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총 49,763건 중 49,421 - 49,440건 출력
  • 49421
    Book Info
    By the Queenes Maiestie Elizabeth by the grace of God, Queene of England, France and Ireland, defendour of the faith &c. : because it hath pleased almighty God by calling to his mercie ... our dearest sister of noble memorie, Mary, late queene ...|Elizabeth by the Grace of God, Queene of England, France and Ireland
  • 49422
    Book Info
    By the Quene. The Quenes Maiestie vnderstanding that there be certaine persons, hauing in times past the office of ministery in the churche, which nowe do purpose to vse their former office in preaching and ministery ...
  • 49423
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    By the Quenes Maiestie. Elizabeth by the grace of God Quene of Englande Fraunce and Ireland, defendour of the fayth. [et]c [...]
  • 49424
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    A breefe balet touching the traytorous takynge of Scarborow Castell
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 49425
    Book Info
    By the Kyng and the Quene the King and Quenes maiesties being credible enfourmed that diuerse and many there louing faythfull and obedient subiectes, inhabityng vpon the sea costes, and vsyng traffyque by sea, and dyuers others be very desirous to prepare and esquippe sundry shypes ... for the anoyaunce of there maiesties enemies the Frenchmen ...|Kyng and quenes maiesties being credible infourm
  • 49426
    Book Info
    By the Kyng and the Quene the Kyng and Quenes most excellente maiesties, vnderstandinge howe that dyuers naughty and insolent persons haue now of late attempted to make quarelles ...|Kyng and Quenes most excellente maiesties, vnderstandinge that dyuers ... persons haue now of late attempted to make quarelles
  • 49427
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    By the Kynge and the Quene although we y[e] Quene at oure fyrst c?ming to the crowne were geuen to understand y[e] the [sic] notable & heynouse treason, enterprised by y[e] late Duke of Northumberland ...|Although we y[e] Quene at our first c?ming to the crowne were geuen to understand y[e] the notable & heynouse treason enterprised by y[e] late Duke of Northumberland
  • 49428
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    The banket of sapience gathered oute of dyuers and many godlye authoures. / By Syr Thomas Elyot knight worthye to be red, and had in the handes of all christyans.
  • 49429
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    The boke named The gouernour deuised by sir Thomas Elyot Knyght
  • 49430
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    The breuiary of healthe, for all maner of syckenesses and diseases the which may be in man or woman, doth folowe Expressynge the obscure termes of Greke, Araby, Latyn, and Barbary, in English concernyng phisicke and chierurgerie, compyled by Andrewe Boorde, of phisycke doctoure, an Englishe man.
  • 49431
    Book Info
    A boke named Tectonicon briefelye shewynge the exacte measurynge, and speady reckenynge all maner lande, squared tymber, stone, steaples, pyllers, globes. [et]c. Further, declarynge the perfecte makynge and large vse of the carpenters ruler, conteynynge a quadrant geometricall: comprehendynge also the rare vse of the squire. And in thende a little
  • 49432
    Book Info
    A brefe exhortation set fourthe by the vnprofitable seruant of Iesu christ, Paule Bushe late bishop of Brystowe, to one Margarete Burges wyfe to Ihon Burges, clotheare of kyngeswode in the Countie of Wilshere.
  • 49433
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    A brefe treatyse declaryng what and where the churche is, that it is knowen, and whereby it is tryed and knowen. Made by Iohn Churchson
  • 49434
    Book Info
    A breuyat chronicle contayning al the kynges, from Brute to to [sic] this daye, and many notable actes, gathered out of dyuers chronicles, from William conquerour, vnto the yere of Christ. M.D.L.VI. with the mayors, and shiriffes of the cytye of London, newly correcteed [sic] and amended.
  • 49435
    Book Info
    A brief and most pleasau[n]t epitomye of the whole art of phisiognomie, gathered out of Aristotle, Rasis, Formica, Loxius, Phylemo[n], Palemo[n], Consiliator, Morbeth the Cardinal and others many moe, by that learned chyrurgian Cocles: and englished by Thomas Hyll Londoner
    Rocca Cocles
  • 49436
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    A briefe treatyse of election and reprobacion wythe certane answers to the obiections of the aduersaries of this doctryne written by Anthony Gylbie..
  • 49437
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    Boetius de consolationae [sic] philosophiae. = The boke of Boecius, called the comforte of philosophye, or wysedome moche necessary for all men to read and know, wherein suche as be in aduersitie, shall fynde muche consolation and comforte, and suche as be in great worldly prosperitie may knowe the vanitie and frailtie therof, and consequently fynd
  • 49438
    Book Info
    Bulla plenarie indulgentie per sanctissimum Dominum nostrum Paulum diuina prouidentia Papa . IIII. concesse Christifidelibus, pro pace concludenda inter principes Christianos, praecantibus.|Bvlla plenarie indvlgentie
  • 49439
    Book Info
    By the Kyng and the Quene where as Henry Dudly, Christofer Aston the elder, Chrystofer Aston the yonger, Frauncys Horsey ... forgetting theyr dueties to almyghty God, their allegyaunce to the kinges & quenes maiesties ...|Where as Henry Dudly, Christofer Aston the elder, Chrystofer Aston the yonger, Fraunceys Horsey ... forgetting theyr dueties to almyghty God
  • 49440
    Book Info
    By the Kyng and the Quene, where as Henrye Dudley, Christofer Aston the elder, Christofer Aston the younger, Frauncys Horsey, Edwarde Horsey, Roberte Cornewell, alias Cornewall, Richarde Tremayne, Nycholas Tremayne Richard Ryth, Roger Reinoldes, John Dale, John Calton ...|Where as Henrye Dudley, Christofer Aston the elder, Christofer Aston the younger|By the King and Queen, whereas Henry Dudley, C