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  • 77021
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    Anno tertio Henrici Octavi The kynge our soueraygne lorde Henry the eyght ...
  • 77022
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    Anno tertio Henrici Octavi The kynge our soueraygne lorde Henry the eyght ...
  • 77023
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    Anno vicesimo secundo Henrici Octaui statuta bonum publicum concernentia edita in parliamento tento apud vvestm. xvi die Ianuarii , agno regni prepotentissimi et metuendissimi Anglie & Francie regis ... Henrici octaui xxii post diuersas prorogationes eiusdem parliamenti primo inchoati apud Londinum iii die Nouembris, anno xxi eiusdem regis ... et ibidem continuati per xliiii dies, videlicet v
  • 77024
    Book Info
    Anno vicesimo secundo Henrici Octaui statuta bonum publicum concernentia edita in parliamento tento apud vvestm. xvi die Ianuarii , agno regni prepotentissimi et metuendissimi Anglie & Francie regis ... Henrici octaui xxii post diuersas prorogationes eiusdem parliamenti primo inchoati apud Londinum iii die Nouembris, anno xxi eiusdem regis ... et ibidem continuati per xliiii dies, videlicet vsq[u
  • 77025
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    Articles to be enquired of in the visitation of the moste Reuerend father in God, Matthew, by the sufferaunce of God Archebyshop of Canterbury, Primate of all Englande, and Metropolitane in the yeare of oure Lorde God, M, D. LXIII.
  • 77026
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    Articles. wherevpon it was agreed by the archbysshops and bisshops of both the prouinces, and the whole clergye, in the conuocation holden at London in the yere of our Lord God M.D.lxii accordyng to the computation of the Churche of England, for thauoydyng of the diuersities of opinions, and for the stablyshyng of consent touchyng true religion. / Put foorth by the Quenes aucthoritie.|Thirty-nine
  • 77027
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    Articuli de quibus in synodo Londinensi anno Domini iuxta ecclesiae Anglicanae computationem M.D.LXII ad tollendam opinionum dissensionem & firmandum in uera religione consensum, inter archiepiscopos episcoposq[ue] utriusq[ue?] prouinciae, nec non etiam uniuersum clerum conuenit.|Thirty-nine Articles.
  • 77028
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    The agreemente of sondry places of scripture seeming in shew to iarre, seruing in stead of commentaryes, not onely for these, but others lyke, translated out of French, and nowe fyrst publyshed by Arthure Broke. Seene and allowed, accordyng to the ordre appoynted in the Queenes Maiestyes iniunctions.
  • 77029
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    The arte of rhetorike for the vse of all soche as are studious of eloquence, sette forth in Englishe, by Thomas Wilson. 1553.
  • 77030
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    Against filthy writing, and such like delighting.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 77031
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    Aggeus and Abdias prophetes the one corrected, the other newly added, and both at large declared.
  • 77032
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    All the statutes of the stannary. 1562
  • 77033
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    An abridgement of the chronicles of England, gathered by Richard Grafton, citizen of London. Anno Do. 1563. Perused and allowed, according to an order taken
  • 77034
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    An almanach for the yere M. D. LXII. made by maister Michael Nostradamus Doctour in Phisicke, of Salon of Craux in Prouance.
  • 77035
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    An apologie of priuate masse sediciously spredde abroade in writyng without name of the authour: as it semeth, against the offer and protestacion made in certain sermons by the reuerende father Byshop of Salesburie. With an answere and confutacion of the same, set forth for the defence and maintenance of the trueth.
  • 77036
    Book Info
    An apologie of priuate masse sediciously spredde abroade in writyng without name of the authour: as it semeth, against the offer and protestacion made in certain sermons by the reuerende father Byshop of Salesburie. With an answere and confutacion of the same, set forth for the defence and maintenance of the trueth.
  • 77037
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    An apologie of priuate masse spred abroade in writing without name of the authour: as it seemeth, against the offer and protestacion made in certayne sermons by the reuerent father Bisshop of Salsburie: with an answer to the same Apologie, set foorth for the maintenance and defence of the trueth. Perused and allowed, by the reuerent father in God E
  • 77038
    Book Info
    An apologie of priuate masse spred abroade in writing without name of the authour: as it seemeth, against the offer and protestacion made in certayne sermons by the reuerent father Bisshop of Salsburie: with an answer to the same Apologie, set foorth for the maintenance and defence of the trueth. Perused and allowed, by the reuerent father in God Edmonde Bisshop of London, accordynge to the order
  • 77039
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    An apologie, or aunswer in defence of the Church of England concerninge the state of religion vsed in the same. Newly set forth in Latin, and nowe translated into Englishe.
  • 77040
    Book Info
    An apologie, or aunswer in defence of the Church of England concerninge the state of religion vsed in the same. Newly set forth in Latin, and nowe translated into Englishe.