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  • 77081
    Book Info
    An answer to a great nomber of blasphemous cauillations written by an Anabaptist, and aduersarie to Gods eternal predestination. And confuted by Iohn Knox, minister of Gods worde in Scotland. Wherein the author so discouereth the craft and falshode of that sect, that the godly knowing that error, may be confirmed in the trueth by the euident Worde
  • 77082
    Book Info
    Anno primo Reginae Elizabethe At the parliament begonne at Westmynster, the xxiij. of Ianuarye in the fyrste yeare of the raygne of oure Soueraigne Ladye, Elizabeth by the grace of God, of England, Fraunce and Ireland, Quene, defendoure of the fayth, [et]c. And there proroged tyll the. xxv of the same moneth, and then and there holden, kepte, and c
  • 77083
    Book Info
    Anno quinto et sexto Eduardi Sexti Actes made in the session of this prese[n]t parlamente, holden vpon prorogacion at Westminster, the .xxiii. daye of Januarye, in the fyueth yeare of the reygne of our most dradde souereygne Lorde, Edwarde the .VI. by the grace of God, kynge of Englande, Fraunce, and Ireland, defendour of the fayth, and of the Chur
  • 77084
    Book Info
    Anno secundo et tertio Philippi & Mariae. Actes made at a parlyamente begon and holde[n] at Westmister the .xxj. daye of October, in the seconde and thyrde yeare of the reigne of our soueraygne Lorde and Ladye, Phylyppe and Marye by the grace of God, Kyng and Queene of Englande, Fraunce Naples Jerusalem, and Ireland, defendors of the fayth, princes
  • 77085
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    Antiprognosticon contra inutiles astrologorum praedictiones Nostradami, Cuninghami, Loui, Hilli, Vaghami, & reliquorum omnium. Authore Gulielmo Fulcone. Sapiens dominabitur astris
  • 77086
    Book Info
    Antiprognosticon that is to saye, an inuectiue agaynst the vayne and vnprofitable predictions of the astrologians as Nostrodame, [et]c. Translated out of Latine into Englishe. Whervnto is added by the author a shorte treatise in Englyshe, as well for the vtter subuersion of that fained arte, as also for the better vnderstandynge of the common peopl
  • 77087
    Book Info
    Arthur of Brytayn The hystory of the moost noble and valyaunt knyght Arthur of lytell brytayne, translated out of frensshe in to englisshe by the noble Iohan bourghcher knyght lorde Barners, newly imprynted.
  • 77088
    Book Info
    Articles for to be inquired of, in the metropolitical visitation of the moste Reuerende father in God Matthew, by the sufferaunce of God, Archebyshop of Canterbury, primate of all England, and metropolitane: in the second yeare of oure soueraigne ladye Qvene Elizabeth, by the grace of God Quene of England, Fraunce, and Ireland, defendor of the faith. &c. Anno Domini MDLX.
  • 77089
    Book Info
    The Arte Of Rhetorique, For the Use Of All Soche As Are Studious Of Eloquence, [... By Thomas Wilson]
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 77090
    Book Info
    The arte of rhetorique for the vse of all soche as are studious of eloquence, set forthe in Englishe, by Thomas Wilson. 1553.
  • 77091
    Book Info
    The arte of rhetorique, for the vse of all soche as are studious of eloquence, set forthe in Englishe, / by Thomas Wilson. 1553.
  • 77092
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    An almanacke for the yeare of oure Lorde God, 1559. Composed by Mayster Mychael Nostradamus, Doctour of Physike
  • 77093
    Book Info
    An almanacke made by the notable and worthie clerke Michael Nostradamus, for the yere, from the birth of our sauiour Jesu Christ, 1559 ; whose contentes with the use thereof, followeth in the next page.|Almanacke for the yere, from the birth of our sauiour Jesu Christ, 1559.
  • 77094
    Book Info
    Ane dialog betuix Experience and ane courteour Off the miserabyll estait of the warld. Compylit be Schir Dauid Lyndesay of the mont knycht alias, Lyone Kyng of Armes. And is deuidit in four partis. As efter followis.
  • 77095
    Book Info
    Anni Regis Henrici Septimi Quibus accesserunt annus primus & secundus de noua & valde bona collatione. Ac etiam, annus decimus, vndecimus, decimus tertius, decimus sextus, & vigesimus, nunquam ante hac aediti.
  • 77096
    Book Info
    Anno primo Reginae Elizabethe At the parliament begonne at Westmynster, the xxiii. of January in the fyrste yeare of the reigne of oure Soueraigne Ladye, Elizabeth by the grace of God, of England, Fraunce and Ireland, Quene, defendoure of the faithe, [et]c. And there proroged tyll the. xxv. of the same moneth, and then and there holden, kept, and c
  • 77097
    Book Info
    Anno primo reginae Elizabethe at the Parliament begonne at Westminster, the xxiii. of Januarye in the fyrst yeare of the reigne of oure soueraigne lady, Elizabeth by the grace of God, of England, Fraunce and Ireland, quene, defendour of the faith, &c. and there proroged till the xxv. of the same moneth, and then and there holden, kepte, and continued vntill the dissolution of the same, being the
  • 77098
    Book Info
    Anno primo reginae Elizabethe at the Parliament begonne at Westmynster, the xxiii. of January in the fyrste yeare of the reigne of oure soueraigne ladye, Elizabeth by the grace of God, of England, Fraunce and Ireland, quene, defendoure of the faithe, &c. and there proroged tyll the xxv. of the same moneth, and then and there holden, kept, and continued vntill the dissolution of the same, beyng th
  • 77099
    Book Info
    Anno primo reginae Elizabethe at the Parliament begonne at Westmynster, the xxiii. of January in the fyrste yeare of the reigne of oure soueraigne ladye, Elizabeth by the grace of God, of England, Fraunce and Ireland, quene, defendoure of the faithe, &c. and there proroged tyll the xxv. of the same moneth, and then and there holden, kept, and continued vntill the dissolution of the same, beyng th
  • 77100
    Book Info
    Anno primo reginae Elizabethe at the Parliament begonne at Westmynster, the xxiii. of January in the fyrste yeare of the reigne of oure soueraigne ladye, Elizabeth by the grace of God, of England, Fraunce and Ireland, quene, defendoure of the faithe, &c. and there proroged tyll the xxv. of the same moneth, and then and there holden, kept, and continued vntill the dissolution of the same, beyng th