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총 77,644건 중 77,201 - 77,220건 출력
  • 77201
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    Al such Psalmes of Dauid, as Thomas Sternhold, late grome of the kinges maiesties robes did in his lyfe time drawe into english meter
  • 77202
    Book Info
    All suche Psalmes of Dauid as Thomas Sternhold late grome of y[e] Kynges Maiesties robes, did in his lyfe tyme draw into English metre.
  • 77203
    Book Info
    All suche Psalmes of Dauid, as Thomas Sternholde, late grome of the Kinges Maiesties robes, did in his life tyme drawe into English metre.
  • 77204
    Book Info
    All suche psalmes of Dauid as Thomas Sterneholde, late grome of the Kynges Maiesties robes, did in his lyfe tyme drawe into Englishe metre.
  • 77205
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    An Aue Maria in commendation of our most vertuous queene.|Ave Maria in commendation of our most vertuous queene|Haile Quene of Engla[n]d, of most worthy fame
  • 77206
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    An acte agaynst offenders of preachers, and other ministers of the Churche
  • 77207
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    An acte agaynst vnlawfull and rebellious assemble
  • 77208
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    An acte for the repeale of certayne actes made in the tyme of Kyng Edwarde the Sixt|Laws, etc.
  • 77209
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    An admonishion to the bishoppes of VVinchester, London and others &c.
  • 77210
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    An almanacke and prognostication, made for the yere of our Lorde God. M. D.L.III. declaryng the rysynge, nonesteade, and settyng of the .vii. starres, ... made by Anthony Askham phisition.
  • 77211
    Book Info
    Anno III. & IIII. Edvvardi sexti Actes made in the session of this present parlament, holden vpon prorogation at Westminster, the .iiii daie of Nouembre, in the thirde yere of the reigne of our most dread souuereine Lorde Edward the .vi by the grace of God, king of Englande, Fraunce, and Ireland, defendour of the faith, and of the Churche of Englan
  • 77212
    Book Info
    Anno III. & IIII. Edvvardi sexti. Actes made in the session of this present parlament, holden vpon prorogation at Westminster, the .iiii daie of Nouembre, in the thirde yere of the reigne of our most dread souuereine Lorde Edward the .vi by the grace of God, king of Englande, Fraunce, and Ireland, defendour of the faith, and of the Churche of Engla
  • 77213
    Book Info
    Anno primo Edvvardi Sexti Statutes made in the parlamente begon at Westminstre the fowerth daie of Nouembre, in the first yere of the reigne of our most dreade souuerein lorde Edvvard the VI. By the grace of God, king of Englande, Fraunce, and Irelande, defendour of the faith, and of the Churche of Englande, and also of Ireland in earth the supreme
  • 77214
    Book Info
    Anno quinto et sexto Eduardi Sexti Actes made in the session of this present parlamente, holden vpo[n] prorogacion at Westminster, the .xxiii. daye of Januarye, in the fyueth yeare of the reygne of our most dradde souereygne Lorde, Edwarde the .VI. by the grace of God, kynge of Englande, Fraunce, and Irelande, defendour of the fayth, and of the Chu
  • 77215
    Book Info
    Anno quinto et sexto Eduardi Sexti Actes made in the session of this present parlamente, holden vpo[n] prorogacion at Westminster, the .xxiii. daye of Januarye, in the fyueth yeare of the reygne of our most dradde souereygne Lorde, Edwarde the .VI. by the grace of God, kynge of Englande, Fraunce, and Irelande, defendour of the fayth, and of the Churche of Englande and Ireland, in earthe the supre
  • 77216
    Book Info
    Anno septimo Eduuardi Sexti actes made in the Parlamente holden at Westminster, the first daie of Marche, in the VII. yere of the reigne of our moste redoubted souuereine lorde Edwarde the VI by the grace of God King of Englande, Fraunce, and Irelande, defendour of the faieth, and of the Churche of Englande & also of Irelande in earth the supreme head, and there continued to the dissolucion o
  • 77217
    Book Info
    Anno septimo Eduuardi Sexti actes made in the Parlamente holden at Westminster, the first daie of Marche, in the VII. yere of the reigne of our moste redoubted souuereine lorde Edwarde the VI by the grace of God King of Englande, Fraunce, and Irelande, defendour of the faieth, and of the Churche of Englande & also of Irelande in earth the supreme head, and there continued to the dissolucion of th
  • 77218
    Book Info
    Anno septimo Eduuardi Sexti actes made in the Parlamente holden at Westminster, the firste daye of Marche, in the VII. yeare of the reigne of oure moste redoubted souuereine lorde Edward the VI by the grace of God Kinge of Englande, Fraunce, and Ireland, defendour of the fayth, and of the Churche of Englande, and also of Irelande, in earth the supreme head, and there continued to the dissolucion
  • 77219
    Book Info
    Anno septimo Edvvardi Sexti Actes made in the parlament holden at Westminster, the first daie of Marche, in the. VII. yere of the reigne of our moste redoubted souuereine lorde Edwarde the. VI. by the grace of God, King of Englande Fraunce, and Irelande, defendour of the faith, and of the Churche of Englande and also of Irelande in earth the suprem
  • 77220
    Book Info
    Anno septimo Edvvardi Sexti Actes made in the parlament holden at Westminster, the first daie of Marche, in the. VII. yere of the reigne of our moste redoubted souuereine lorde Edwarde the. VI. by the grace of God, King of Englande Fraunce, and Irelande, defendour of the faith, and of the Churche of Englande and also of Irelande in earth the supreme head: and there continued to the dissolucion of