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총 80,213건 중 76,901 - 76,920건 출력
  • 76901
    Book Info
    An ansvver to two treatises of Mr. Iohn Can, the leader of the English Brownists in Amsterdam. The former called, A necessitie of separation from the Church of England, proved by the Nonconformists principles. The other, A stay against straying: wherein in opposition to M. Iohn Robinson, he undertakes to prove the unlawfulnesse of hearing the minis
  • 76902
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    An ansvver, or Necessary animadversions upon some late impostumate observations invective against His sacred Maiesty bearing the face of the publick but boldly pen'd and publish't by a privado.
  • 76903
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    An answer in defence of A messe pf pottage well seasoned and crumb'd against M. T. S. T. R. A. I. S. P. H., anagram Strap Smith by the same Gyles Calfine.
  • 76904
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    An answer of the Right Honourable Earle of Newcastle, his excellency &c. to the six groundless aspersions cast upon him by the Lord Fairefax in his late warrant (here inserted) bearing date Feb. 2, 1642 by the Earl himselfe.
  • 76905
    Book Info
    An answer of the Right Honourable the Earle of New-Castle His Excellency, &c., to the six groundlesse aspersions cast upon him by the Lord Fairefax, in his late warrant (here inserted) bearing date Feb. 2, 1642 by the Earle himselfe.
  • 76906
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    An answer to His Maiesties speech, by the gentry of the county of Yorke, attending His Maiesties at the city of Yorke on Thursday the 12 of May, 1642.
  • 76907
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    An answer to Mr. George Walkers vindication, or rather, fresh accusation wherein he chargeth Mr. Wotton, besides his former foul aspersions of heresie and blasphemy, with Arianism, Mr. Gataker with Socinianism, Dr. Gouge and Mr. Downham with a fase attestation, Dr. Baylie and Mr. Stock with self-condemnation, all the eight ministers employed in the busines between himself and Mr. Wotton with part
  • 76908
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    An answer to a book set forth by Sir Edward Peyton, knight and baronet, carrying this title, A discourse concerning the fitnesse of the posture, necessary to be used, in taking the bread and wine at the Sacrament. By Roger Cocks, preacher of Gods Word.
  • 76909
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    An answer to a printed book intituled Observations vpon some of His Majesties late answers and expresses
  • 76910
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    An answer to a printed book intituled, Observations vpon some of His Majesties late answers and expresses.
  • 76911
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    An answer to a printed book, intituled, Observations upon some of His Maiesties late answers and expresses
  • 76912
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    An answer to an impertinent pamphlet lately set forth by Iohn Spencer. Wherein is refuted the arguments brought for the justification of the lawfulnesse, and universall exercise of every mans gift, publike and private. By a Well-wisher to the reformation.
  • 76913
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    An answer to lame Giles Calfines Messe of pottage which hee termes in his halting speech to be well crummed and seasoned, &c proving that the service-booke is no better than pottage in comparison of divers weeds which are chopt into it to poyson the taste of the children of grace by the advice of the whore of Babylons instruments and cooks : in which small tract you shall find such reasons given
  • 76914
    Book Info
    An answer to lame Giles Calfines Messe of pottage, which hee termes in his halting speech to be well crummed and seasoned, &c. Proving that the service-booke is no better than pottage, in comparison of divers weeds which are chopt into it, to poyson the taste of the children of grace, by the advice of the whore of Babylons instruments and cooks. In
  • 76915
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    An answer to the Lamentation of Cheap-side Crosse together with the reasons why so many doe desire the downfall of it, and al such popish reliques : also the Downfall of Antichrist / by Samuel Lovedeay.
  • 76916
    Book Info
    An answer to the Lamentation of Cheap-side Crosse. Together with the reasons why so many doe desire the downfall of it, and all such popish reliques. Also the downfall of Antichrist. By Samuel Lovedeay.
  • 76917
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    An answer to the London petition.
  • 76918
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    An answer to the booke called Observations of the old and new militia: with certaine statutes produced for the chusing of his Majesties sheriffes, and other officers, in every county of England and Wales.
  • 76919
    Book Info
    An answer to two treatises of Mr. Iohn Can, the leader of the English Brownists in Amsterdam the former called, A necessitie of separation from the Church of England, proved by the Nonconformists principles : the other, A stay against straying : wherein in opposition to M. Iohn Robinson, he undertakes to prove the unlawfulnesse of hearing the ministers of the Church of England ... / by the late l
  • 76920
    Book Info
    An answer to two treatises of Mr. Iohn Can, the leader of the English Brownists in Amsterdam the former called, A necessitie of separation from the Church of England, proved by the Nonconformists principles : the other, A stay against straying : wherein in opposition to M. Iohn Robinson, he undertakes to prove the unlawfulnesse of hearing the ministers of the Church of England ... / by the late le