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총 49,763건 중 49,341 - 49,360건 출력
  • 49341
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    By the Quene. Forasmuch as diuers couetous people haue of late, vpon intent onlye to enryche them selues, and without any other cause reasonable, not only raysed vp the prices of all maner of grayne ...
  • 49342
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    By the Quene. The Quenes Maiestie callyng to her good remembraunce howe well this realme is furnyshed with good lawes and orders, for redresse of many enormities ...
  • 49343
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    By the Quene. The Quenes Maiestie perceiueth that not withstandyng her commaundment lately publyshed for the ceassyng of certaine vayne and vntrue reportes touchyng a decrye of moneyes ...
  • 49344
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    By the Quene. The Quenes Maiestie vnderstandyng that certayne vayne and vntrue rumours being of late raysed in and about her citie of London, touchyng a decrye of moneys ...
  • 49345
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    The bible in Englishe that is to saye, the contentes of al the holy Scripture, both of the olde and newe Testament, according to the translation that is apointed to be read in churches.
  • 49346
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    The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacramentes, and other rites and ceremonies in the Churche of England..
  • 49347
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    The booke of freendeship of Marcus Tullie Cicero
  • 49348
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    The booke of husbandrye very profitable and necessary for al maner of persons. Made first by the auctor Fitzherberd, and nowe lately corrected and amended, with diuers addicions put ther unto. Anno do. M.D.LXJJ.
  • 49349
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    The briefe content of certayne actes of Parliament, agaynst thinordinate vse of apparell
  • 49350
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    A balade declaryng how neybourhed lone [sic], and trew dealyng is gone
  • 49351
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    A balade declaryng how neybourhed loue, and trew dealyng is gone.
  • 49352
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    A briefe cronicle contaynyng the accoumpte of the raygnes of all kynges in this realme, from the entring of Brutus, to this presente yeare with all the most notable actes done by eche of theym, gathered oute of the most trusty writers, whereunto is added a perpetuall kalender, for the readier findinge of dayes [and] tymes herein mentioned.
  • 49353
    Book Info
    A briefe cronicle contaynyng the accoumpte of the raygnes of all kynges in this realme, from the entring of Brutus, to this presente yeare with all the most notable actes done by eche of theym, gathered oute of the most trusty writers, whereunto is added a perpetuall kalender, for the readier findinge of dayes [and] tymes herein mentioned.
  • 49354
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    A briefe rehersal of the death resurrectio[n], [and] ascension of Christ gathered together oute of ye foure euangelistes and actes of the apostles by the most godly and great learned man Huldriche Zuinglius, written first in Latin, and now tra[n]slated into Englishe, that such as vnderstande not the Latin tongue should not wante the vse of so worth
  • 49355
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    By the Queene. The Queenes Maiestie hearyng by reporte of some of the subiectes of her good brother the kyng of Spayne, that notwithstandyng both the seueritie of iustice diuers tymes extended by her maiestie agaynst sundry pirates ...
  • 49356
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    By the Queene. The Queenes Maiestie vnderstandyng that certayne malicious persons haue of late tyme caused a report to be made in forren partes, that a great part of such armour and prouisions of warre as by her Maiestie hath of late yeres ben made in Germany for her owne vse, should be transported into the countries of Russia ...
  • 49357
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    By the Quene the Quenes Maiestie consyderynge the euyll dysposition of sundrye her subiectes to kepe the auncyent orders for abstynence from eatynge of fleshe, aswell in the tyme of Lent as vpon other vsuall fastynge dayes ...
  • 49358
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    By the Quene. The Queenes Maiestie vnderstandeth, that now of late since the base and copper moneys of this realme haue (to the great honour of the same) bene altered into fine syluer moneys [...] there is rysen great anoyaunce amongst the poore sort of her subiectes, for lacke of small moneys of fine syluer [...]
  • 49359
    Book Info
    By the Quene. The Quenes Maiestie contynuing in her former earnest disposition, to deliuer this realme from the infamy of al maner of bafe monyes and to restore the same to thauncient possession of as good monyes in fynes, as ever was in the same ...|Quenes Maiestie contynuing in her former earnest disposition, to deliuer this realme from the infamy of al maner of base monyes|Queens Majesty contin
  • 49360
    Book Info
    The Bible and Holy Scriptures conteyned in the Olde and Newe Testament. Translated according to the Ebrue and Greke, and conferred with the best translations in diuers languges. VVith moste profitable annotations vpon all the hard places, and other things of great importance as may appeare in the epistle to the reader