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총 49,763건 중 49,381 - 49,400건 출력
  • 49381
    Book Info
    The boke of secretes of Albertus Magnus of the vertues of herbes, stones, and certayne beasts : also, a boke of the same author, of the maruaylous thinges of the world, and of certaine effectes caused of certaine beastes.
  • 49382
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    The boke of surueying, and improuementes newly corrected and amended, very necessarye for all men.
  • 49383
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    The book of nurture for men, [seruauntes] and children (with stans puer ad [mensam]) newly corrected, very vtile and necessary vnto all youth..
  • 49384
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    The booke of caruyng
  • 49385
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    The booke of hauking huntyng and fysshyng, wyth all the properties and medecynes that are necessary to be kepte
  • 49386
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    The byrth of mankynde, otherwyse named the womans booke Newly set foorth, corrected, and augmented: whose contentes ye may reade in the table of the booke, and most playnely in the prologue. By Thomas Raynalde phisition.
  • 49387
    Book Info
    A boke of presidentes exactly written, in a manner of a register newly corrected, with addicions of dyuers necessarye presidentes mete for all such, as desyre to learned the fourme and manner howe to make all manner of euide[n]ces and instrumentes as in the table of this boke more playnely appeareth : with also the begynning and ending of the termes.|Book of precedents.
  • 49388
    Book Info
    A boke of presidentes exactly written, in maner of a register. Newly corrected, with addicions of diuers necessarie presydentes mete for all such, as desyre to learne the fourme and maner how to make all maner of euide[n]ces and instruments as in the table of this boke more plainely appeareth. With also the beginning and ending of the termes.
  • 49389
    Book Info
    A boke of presidentes exactly written, in maner of a register. Newly corrected, with addicions of diuers necessarie presydentes mete for all such, as desyre to learne the fourme and maner how to make all maner of euide[n]ces and instruments as in the table of this boke more plainely appeareth. With also the beginning and ending of the termes.
  • 49390
    Book Info
    A boke of presidentes exactlye written in maner of a register, newelye corrected wyth addicions of dyuers necessary presidents mete for al suche, as desire to learne the fourme and maner howe to make all maner of euidences [and] instruments as in the table of this booke more plainlye appeareth.
  • 49391
    Book Info
    A boke of the propreties of herbes called an herball wherunto is added the time [the] herbes, floures and sedes shoulde be gathered to be kept the whole yere, with the vertue of [the] herbes whe[n] they are stylled. Also a generall rule of al manner of herbes drawen out of an auncient boke of physycke by W.C.
  • 49392
    Book Info
    A boke of the propreties of herbes called an herball wherunto is added the time [the] herbes, floures and sedes shoulde be gathered to be kept the whole yere, with the vertue of [the] herbes whe[n] they are stylled. Also a generall rule of al manner of herbes drawen out of an auncient boke of physycke by W.C.
  • 49393
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    A breuiat chronicle contaynyng all the kynges, from Brute to this day, and many notable actes gathered out of diuers chronicles, from Wyllyam conquerour vnto the yere of christ. M.D.L.IX. wyth the mayres and shirifes of the citie of London, newely corrected and amended.
  • 49394
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    Bibliotheca Eliotae Eliotes dictionarie / by Thomas Cooper the third tyme corrected, and with a great number of phrases enriched, as to him that conferreth the other aeditions, it may easely appeare.
  • 49395
    Book Info
    Bibliotheca Eliotæ Eliotes dictionarie / by Thomas Cooper the third tyme corrected, and with a great number of phrases enriched, as to him that conferreth the other æditions, it may easely appeare.
  • 49396
    Book Info
    By the Quene although the Quenes most excellent Maiestie myght accordyng to the good example of good and wyse prynces, leuie great sommes of money at this presente, by due execution of sundrye wholsome lawes, upon great nombre of her subiectes for transgressyng the same ...|Although the Quenes most excellent Maiestie myght accordyng to the good example of good and wyse prynces, leuie great sommes
  • 49397
    Book Info
    By the Quene the Quenes Maiestie considerynge, how necessarye it is and pleasynge to Almyghtye God, to haue concorde and peace wyth all prynces ...
  • 49398
    Book Info
    By the Quene, for as much as contrary to good order and expresse lawes made by Parliamente in the xxxiii. yere of the raigne of the Quenes Maiesties most noble father of worthy memory Kyng Henry the Eight: many men do dayly use to ryde with handgonnes [and] dagges, ...
  • 49399
    Book Info
    By the Quene. Although the Quenes most excellent Maiestie myght accordynge to the good example of good and wyse prynces, leuye great summes of money at this present [...] her Maisties sayde counsayle, by her commaundement, shall and wyll presently take order that the statute made the .xxiiii. yere of king Henry the eyght, agaynst excessiue apparell
  • 49400
    Book Info
    By the Quene. Forasmuche as the tyme wherein common interludes in the Englishe tongue ar wont vsually to be played ... The Quenes Maiestie doth straightly forbyd al maner interludes to be playde eyther openly or priuately, except the same be notified before hande ...