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총 80,213건 중 80,061 - 80,080건 출력
  • 80061
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    Accide[n]tia sta[n]brigiana
  • 80062
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    Anno. XXIII. H. VIII The kynge our soueraigne lorde Henry the eight by the grace of god kynge of England and of France defender of the faithe and lorde of Irlande, at the session of his highe Courte of parliament after diuerse prorogations, holden at westmister the. XV. day of Ianuari, in the .xxiii. yere of his most noble reigne to the honour of a
  • 80063
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    Ars moriendi. Here begynneth a lytell treatyse shortlye compyled, and called Ars moriendi/that is to saye the crafte to dye, for the helth of manes soule.|Ars moriendi. English.
  • 80064
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    The Assise of bread and ale, and dyuers other thynges as appereth on the other syde of the leafe.
  • 80065
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    The art or crafte of rhetoryke
  • 80066
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    Absolutissimus de octo orationis partium constructione libellus, emendatus per Erasmum Roterodamu[m]. Item Gerardi Listrij de constructionis octo figuris: cui adhaeret (ne quis desideret) sulpitius.|Libellus de constructione octo partium orationis|Absolvtissimvs de octo orationis partium constructione libellus, emendatus per Erasmum Roterodamu[m]|De constructione octo figuris.
  • 80067
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    Aesopi phrygis et vita ex maximo planude desu[m]pta, et, fabellae iucu[n]dissime quarum interpretes bi sunt. Guilclmus Goudanus. Hadrianus Barlandus. Erasmus Rotero. A. Gellius. Lauren. Val. Angelus. Po. Petrus Crinitus. Joannes Antonius Campanus ... Index omnes tabulas indicabit. Addite sun[t] his fabellus q[uae]da[m] iucu[n]de ac honeste fabelle, selecte ex lib 9 facetijs Pogij Flore[n]i
  • 80068
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    An answere vnto Sir Thomas Mores dialoge made by Vvillyam Tindale. First he declareth what the church is, and geveth a reason of certayne wordes which Master More rebuketh in the tra[n]slacion of the newe Testament. After that he answereth particularlye vnto everye chaptre which semeth to haue anye apperaunce of truth thorow all his .iiij. bokes
  • 80069
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    Annus primus Richardi. iij
  • 80070
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    The abregeme[n]t of the statutys made in the Parlyame[n]t holden in the .xxij. yere of the rayne of Kynge Henry the Eyght|Laws, etc.
  • 80071
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    Accide[n]tia ex sta[n]brigiana editione nu[per] recognita & castigata lima Roberti Whitintoni Lichfeldie[n]sis in Florentissimo Oxonie[n]si academia laureati.|Accidence.|Accidetia ex stabrigiana editione nup recognita & castigata lima Roberti Whitintoni Lichfeldiesis in Florentissimo Oxoniesi academia laureati|Accidentia ex stanbrigiana editione nuper recognita & castigata lima Robert
  • 80072
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    Accidentia ex Stanbrigiana editione nuper recognita, et castigata ... Oxoniensi academia lauriati
  • 80073
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    Ad laudem dei [et] honorem tuamq[ue] no[n] im[m]erito flos virgo maria ecce manuale quodda[m] s[e]c[un]d[u]m vsum matris ecclesie Eboracen[sis] nouis tandem ex repetita preelectione bonaq[uae] maturitate elimatum est. A mendis penitus (mea sententia) alienum vigiliis lugubratio nibu[s]q[ue] industria bona ita nunc redactu[m] corretu[m], [et] emenda
  • 80074
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    Ad o[mn]ipote[n]tis dei gloria [...] genitricis eius Marie, en rece[n]s p[ro]diit oibus ecclesiastici officii studiosis hoc processionale ad vsum insignis ecclesie Sarum nouis quidem et maiusculis [qui] antea literarum et notularum typis excusum: et tam accurata diligentia a mendis vindicatum: vt iure optimo nouu opus videri possit.
  • 80075
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    Almynack and pronostication of the yere of oure lord, M. CCCCC, and, XXX.
  • 80076
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    Almynack and pronostication of the yere of oure lord, M. CCCCC, and, XXX.
  • 80077
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    Almynack and pronostication of the yere of oure lord, M. CCCCC, and, XXX.
  • 80078
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    Articuli ad narrationes nouas pertin[entes] formati
  • 80079
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    The assemblie of foules. Here foloweth the assemble of foules veray pleasaunt and compendyous to rede or here compyled by the preclared and famous clerke Geffray Chaucer
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 80080
    Book Info
    Accidentia ex Stanbrigiana editione nuper recognita [et] castigata lima Roberti Whitintoni Lichfeldiensis in florentissima Oxoniensi academia laureati