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총 77,644건 중 77,061 - 77,080건 출력
  • 77061
    Book Info
    Articles to be enquired in the visitation, in the firste yere of the raigne of our moste dread soueraigne lady, Elizabeth by the grace of God, of Englande, Fraunce, and Irelande, Queene, defendour of the faith. &c. Anno. 1559.
  • 77062
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    The accedens of armory
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 77063
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    The arte of rhetorique for the vse of all soche as are studious of eloquence, set forth in Englishe, by Thomas Wilson. 1553.
  • 77064
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    The arte of warre, written first in Italia[n] by Nicholas Machiauell, and set forthe in Englishe by Peter Whitehorne, studient at Graies Inne: with an addicio[n] of other like marcialle feates and experimentes, and in a table in the ende of the booke maie appere
  • 77065
    Book Info
    All the examinacions of the constante martir of God M. Iohn Bradforde before the Lorde Chauncellour, B. of Winchester the B. of London, [and] other co[m]missioners: whervnto ar annexed, his priuate talk [and] conflictes in prison after his condemnacion, with the Archbishop of york, the B. of Chichester, Alfonsus, and King Philips confessour, two Sp
  • 77066
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    An A.B.C. for chyldren
  • 77067
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    An admonicion against astrology iudiciall and other curiosities, that raigne novv in the vvorld: written in the french tonge by Ihon Caluine and translated into English, by G.G.
  • 77068
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    Ane oration made by Master Theodore de Beze, minister of the word of God, accompanyed with. xi. other ministers and. xx. deputies of the refourmed churches of the realme of Fraunce, in the presence of the king, ... Tuesday the ix. day of September, 1561, in the noonnery of Poyssy. Truely gathered and set forth in suct sort as it was spoken by the s
    De Bèze
  • 77069
    Book Info
    Anno XXVIII Henrici VIII. Actes made in the parliamente begunne and holden at Westminster the. viii. day of Iune, in the. xxviii. yere of the reigne of our moste drad soueraigne lorde kynge Henry the. viii. ...
  • 77070
    Book Info
    Articles for instruction of all the Viceadmiralles within the realme, howe to proceade for the preseruation of the quiet trade of all marchauntes and fysshermen, aswell strangers as Englyshe, resortyng to the seas for exercise of theyr lawfull trades
  • 77071
    Book Info
    Articles to be enquired in the visitation, in the firste yere of the raigne of our moste dread soueraigne lady Elizabeth, by the grace of God, of Englande, Fraunce, & Ireland, Quene, defendour of the faith, &c., anno 1559
  • 77072
    Book Info
    The Actes of the ambassage passed at the meatinge of the lordes and princes of Germany at Naumburg in Thuringe concerninge the matters there moued by Pope Pius the iiij. in the yeare of our Lord 1561 and the fyfth day of February item, the answere of the same lords and princes, geuen to the Popes nuntio vpon the eygth day of February / translated out of the Duch into English.
  • 77073
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    The arte of nauigation conteynyng a compendious description of the sphere, with the makyng of certen instrumentes and rules for nauigations: and exemplified by manye demonstrations. Wrytten in the Spanyshe tongue by Martin Cortes, and directed to the emperour Charles the fyfte. Translated out of Spanyshe into Englyshe by Richard Eden. 1561.
  • 77074
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    The articles of lete and courte for the lyberties of Southwarke
  • 77075
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    Ad Elizabetham Reginam Angliae, franciae, Hyberniae. &c. de iustificatione elegiaca pauca, Jacobi Whittiscoti, Londini, ludimagistri.
  • 77076
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    Aggeus the prophete declared by a large commentary J.P.L.C.
  • 77077
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    Aggeus the prophete declared by a large commentarye I.P.L.C.
  • 77078
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    Aggeus the prophete declared by a large commentarye I.P.L.C.
  • 77079
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    An abridgemente of the notable worke of Polidore Virgile Conteining the deuisers and fyrste fyneders oute aswell of antyquities, artes, ministeries, feactes and ciuill ordinaunces, as of the rites, and ceremonies, commonlye vsed in the churche: and the original beginning of the same. Compendiouslye gathered and newlye perused by Thomas Langley.
  • 77080
    Book Info
    An alwanacke [sic] and prognosticacio[n] for this year of our Lorde God M.D.LX. Practised in London for the comone profite of all men. Made by Henry Rogeforde