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총 77,644건 중 76,941 - 76,960건 출력
  • 76941
    Book Info
    Ane breve descriptioun of the pest quhair in the causis, signis and sum speciall preseruatioun and cure thairof ar contenit. / Set furth be Maister Gilbert Skene, doctoure in medicine..
  • 76942
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    Anno .iiii. H. vi. De termino Michaelis anno. iiii. regni regis Henrici .vi
  • 76943
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    Archaionomia, siue de priscis anglorum legibus libri sermone Anglico, vetustate antiquissimo, aliquot abhinc seculis conscripti, atq[ue] nunc demum, magno iurisperitorum, & amantium antiquitatis omnium commodo, è tenebris in lucem vocati. Gulielmo Lambardo interprete. Regum qui has leges scripserunt nomenclationem, & quid praeterea accesserit, alte
  • 76944
    Book Info
    Articles to be enquired in the visitation, in the first yere of the raigne of our most dread soueraine lady Elizabeth, by the grace of God, of Englande, Fraunce, and Irelande, Queene, defendour of the faith, &c., anno 1559
  • 76945
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    Athravaeth Gristnogavl, le cair uedi cynnuys yn grynno'r hol brifbynciau syd i gyfaruydo dyn ar y phord i baraduys..
  • 76946
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    The accedens of armory
  • 76947
    Book Info
    The actis of Parliament of the maist hie, maist excellent, and michtie prince, and our souerane lord Iames the sext, be the grace of God, King of Scottis, begun and haldin at Edinburgh, the xv. day of Decemb. The zeir of God ane thousand, fyue hundretth lxvii. zeir Be our said souerane lordis derrest cousing [and] uncle Iames Erle of Murray, Lord A
  • 76948
    Book Info
    The arbor of amitie wherin is comprised pleasant poëms and pretie poesies, set foorth by Thomas Howell Gentleman. Anno. 1568.
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  • 76949
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    ane proclamatioun anent the tressonable conspiratouris and trublaris of the tranquillitie of the commoun welth now laitlie assemblit aganis the kingis grace authoritie
  • 76950
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    ane proclamatioun set furth be my lord regent, in the name of our soueraine lord, declaring the purpose of thame quha assistit with our souerane lordis mother. &c.
  • 76951
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    Aduertisments partly for due order in the publique administration of common prayers and vsinge the holy Sacramentes, and partly for the apparrell of all persons ecclesiasticall by vertue of the Queenes maiesties letters commaunding the same, the. xxv. day of Ianuary, in the seuenth yeare of the raigne of oure Soueraigne Lady Elyzabeth, by the grace
  • 76952
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    An almanacke and prognostication for three yeares that is to saye for the peace of oure Lord. 1571. and 1572. & 1573. now newlye added vnto my late rulles of nauigation, was pruued iiij yeres past. / practised at Grausend for the meridian of London by William Bourne student of the mathematicall science.
  • 76953
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    Ane deeclaratioun [sic] of the Lordis iust quarrell
  • 76954
    Book Info
    Anni Regis Henrici Septimi Quibus accesserunt annus primus et secundus de noua et valde bona collatione ac etiam, annus decimus, vndecimus, decimus tertius, decimus sextus, et vigesimus, nunquam ante hac aediti.
  • 76955
    Book Info
    Anni regis Henrici Septimi quibus accesserunt annus primus at secundus de noua et valde bona collatione ac etiam, annus decimus, vndecimus, decimus tertius, decimus sextus, et vigesimus, nunquam ante hac aediti|Year books (Henry VII : 1485-1509)
  • 76956
    Book Info
    Anno octauo Reginae Elizabethe At the Parliament by prorogation holden at Westminster the last day of September, in the eyght yere of the raigne of our soueraigne lady Elizabeth, by the grace of God, of England, Fraunce, and Irelande, Queene, defendour of the faith. [et]c. and there continued to the end and dissolution of the same: to the hygh plea
  • 76957
    Book Info
    Anno octauo Reginae Elizabethe at the Parliament by prorogation holden at Westminster the last day of September, in the eyght yere of the raigne of Our Soueraigne Lady Elizabeth, by the grace of God, of England, Fraunce, and Irelande, Queene, defendour of the faith, &c., and there continued to the end and dissolution of the same, to the hygh pleasure of almyghtie God, and the weale publique of th
  • 76958
    Book Info
    Anno octauo Reginæ Elizabethe At the Parliament by prorogation holden at Westminster the last day of September, in the eyght yere of the raigne of our soueraigne lady Elizabeth, by the grace of God, of England, Fraunce, and Irelande, Queene, defendour of the faith. [et]c. and there continued to the end and dissolution of the same: to the hygh pleasure of almyghtie God, and the weale publique of t
  • 76959
    Book Info
    Anno secundo & tertio Philippi & Mariae. Actes made at a parliament, begon and holde[n] at Westminster, the. xxi. daye of October, in the seconde and thyrde yeare of the reigne of our soueraygne Lorde, and Lady Philip and Mary, by the grace of God, kinge [and] Quene of England, Fraunce, Naples, Ierusalem, and Ireland, defendours of the fayth, princ
  • 76960
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    Anno tricesimo sexto Henrici sexti