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총 49,763건 중 49,281 - 49,300건 출력
  • 49281
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    By the Queene. The Queenes Maiestie hauyng not long since geuen her louyng subiectes knowledge by proclamation, of certayne forrayne coynes of golde brought into this realme, of muche lesse value then Angels of golde of this realme, and yet stamped so like to the same Angels, as it was harde without diligent markynge therof ...
  • 49282
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    By the Queene. The Queenes Maiestie is infourmed from the Maior of her Citie of London, that certayne shyppes of the North partes, are arryued in the ryuer of Thames, laden with Salmons and Herrynges, brought from Scotlande and other forayne partes of the North which are according to the custome of those countreys, barrelled in caske and vessels, n
  • 49283
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    By the Queene. Where in the parliament begon and holden at Westminster the eyght daye of Iune, in the .xxviii. yere of the raigne of the noble kyng of famous memorye kyng Henry the eyght ... one act and statute was then and there made, entituled, an act limittyng the pryses of wynes ...
  • 49284
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    By the Quene. Where as the Quenes Maiestie, by her proclamation published in Nouember, the thirde yere of her Maiesties raigne, touching the valuation of forrayne coynes of golde ...
  • 49285
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    The birth of mankynde otherwyse named the womans booke. Newely set foorth, corrected, and augmented. Whose contentes ye may reade in the table of the booke, and most playnely in the prologue. By Thomas Raynalde phisition.
  • 49286
    Book Info
    The birth of mankynde otherwyse named the womans booke. Newely set foorth, corrected, and augmented. Whose contentes ye may reade in the table of the booke, and most playnely in the prologue. By Thomas Raynalde phisition.
  • 49287
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    The boke named the Gouernour deuised by sir Thomas Elyot Knyght.
  • 49288
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    The boke named the Gouernour, deuised by sir Thomas Elyot Knyght
  • 49289
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    The boke of measurying of lande as well of woodland as plowland, & pasture in the feelde: & to compt the true nombre of acres of the same. Newly corrected, & compiled by Sir Richarde de Benese.
  • 49290
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    The boke of secretes of Albartus Magnus of the vertues of herbes, stones and certaine beastes. Also, a boke of the same author, of the maruaylous thinges of the world: and of certaine effectes, caused of certayne beastes.
  • 49291
    Book Info
    The boke of wisdome otherwise called the flower of vertue. Folowing the auctorities of auncient doctours [and] philosophers, deuiding and speaking of vices [and] vertues, wyth many goodly examples wherby a man may be praysed or dyspraysed, wyth the maner to speake well and wyselie to al folkes, of what estate so euer they bee. Translated first out
  • 49292
    Book Info
    The booke of secretes of Albertus Magnus of the vertues of herbes, stones and certayne beastes. Also a booke of the same author of the maruaylous thinges of the world, and of certayn effectes caused of certayne beastes.
  • 49293
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    A briefe chronicle, where in are described shortlye the originall, and the successiue estate of the Romaine weale publique the alteratyon and chaunge of sondrye offices in the same: the order and successyon of the kinges, consuls and emperoures therof, together wyth sondry gestes & actes of many famous princes and valiaunt captaines, from the first
  • 49294
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    By the Maior. Forasmuch as alwayes hertofore, great study and care hath bene taken, and had within this citie of London, for the cleane keeping of streates, lanes, and allies within the sayd citiie ...
  • 49295
    Book Info
    By the Maior. Forasmuch as alwayes hertofore, great study and care hath bene taken, and had within this citie of London, for the cleane keeping of streates, lanes, and allies within the sayd citiie ...|Forasmuch as alwayes hertofore, great study and care hath bene taken, and had within this citie of London, for the cleane keeping of streates|By the Mayor. Forasmuch as alwayes heretofore, great st
  • 49296
    Book Info
    By the Quene the Quenes Maiestie perceauyng that notwithstandyng the notorious offence of Thomas Cobham, committed on the seas agaynst certayne subiectes of her good brother the kynge of Spayne ...
  • 49297
    Book Info
    By the Quene wheras the Quenes Maiestie vpon the earnest intention that she alwayes had and yet hath, to mainteyne the good and auncient amitie betwixt her Maiestie and the kyng of Spayne ...|Wheras the Quenes Maiestie vpon the earnest intention that she alwayes had and yet hath to maintaine
  • 49298
    Book Info
    By the Quene where in the Parliament begon and holden at Westminster the eyght daye of Iune, in the xxviii. yere of the raigne of the noble king of famouse memorye King Henry the eyght ...|Where in the Parliament begon and holden at Westminster the eyght daye of Iune, in the xxviii. yere of the raigne of ... king Henry the eyght
  • 49299
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    By the Quene, A proclamation to explane the Quenes Maiesties meanyng, vpon a former made in March last
  • 49300
    Book Info
    By the Quene, The Quenes most excellent Maiestie, beyng infourmed, that there is presently growyng and encreasyng in certayne euyll disposed persons, in and near to the citye of London ...|Quenes most excellent Maiestie, beyng infourmed, that there is presently growyng and encreasyng in certayne euyll disposed persons|By the Queen, The Queens most excellent Majesty, being informed that there is pr