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총 49,763건 중 49,261 - 49,280건 출력
  • 49261
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    A briefe discourse against the outwarde apparell and ministring garmentes of the popishe church
  • 49262
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    A briefe discourse against the outwarde apparell and ministring garmentes of the popishe church
  • 49263
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    A briefe examination for the tyme, of a certaine declaration, lately put in print in the name and defence of certaine ministers in London, refusyng to weare the apparell prescribed by the lawes and orders of the realme In the ende is reported, the iudgement of two notable learned fathers, M. doctour Bucer, and M. doctour Martir ... translated out o
  • 49264
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    A briefe examination for the tyme, of a certaine declaration, lately put in print in the name and defence of certaine ministers in London, refusyng to weare the apparell prescribed by the lawes and orders of the realme In the ende is reported, the iudgement of two notable learned fathers, M. doctour Bucer, and M. doctour Martir ... translated out of the originals, written by theyr owne handes, pu
  • 49265
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    By the Queene, The Queenes Maiestie is presently geuen to vnderstand of some yll disposed persons, who partly to moue misliking amongst the common and meaner sort of her louyng people, partly of couetousnes, to enhaunce the pryces of corne ...
  • 49266
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    By the Queene. The Queenes Maiestie consideryng to what extremities a great number of her subiectes are growen, by excesse in apparell, both contrary to the lawes of the realme, and to the disorder and confusion of the degrees of all states ...
  • 49267
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    By the Queene. The Queenes Maiestie geueth all maner her subiectes to vnderstande, that of late at Bruges in Flaunders, the commissioners sufficiently aucthorised on the part of her Maiestie, and of the Kyng of Spayne her good brother ...
  • 49268
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    By the Queene. The Queenes Maiestie understandyng the great disorder that of late hath ben, and yet is dayly vsed in and about the cities of London and Westminster, and especially in and about Westminster Hall, and the palaice [sic] of Westminster ...|Queenes Maiestie understandyng the great disorder that of late hath ben, and yet is dayly vsed in and about the cities of London and Westminster|By
  • 49269
    Book Info
    By the Queene. The Queenes Maiestie vnderstandyng the great disorder that of late hath ben and yet is dayly vsed in and about the Cities of London and Westminster, and especially in and about Westminster hall, and the palaice of Westminster, by dyuers lyght and euyll disposed persons ...
  • 49270
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    The Byble in Englyshe of the largest and greatest volume that is to saye the contentes of the Holye Scrypture booth of the Owlde and Newe Testament accordinge to the translatyon apoynted by the Queenes Majesties injunctions to be read in all churches within Her Majesties realm.|Bible. English. 1566. Great Bible.
  • 49271
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    The banquett of dainties
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 49272
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    The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacramentes, and other rites and ceremonies in the Churche of England
  • 49273
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    A brief rehersal & discription, of the coronatio[n] of the hye and myghti Prince Maximilian Kyng of Romans, Boheme Hungeri &c. Don at the famus citie of Francford yn the year of owr lord 1562. the month of Nouember, wyth the co[m]myng yn of the great Turcks embassater, of the presents by hym gyven, & other thyngs worthy to be known.
  • 49274
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    A briefe and piththie [sic] summe of the christian faith made in forme of a confession, with a confutation of all suche superstitious errours, as are contrary therunto. Made by Theodore de Beza. Translated out of Frenche by R.F.
    De Bèze
  • 49275
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    A briefe and piththie summe of the Christian faith made in forme of a confession, vvith a confutation of all such superstitious errours, as are contrary therevnto. Made by Theodore de Beza. Translated out of Frenche by R.F.
    De Bèze
  • 49276
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    A briefe and piththie summe of the Christian faith made in forme of a confession, vvith a confutation of all such superstitious errours, as are contrary therevnto. Made by Theodore de Beza. Translated out of Frenche by R.F.
  • 49277
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    A briefe answere of Thomas Harding Doctor of Diuinitie touching certaine vntruthes with which Maister Iohn Iuell charged him in his late sermon at Paules Crosse the VIII of Iuly, anno 1565.
  • 49278
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    A brieue admonition vnto the nowe made ministers of Englande wherein is shewed some of the fruicte of this theyr late framed fayth: made by Lewys Euans student in Louain. 24. Aug. 1565.
  • 49279
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    By the Queene the Queenes Maiestie geueth all maner her subiectes to vnerstande, that where of late it hath ben agreed at Brugis in Flaunders, in a treatie for matters of entercourse of marchaundize ...|Queenes Maiestie geueth all maner her subiextes to vnderstande, that where of late it hath ben agreed at Brugis in Flaunders
  • 49280
    Book Info
    By the Queene, the Queenes Maiestie wylleth all her louyng subiectes to understand, that she meaneth to haue the good lawes and statutes presently put in execution, for the hauing, keping, and maynteynyng of horses ...