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총 50,966건 중 49,201 - 49,220건 출력
  • 49201
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    By the Kings Maiesties commissioners, for transposing and changing the dayes and times of faires, marts, or markets, vpon reasonable compositions, and establishing of them
  • 49202
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    By the Kings Maiesties surueyor of coales to be shipped at Newcastle vpon Tyne, Sunderland, and Blythe, and other places adjacent, to be brought to the city of London, or otherwise to be spent within the realme of England
  • 49203
    Book Info
    By the Kings Maiesties surueyor of coales to be shipped at Newcastle vpon Tyne, Sunderland, and Blythe, and other places adjacent, to be brought to the city of London, or otherwise to be spent within the realme of England
  • 49204
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    The Bible, that is, the Holy Scriptures contained in the Old and New Testament
    De Bèze
  • 49205
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    The Bishop of Gallovvay his apologie
  • 49206
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    The Bishop of Gallovvay his dikaiologie contayning a iust defence of his former apologie. Against the iniust imputations of Mr. Dauid Hume.
  • 49207
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    The barren trees doome a sermon preached at Newbery on the fifth day of August. Beeing the day of his Maiesties most happy deliuerance from the bloudy conspiracie of the Earle of Gowry and his brother Alexander. By Bartholomevv Parsons Batchelour in Diuinitie, and vicar of Collingborne Kingstone in the countie of Wiltes.
  • 49208
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    The belman of London Bringing to light the most notorious villanies that are now practised in the kingdome. Profitable for gentlemen, lawyers, merchants, cittizens, farmers, masters of housholdes, and all sorts of seruants to marke, and delightfull for all men to reade.
  • 49209
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    The benefite of affliction. A sermon, first preached, and afterwards enlarged, by Charles Richardson preacher at Saint Katharines neare to the Tower of London
  • 49210
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    The blinde-mans sermon: or confutation of the blinde Pharises. By Thomas Granger, preacher of the word, at Botterwike nere Boston in Lincolnshire
  • 49211
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    The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments: and other rites and ceremonies of the Church of England..
  • 49212
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    The booke of common prayer, with the Psalter or Psalmes of David of that translation which is appointed to be vsed in churches.
  • 49213
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    The booke of common prayer, with the Psalter, or Psalmes of Dauid of that translation which is appointed to be vsed in churches.|Book of common prayer
  • 49214
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    The bread of life, or Foode of the regenerate A sermon preached at Botterwike in Holland, neere Boston, in Lincolnshire. By Thomas Granger, preacher of Gods word there.
  • 49215
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    The burning bush not consumed wherein (either vnder all deepe sense of wrath; or hardnesse of heart, one may iudge, whether he be the childe of God, or not, &c. Chiefly receyuing satisfaction concerning the sinne against the Holy Ghost. Perused by I.D. and diuers other diuines.
  • 49216
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    The burthen of a loaden conscience: or the misery of sinne: Set forth by the confession of a miserable sinner
  • 49217
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    A Briefe catechisme, conteining the most principall groundes of religion
  • 49218
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    A blovv for the pope, or, A discourse had in S. Giles Church, in Elgen of Murray at a conference with certaine papists, plainely prouing that Peter was neuer head of the Church : with a short register of all the attempts and murthers vpon kings and princes in our time by the persuasion of the Iesuits.|Blow for the pope|Discourse had in S. Giles Church, in Elgen of Murray
  • 49219
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    A booke of Christian exercise appertaining to resolution, that is, shewing how that we should resolue our selues to become Christians indeed: by R.P. Perused by Edmund Bunny.
  • 49220
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    A booke of sundry draughtes principaly serving for glasiers: and not impertinent for plasterers, and gardiners: be sides sundry other professions. Whereunto is annexed the manner how to anniel in glas: and also the true forme of the fornace, and the secretes thereof.