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총 77,644건 중 77,221 - 77,240건 출력
  • 77221
    Book Info
    Anno septimo Edvvardi Sexti Actes made in the parlamente holden at Westminster, the first daie of Marche, in the. VII. yere of the reigne of our moste redoubted souuereine lorde Edwarde the. VI. by the grace of God, King of Englande, Fraunce, and Irelande, defendour of the faieth, and of the Churche of Englande, and also of Irelande in earth the su
  • 77222
    Book Info
    Anno vicesimo secundo Henrici Octavi statuta bonum publicum concernentia edita in Parliamento tento apud VVestm. xvi. die Ianuarii, anno regni ... Henrici Octaui xxii. post diuersas prorogationes eiusdem Parliamenti primo inchoati apud Londinum iii. die Nouembris, anno xxi. eiusdem regis ...|Laws, etc.
  • 77223
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    Anno xiiii Henrici VIII de termino Michaelis
  • 77224
    Book Info
    Anno xiiii Henrici VIII de termino Michaelis|Year books (Henry VIII : 1509-1547)
  • 77225
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    Anno. xiiii. Henrici Sexti
  • 77226
    Book Info
    Anno. xiiii. Henrici Sexti
  • 77227
    Book Info
    Articles agreed on by the bishoppes, and other learned menne in the Synode at London, in the yere of our Lorde Godde, M. D. LII. for the auoiding of controuersie in opinions, and the establishement of a godlie concorde, in certeine matiers of religion..|Articles agreed on by the bishops, and other learned men in the Synod at London|Articles published by the Kinges Maiestie
  • 77228
    Book Info
    Articles agreed on by the bishoppes, and other learned menne in the synode at London, in the yere of our Lorde Godde, M.D.LII. for the auoiding of controuersie in opinions, and the establishement of a godlie concorde, in certeine matiers of religion.
  • 77229
    Book Info
    Articles agreed on by the bishoppes, and other learned menne in the synode at London, in the yere of our Lorde Godde, M.D.LII. for the auoiding of controuersie in opinions, and the establishement of a godlie concorde, in certeine matiers of religion.
  • 77230
    Book Info
    The Actes of the Apostles, translated into Englyshe metre, and dedicated to the Kynges moste excellent maiestye, by Christofer Tye, Doctor in musyke, and one of the gentylmen of hys graces moste honourable chappell, wyth notes to eche chapter, to synge and also to play vpon the lute, very necessarye for studentes after theyr studye, to fyle theyr w
  • 77231
    Book Info
    The Actes of the Apostles, translated into Englyshe metre, and dedicated to the kynges moste excellent Maiestye, by Christofer Tye, doctor in musyke, and one of the gentylmen of hys graces moste honourable chappell, wyth notes to eche chapter, to synge and also to play upon the lute, very necessarye for studentes after theyr studye, to fyle theyr w
  • 77232
    Book Info
    The Actes of the Apostles, translated into Englyshe metre, and dedicated to the kynges moste excellent maiestye, by Christofer Tye, Doctor in musyke, and one of the gentylmen of hys graces moste honourable chappell, wyth notes to eche chapter, to synge and also to play vpon the lute, very necessarye for studentes after theyr studye, to fyle theyr w
  • 77233
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    The actes of the apostles
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 77234
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    The arte of rhetorique for the vse of all suche as are studious of eloquence, sette forth in English, by Thomas Wilson.
  • 77235
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    Abcedarium anglico latinum, pro tyrunculis Richardo Huloeto exscriptore
  • 77236
    Book Info
    Alphabetu[m] primum Beeardi|Cammels crosse rowe, doth playnely showe, wythout lyes or gyle, his foolyshe feattes, which raging freattes, the truthe for to reuyle.
  • 77237
    Book Info
    An acte for the prouision and relief of the poore.
  • 77238
    Book Info
    An acte, touching the exchaunge of golde and Siluer.
  • 77239
    Book Info
    An almanacke and prognostication, made for the yeare of oure Lorde God .M. D.L.II. declarynge the houre and mynute of the rysynge [and] settynge of the sunne and moone for euery day in the yere ... the whiche is composed by Anthonye Askham phisition.
  • 77240
    Book Info
    An almanake & pronosticacion [sic] for the yeare of our Lord, M.D.Lii practised by Valentine Butzlin of Wangen, doctour of astronomy and physycke.