest honourer the author, G. H.
  • 76899
    Book Info
    An ansvver to the articles against Master Calamy, Master Martiall, Master Burton, Master Peters, Master Moleigne, Master Case, M. Sedgwicke, M. Evans, &c. and many other painfull divines who were impeached of high treason by His Majesty : first answering particularly the articles themselves, then shewing the mis-information of His Majestie by the bishops, concerning the same : expressing the grea
  • 76900
    Book Info
    An ansvver to the articles against Master Calamy, Master Martiall, Master Burton, Master Peters, Master Moleigne, Master Case, M. Sedgwicke, M. Evans, &c. and many other painfull divines, who were impeached of high treason by His Majesty. First answering particularly the articles themselves, then shewing the mis-information of His Majestie by the b