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  • 80181
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    Advertisement. At the Lutestring Company's arms in Coleman-street, are to be sold a pennyworth, choice of all sorts of black-silks for hoods and scarves, white sarsnets, colour'd silks for all sorts ...
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  • 80182
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    Advertisement. Our design being to make such a version of the Psalms as may be fit for common use, we endeavour it by the following methods:.
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  • 80183
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    Advertisement. Richard Newcomb, printer, from Blackfryers, now liveth in the Great Old-Baily, at the sign of the Dyers-Arms, near the Sessions-House: where he printeth all sorts of books ...
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  • 80184
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    Advertisement. Robert Pask stationer, at the Stationer's Arms and Inck-Bottle on the north side of the Royal Exchange, London: hath made a choice sort of black inck in hard balls, with that conveniency, that you may wear them about you, without any damage to the inck or your linnen ... ; Sold only at his own shop.
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  • 80185
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    Advertisement. Thomas Harbin, maker and inventer of the shining Japan-ink and cake-ink, at the Sign of the Rose, next door to the Globe-Tavern, near Hungerford-Market, in the Strand, London; selleth all sorts of shop-books ...with all sorts of stationary [sic] wares at reasonable rates..
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  • 80186
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    Aesopi Phrygis Fabula
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  • 80187
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    After the Floods: The Search for Resilience in Ellicott City
    Conca, Ken
    Oxford Scholarship Online
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  • 80188
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    Against the Tyranny of Outcomes
    Hurley, Paul
    Oxford Scholarship Online
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  • 80189
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    Agency and Cognitive Development
    Tomasello, Michael
    Oxford Scholarship Online
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  • 80190
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    Algorithms in bioinformatics: theory and implementation
    Gagniuc, Paul A.
    Wiley Online Books UBCM (Perpetual)
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  • 80191
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    Aligning Election Law
    Stephanopoulos, Nicholas O.
    Oxford Scholarship Online
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  • 80192
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    All sorts of engravin[g,] as steel & silver sealls with flat stitch upon copper plates large or small & all coats of armes according to true heraldry, by E. Kirkall..
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  • 80193
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    Almanach iournalier, our lan de grace bissetille mil six cens foixante. Diligemment suppute & calcule, suiuant les tradictions des meilleurs aucteurs. / Par M. Pierre De Larivey, Troyen. grand astrologue & mathematicien.
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  • 80194
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    An al[ma]nacke & p[ro]nostication of the re[...]med doctor in A[...] Jaspar Laet the yere of [our] Lord God. M. CCCCC[...] and the declaration of th[e] signes and theyr qualit[...] with the son rysynge[...]
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  • 80195
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    An almanack & pronosticatio[n] o[...] ye yere of our Lord. M. Vc. X[...] practised by Jasper Lae[t].
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  • 80196
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    An answer to the case of the commoners of the manor of Epworth, in the isle of Axholme in the country of Lincoln ; published in opposition to the bill for making the statutes of Edw. 1. and Edw. 6. against destroying improvements more effectual
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  • 80197
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    Ancient African Religions: A History
    Baum, Robert M.
    Oxford Scholarship Online
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  • 80198
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    Ancient Glass: An Interdisciplinary Exploration
    Henderson, Julian
  • 80199
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    Annotated Book 'Ballet Alphabet For Beginners'
    Dance Online: Dance Studies Collection
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  • 80200
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    Annotated Draft Copies Of Labanotated Scores Titled 'Mandagskole Af Bournonville'
    Dance Online: Dance Studies Collection
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