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총 77,644건 중 77,101 - 77,120건 출력
  • 77101
    Book Info
    Anno primo reginae Elizabethe at the Parliament begunne at Westminster, the xxiii. of January in the fyrste yeere of the reigne of our soueraigne lady Elizabeth, by the grace of God, of England, Fraunce and Irelande, queene, defender of the fayth, &c. and there proroged tyll the xxv. of the same moneth, & then and there holden, kept, and continued vntyll the dissolution of the same, beyng the
  • 77102
    Book Info
    Anno primo reginae Elizabethe at the Parliament begunne at Westminster, the xxiij. of Januarie in the fyrst yeere of the raigne of oure soueraigne lady Elizabeth, by the grace of God, of Englande, Fraunce and Irelande, queene, defender of the fayth, &c. and there proroged tyll the xxv. of the same moneth, and then & there holden, kept, and continued vntyll the dissolution of the same, beyng t
  • 77103
    Book Info
    Articles to be enquired in the visitation, in the fyrst yeere of the raigne of our most dread soueraigne Ladye Elizabeth, by the grace of God, of Englande, Fraunce, and Irelande, Queene, defendour of the fayth, &c.
  • 77104
    Book Info
    Articles to be enquyred in the visitacyon, in the fyrst yeare of the raigne of our most drad soueraygne Lady, Elyzabeth by the grace of God, of England Fraunce, and Irelande Quene, defender of the fayth. &c. Anno. 1559.
  • 77105
    Book Info
    Articles to be enquyred in the visitacyon, in the fyrste yeare of the raigne of our most dread soveraygne Lady, Elyzabeth by the grace of God, of England Fraunce, and Irelande, quene. defender of the fayth, &c. Anno 1559.|Visitation Articles.
  • 77106
    Book Info
    Articles to be enquyred in the visitation, in the fyrste yeare of the raygne of our moost drad soueraygne lady, Elizabeth by the grace of God, of Englande Fraunce, and Irelande, Quene, defender of the fayth. &c. Anno. 1559.
  • 77107
    Book Info
    An acte for the hauynge of horsse, armour and weapon|Laws, etc.
  • 77108
    Book Info
    An aunsuuere made by Bar. Traheron to a priuie papiste vvhich crepte in to the English congregation of Christian exiles vndre the visor of a fauorer of the Gospel, but at lenghth bewraied himselfe to be one of the popes asses, thorough his slouche eares and than became a laughing stocke to al the companie, whom he had amased before with his maske : hereunto is added the subscription of the cheife
  • 77109
    Book Info
    Ane compendius tractiue conforme to the scripturis of almychtie God, ressoun, and authoritie declaring the nerrest, and onlie way, to establische the conscience of ane christiane man, in all materis (quhilks ar in debate) concernyng faith and religioun. Set fvrth be Maister Qvintine Kennedy, commendatar of the abbay off Crosraguell, and dedicat to
  • 77110
    Book Info
    Ane dialog betuix Experience and ane courteour Off the miserabill estait of the warld. Compilit be Schir Dauid Lyndesay of ye Mont knycht alias, Lyone King of Armes. And is deuidit in foure partis. As efter followis. [et]c.
  • 77111
    Book Info
    Ane dialog betuix Experience and ane courteour Off the miserabill estait of the warld. Compilit be Schir Dauid Lyndesay of ye Mont knycht alias, Lyone Kyng of Armes. And is deuidit in foure partis. As efter followis. [et]c.
  • 77112
    Book Info
    Ane dialog betuix Experience and ane courteour. Off [sic] the miserabill estait of the warld. / Compilit be Schir Dauid Lyndesay of ye Mont knycht alias, Lyone King of Armes. And is deuidit in foure partis. As efter followis. [et]c.
  • 77113
    Book Info
    Anno primo et secu[n]do Philippi & Mariae actes made at a Parliament begon and holden at Westminster the xi day of Nouember in the firste and seco[n]d year of the reigne of our Soueraigne Lorde and Lady, Philippe and Marye by the Grace of God, King and Quene of England, Fraunce Naples, Ierusalem, and Ireland, Defenders of the Faythe, Princes of Spayne and Seicile, Arche-Dukes of Austria, Duke
  • 77114
    Book Info
    Anno quarto & quinto Philippi & Mariae acts made at a Parliament begun and holden at Westminster the twentieth day of Ianuarie, in the fourth and fifth yere of the raigne of our Soueraigne Lorde & Ladye Philip and Mary, by the Grace of God King and Queene of Englande, Spaine, Fraunce, both the Sciciles, Hierusalem, and Ireland, Defenders of the Fayth, Archdukes of Austria, Dukes of Bu
  • 77115
    Book Info
    Anno quarto et quinto Philippi & Mariae actes made at a Parliament begon and holden at Westminster the xx. day of January in the fourthe and fifte yeare of the reigne of our soueraigne lorde and lady, Philippe and Marye by the grace of God, Kinge and Quene of England, Spayne, Fraunce, both the Sicilies, Jerusalem, and Ireland, defendours of the faythe, archedukes of Austria, dukes of Burgundy
  • 77116
    Book Info
    Anno quarto et quinto, Philippi & Mariae actes made at a Parliament begon and holden at Westminster, the xx daye of January, in the fourth and fift yeare of the reigne of Oure Soueraigne Lorde and Lady, Philippe and Marye by the grace of God, Kinge and Quene of England, Spayne, Fraunce, both the Sicilles, Jerusalem, and Irelande, defendours of the faith, archidukes of Austria, dukes of Burgon
  • 77117
    Book Info
    Anno quarto et quinto, Philippi & Mariae actes made at a Parliament begon and holden at Westminster, the xx daye of January, in the fourth and fift yeare of the reigne of Oure Soueraigne Lorde and Lady, Philippe and Marye by the grace of God, Kinge and Quene of England, Spayne, Fraunce, both the Sicilles, Jerusalem, and Irelande, defendours of the faith, archidukes of Austria, dukes of Burgon
  • 77118
    Book Info
    Anno quarto et quinto, Philippi & Mariae. Actes made at a Parliament begon and holden at Westminster, the .xx daye of January, in the fourth and fift yeare of the reigne of oure soueraigne Lorde and Lady, Philippe and Marye by the grace of God, kinge and Quene of England, Spayne, Fraunce, both the Sicilles, Jerusalem, and Jrelande, defendours of the faith, archidukes of Austria, dukes of Burg
  • 77119
    Book Info
    Anno quarto et quinto, Philippi & Mariæ actes made at a Parliament begon and holden at Westminster, the xx daye of January, in the fourth and fift yeare of the reigne of Oure Soueraigne Lorde and Lady, Philippe and Marye by the grace of God, Kinge and Quene of England, Spayne, Fraunce, both the Sicilles, Jerusalem, and Irelande, defendours of the faith, archidukes of Austria, dukes of Burgondie,
  • 77120
    Book Info
    Anno quarto et quinto, Philippi & Mariæ actes made at a Parliament begon and holden at Westminster, the xx daye of January, in the fourth and fift yeare of the reigne of Oure Soueraigne Lorde and Lady, Philippe and Marye by the grace of God, Kinge and Quene of England, Spayne, Fraunce, both the Sicilles, Jerusalem, and Irelande, defendours of the faith, archidukes of Austria, dukes of Burgondie,