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총 80,213건 중 76,921 - 76,940건 출력
  • 76921
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    An answer, in defence of a messe of pottage, well seasoned and crumb'd. Against M. T. S. T. R. A. I. S. P. H. anagram, Strap Smith. Who falsly sayes, the Common Prayers are unlawfull, and no better than the Popes porrage. In which tract is answered his unanswerable reasons: by the same Gyles Calfine.
  • 76922
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    An antidote against Romes infection: received by the reformed churches beyond the seas, approved by them, and commended to the Church of England: consisting of uniformitie and conformitie in church-government, and the necessity of abolishing some ceremonies lately commanded by the episcopall power, which are rather prejudiciall then materiall to Go
  • 76923
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    An antidote against lay-preaching, or The preachers plea. In a discourse answering such objections, which were given to a conscientious friend; who for his satisfaction requested a resolution. In which discourse is proved, that preaching of the Word is a peculiar calling, to be undertaken by none without a speciall call: and that more is required i
  • 76924
    Book Info
    An antidote against lay-preaching, or The preachers plea. In a discourse answering such objections, which were given to a conscientious friend; who for his satisfaction requested a resolution. In which discourse is proved, that preaching of the Word is a peculiar calling, to be undertaken by none without a speciall call: and that more is required in such who undertake it, than abilities: in which
  • 76925
    Book Info
    An antidote against lay-preaching, or, The preachers plea in a discourse answering such objections which were given to a conscientious friend : who for his satisfaction requested a resolution : in which discourse is proved that preaching of the Word is a peculiar calling to be undertaken by none without a speciall call : and that more is required i
  • 76926
    Book Info
    An antidote against lay-preaching, or, The preachers plea in a discourse answering such objections which were given to a conscientious friend : who for his satisfaction requested a resolution : in which discourse is proved that preaching of the Word is a peculiar calling to be undertaken by none without a speciall call : and that more is required in such who undertake it than abilities : in which
  • 76927
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    An apology against a pamphlet call'd A modest confutation of the animadversions upon the remonstrant against Smectymnuus
  • 76928
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    An apology against a pamphlet call'd A modest confutation of the animadversions upon the remonstrant against Smectymnuus
  • 76929
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    An apology against a pamphlet call'd A modest confutation of the animadversions upon the remonstrant against Smectymnuus.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 76930
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    An apology for private preaching in which those formes are warranted or rather justified, which the maligannt sect contemne and daily by prophane pamphlets make ridiculous : viz. preaching in a tub : teaching against the backe of a chaire : instructing at a tables end : revealing in a basket : exhorting over a buttery hatch : reforming on a bad sid
  • 76931
    Book Info
    An apology for private preaching in which those formes are warranted, or rather, justified, which the malignant sect contemne and daily by prophane pamphlets make ridiculous, viz., preaching in a tub, teaching against the backe of a chaire, instructing at a tables end, revealing in basket, exhorting over a buttery hatch, reforming on a bed side, or, indeed, any place, according to inspiration, si
  • 76932
    Book Info
    An apology for private preaching. In which those formes are warranted, or rather justified, which the maligannt sect contemne, and daily by prophane pamphlets make ridiculous. (Viz.) Preaching in a tub. Teaching against the backe of a chaire. Instructing at a tables end. Revealing in a basket. Exhorting over a buttery hatch. Reforming on a bed side
  • 76933
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    An appeale to the world in these times of extreame danger.
  • 76934
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    An appendix to the late answer printed by His Majesties command, or, Some seasonable animadversions upon the late observator and his seaven anti-monarchicall assertions with a vindication of the King and some observations upon the two houses.
  • 76935
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    An argument or debate in lavv of the great qvestion concerning the militia as it is novv settled by ordinance of both the Houses of Parliament by which it is endeavoured to prove the legalitie of it and to make it warrantable by the fundamentall laws of the land : in which answer is also given to all objections that do arise either directly or coll
  • 76936
    Book Info
    An argument or, debate in law: of the great question concerning the militia; as it is now settled by ordinance of both the Houses of Parliament. By which, it is endeavoured, to prove the legalitie of it, and to make it warrantable by the fundamentall laws of the land. In which, answer is also given to all objections that do arise, either directly,
  • 76937
    Book Info
    An argument upon a generall demurrer joyned and entred in an action of false imprisonment in the Kings Bench Court termino Trinitatis 1631. rot. 1483. parte tertia, betweene George Huntley ... and William Kingsley ... and published by the said George Huntley ...
  • 76938
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    An armie for Ireland conducted by the Lord Lithe [Lisle], son to the right honourable, the Earle of Licester, Lord Deputy of Ireland being a vote of both houses in Parliament for the sending of a speedy ayd into Ireland consisting both of the Scottish and English army : speaking of the great feare that the city of Dublin hath been in and in what danger to be taken sundry times, but now most valia
  • 76939
    Book Info
    An armie for Ireland, conducted by the Lord Lithe [Lisle], son to the right honourable, the Earle of Licester, Lord Deputy of Ireland. Being a vote of both houses in Parliament for the sending of speedy ayd into Ireland, consisting both of the Scottish and English army, speaking of the great feare that the city of Dublin hath been in, and in what d
  • 76940
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    An assertion for true and Christian church-policie wherein certain politike objections made against the planting of pastours and elders in every congregation are sufficiently answered : and wherein also sundry projects are set down ...