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총 50,966건 중 49,181 - 49,200건 출력
  • 49181
    Book Info
    Bibliotheca scholastica instructissima. Or, A treasury of ancient adagies, and sententious prouerbes selected out of the English, Greeke, Latine, French, Italian and Spanish. Ranked in alphabeticall order, and suited to one and the same sense. Published by Thomas Draxe Batch. in Diuinitie.
  • 49182
    Book Info
    Bretnor 1616 a newe almanacke and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord God 1616, being bissextile or leape yeare: calculated and composed according to art for the latitude and meridian of the honourable city of London and may well serue all the south parts of Great Britaine / by Thomas Bretnor ...
  • 49183
    Book Info
    Bretnor. 1616. A newe almanacke and prognostication, for the yeare of our Lord God, 1616. Being bissextile or Leape yeare. Calculated [and] composed according to art for the latitude and meridian of the honorable city of London, and may well serue all the south parts of Great-Britaine. / By Thomas Bretnor professour of the mathematicks & student in
  • 49184
    Book Info
    Britannia's pastorals
  • 49185
    Book Info
    Britannia's pastorals.
  • 49186
    Book Info
    Britannia's pastorals.
  • 49187
    Book Info
    Browne, 1616 a new almanacke and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord God, 1616, being the leap yeare : calculated for the meridian of Calcot by Crekelade in Wilshire, hauing 51. degrees, & 45. minutes of latitude, and in longitude 23. degrees, and 30. minutes : and may well serue all the south & west parts of Great Britaine, but most especiall the citties of Salisbury, Bristowe &
  • 49188
    Book Info
    Burton 1616 an almanacke and prognostication for this yeare of our redemption 1616, being leap yeare and from the worlds creation 5586 : which will serue generally without any great errour for any place within this kingdome / made and set forth according to art by Ger. Burton ...
  • 49189
    Book Info
    By His Maiesties counseil for Virginia. A briefe declaration of the present state of things in Virginia and of a diuision to be now made, of some part of those lands in our actuall possession, as well to all such as haue aduentured their monyes, as also to those that are planters there.
  • 49190
    Book Info
    By the King a proclamation concerning the king's euill.|Proclamation concerning the king's euill
  • 49191
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    By the King a proclamation for the wearing of woollen clothes.|Proclamation for the wearing of woollen clothes
  • 49192
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    By the King, a proclamation against steelets, pocket daggers, pocket dagges and pistols
  • 49193
    Book Info
    By the King. A proclamation against steelets, pocket daggers, pocket dagges and pistols. The loue and care wee haue towards the preseruation of our subietts, and the keeping of our lande from being polluted with blood; doth make us striue with the euill humors and depraued customes of the times ...|Proclamation against steelets, pocket daggers, pocket dagges and pistols
  • 49194
    Book Info
    By the King. A proclamation concerning the Kings euill. Whereas such people as repaire to His Maiestie for healing of the Kings euill, haue in former times forborne to approch or offer themselues to the former Kings of this realme, during the Summer time, in respect of danger ...|Proclamation concerning the Kings euill|By the King. Proclamation concerning the kings evil|Proclamation concerning t
  • 49195
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    By the King. A proclamation for the continuing of farthing-tokens. Forasmuch as since the publishing of our third proclamation giuen at Royston the sixe and twentieth day of October 1615. establishing the continuance of our farthing-tokens, and prohibiting the vse of all, or any other tokens whatsoeuer ...|Proclamation for the continuing of farthing-tokens
  • 49196
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    By the King. A proclamation for the prices of victuals within the verge of the court. Whereas heretofore diuers bakers, brewers, inholders, butchers, and other victualers, through their greedy desire of vnlawfull gaine, not contented with reasonable profit in vttering and selling of victuall vnto our subiects in the common wealth ...|Proclamation for the prices of victuals within the verge of the
  • 49197
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    By the King. A proclamation for the punishing of vagabonds, rogues, and idle persons
  • 49198
    Book Info
    By the Kings Maiestie. Whereas it hath pleased the kings most excellent Maiestie of his princely loue and fauour, to giue and grant vnto his subiects, the inhabitants of Kingsnorton in the countie of Worcester a perpetuall weekely market, and two faires in the yeare, as by His Maiesties letters pattents vnder the great seale of England ...|By the Kings Majestie. Whereas it hath pleased the Kings
  • 49199
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    By the Kings Maiesties commissioners for granting court leets
  • 49200
    Book Info
    By the Kings Maiesties commissioners, for granting free vvarrens, and other things of that nature