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총 49,763건 중 49,301 - 49,320건 출력
  • 49301
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    By the Quene, Whereas the Quenes Maiestie vpon the earnest intention that shee alwayes had and yet hath, to maintaine the good and auncient amitie betwixte her Maiestie and the kyng of Spayne her good brother ...
  • 49302
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    By the Quene. The Quenes Maiestie being in good and perfect peace with all princes [and] countreys, and meanyng, with the assistaunce of almightie God, to continue in the same: hath thought conuenient ... to notifie to her subiectes certayne articles to be by them obserued ...
  • 49303
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    By the Quene. The Quenes Maiestie, perceauyng by experience, that her enemies the french, intende to procure by couin certaine persons of this realme, being more geuen to lucre, then to theyr dueties ...
  • 49304
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    By the Quene. The Quenes most excellent Maiestie, wylleth all persons to vnderstande, that lyke as for maintenaunce of her realme, and the tytles and ryghtes therof, she hath continued in warre hytherto with the French Kyng ...
  • 49305
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    By the Quene. Where in the parliament begon and holden at Westminster the eyght day of Iune in the.xxviii. yere of the raigne of the noble king of famouse memory king Henry the eyght, father of our soueraigne lady the Quenes Maiestie, one acte and statute was then and there made, entituled, an acte limitting the pryses of wynes ...
  • 49306
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    By the Quene. Where of late tyme there hath ben a certayne staye and intermission of the auncient free entercourse for marchaundise, betwixt this realme and the lowe countreys belongyng to the Kyng of Spayne the Quenes Maiesties good brother ...
  • 49307
    Book Info
    By the Quene. Where of late tyme there hath ben a certayne staye and intermission of the auncient free entercourse for marchaundise, betwixt this realme and the lowe countreys belongyng to the Kyng of Spayne the Quenes Maiesties good brother ...
  • 49308
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    By the Quene. Where the auncient entercourse of marchaundizes betwixt our countries and the lowe countries of the kyng of Spayne our good brother, hath ben of late interrupted by sundrye prohibitions made in the sayde lowe countries ...
  • 49309
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    The banket of sapience compyled by Sir Thomas Eliot Knight.
  • 49310
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    The banket of sapience compyled by Sir Thomas Eliot Knight..
  • 49311
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    The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacramentes, and ceremonies in the Churche of Englande..
  • 49312
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    A booke called the Foundacion of rhetorike because all other partes of rhetorike are grounded thereupon, euery parte sette forthe in an oracion vpon questions, verie profitable to bee knowen and redde: made by Richard Rainolde Maister of Arte, of the Uniuersitie of Cambridge. 1563.
  • 49313
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    A booke in Englysh metre, of the great marchaunt man called Diues Pragmaticus, very preaty for children to rede: wherby they may the better, and more readyer, rede and wryte wares and implementes, in this world contayned.|Names of all kynd of vvares
  • 49314
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    A brief exhortation fruitfull and meete to be read, to this heauy tyme of Gods visitation in London, to suche as be sicke, where the ministers do lacke, or otherwise cannot be present to comfort them. By I.F.
  • 49315
    Book Info
    A brief exhortation, fruitfull and meete to be read, in this heauy tyme of Gods visitation, not only in Londo[n], but in all other places, to suche as be sicke, where the ministers do lacke, or otherwise cannot be present to comfort them. / I. Foxe.
  • 49316
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    A briefe and compendyouse table, in a maner of a concordaunce openyng the waye to the pryncypall historyes of the whole Byble, and the most comon articles grounded and comprehended in the newe Testament and old, in maner as amply as doth the great concordau[n]ce of the Bible. Gathered and set fourth by Henry Bullynger, Leo Iude, Conrade Pellicane,
  • 49317
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    A briefe and piththie summe of the christian [sic] faith, made in forme of a confession, with a confutation of all such superstitious errours, as are contrary therevnto. Made by Theodore de Beza. ; Translated out of Frenche by R.F..|Confessio Christianae fidei.
    De Bèze
  • 49318
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    A briefe chronicle of the foure principall empyres To witte, of Babilon, Persia, Grecia, and Rome. Wherein, very compendiously, the whole course of histories are conteined. Made by the famous and godly learned man Iohn Sleidan, and englished by Stephan Wythers.
  • 49319
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    Bulla S.D.N.D. Pii Divina Providentia papae quarti super reformatione officii rotae.
  • 49320
    Book Info
    By the Quene The Quenes Maiestie certaynely vnderstandyng that the Frenche kyng hath the sixt of this present moneth caused to be published in Fraunce by sounde of trompet in this sorte, that all maner his subiectes of what estate soeuer they be, shoulde arme and equippe all maner of vesselles at theyr pleasure, ...