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총 77,644건 중 77,141 - 77,160건 출력
  • 77141
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    Articles to be enquyred of in thordinary visitation of the most reuerende father in God, the Lord Cardinall Pooles grace Archbyshop of Cannterbury wythin hys Dioces of Cantorbury. In the yeare of our Lorde God. m.d.c.lvi
  • 77142
    Book Info
    Articles to be enquyred of in thordinary visitation of the most reuerende father in God, the Lord Cardinall Pooles grace Archbyshop of Cannterbury wythin hys Dioces of Cantorbury. In the yeare of our Lorde God. m.d.c.lvi
  • 77143
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    The antidotharius in the whiche thou mayst lerne howe thou shalt make many and dyuers noble plaesters, salues, oyntementes, powders, bawmes, oyles, and wounde drynkes, the whiche be verye necessarye, and behouefull, vtyle and profytable for euery surgyan, therin to be experte, and redy at all tymes of nede.
  • 77144
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    An acte agaynst the excessiue takynge of the Kynge and the Queenes Maiesties purueyours
  • 77145
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    An acte for the amendynge of hyghe wayes
  • 77146
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    An acte for the kepynge of milche kyen, and for the breadynge and rearynge of calues
  • 77147
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    An acte that purueyors shall not take victualles, within fiue myles of Cambrydge and Oxforde
  • 77148
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    An acte to make voyde d[yue]rs lycences of houses w[here] unlawefull [ga]mes be vsed.
  • 77149
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    An almanacke and prognosticacion for the yere of our Lord God D.CCCCC.LV. [sic] Made by Master Antonius de Mortulind, an Italian, doctoure of phisicke and astronymy.
    De Montulmo
  • 77150
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    An almanacke and prognostication for [...]
  • 77151
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    An almanacke and prognostication for [...]
  • 77152
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    An almanacke and prognostication made for the yeare, of our Lorde God, M. D. C. LV [sic] made by Maister Anthony Askham phisician and preste.
  • 77153
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    An almanacke and prognostication, for the yere of our Lorde God M. D.L.V. Declarynge the rysynge and settinge of the sonne, for euery daye accordynge to my almanacke made the last yere, ... made by [Anthony Askham] preest.
  • 77154
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    An apologie fully ansvveringe by scriptures and auncea[n]t doctors, a blasphemose book gathered by D. Steph. Gardiner nou Lord chauncelar and D. Smyth of Oxford, and other papists, as by ther books appeare, and of late setfurth vnder the name of Thomas Martin doctor of the ciuile lawes as of himself he saieth, against the godly mariadge of priests.
  • 77155
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    An apologie or defence agaynst the calumnacion of certayne men which preferring wylfull wyll and carnal reason before the playn trueth of Gods gospel, (do sclaundre those men, which for the better seruinge of God with a more pure conscience, according to his holy word) haue abandoned theyr liuinges and vocacion, abydinge as exyles in poore estate o
  • 77156
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    Anni Regis Henrici Septimi Quibus accesserunt annus primus & secundus de noua & valde bona collatione, ac etiam, annus decimus, vndecimus, decimus tertius, decimus sextus, & vigesimus, nunquam ante hac aediti.
  • 77157
    Book Info
    Anno primo & secundo Philippi & Mariae actes made at a Parliament, begon and holde[n] at Westminster, the xii daye of Nouember, in the fyrste and seconde yeare of the reigne of Our Soueraygne Lorde, and Lady Philip and Mary, by the grace of God, Kinge & Quene of England, Fraunce, Naples, Jerusalem, and Ireland, defendours of the fayth, princes of Spayne and Cycilie, archedukes of Aust
  • 77158
    Book Info
    Anno primo & secundo Philippi & Mariae actes made at a Parliament, begon and holde[n] at Westminster, the xij. daye of Nouember, in the fyrste and seconde yeare of the reigne of our soueraygne lorde and lady Philip and Mary, by the grace of God, Kinge & Quene of England, Fraunce, Naples, Jerusalem, and Ireland, defendours of the fayth, princes of Spayne and Cycilie, archedukes of Aust
  • 77159
    Book Info
    Anno primo & secundo Philippi & Mariae actes made at a Parliament, begon and holde[n] at Westminster, the xij. daye of Nouember, in the fyrste and seconde yeare of the reigne of our soueraygne lorde and lady Philip and Mary, by the grace of God, Kinge & Quene of England, Fraunce, Naples, Jerusalem, and Ireland, defendours of the fayth, princes of Spayne and Cycilie, archedukes of Aust
  • 77160
    Book Info
    Anno primo & secundo Philippi & Mariae actes made at a Parliament, begon and holde[n] at Westminster, the xij. daye of Nouember, in the fyrste and seconde yeare of the reigne of our soueraygne lorde and lady Philip and Mary, by the grace of God, Kinge & Quene of England, Fraunce, Naples, Jerusalem, and Ireland, defendours of the fayth, princes of Spayne and Cycilie, archedukes of Aust