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총 49,763건 중 49,461 - 49,480건 출력
  • 49461
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    A Breviat chronicle containing al the kynges, from Brute to this daye, and manye notable actes, gathered out of dyuers chronicles, from Wyllyam Conqueroure, vnto the yeare of Christ M.v.C.Liiii : with the mayors, and shyryffes of the cyty of London.
  • 49462
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    A balade specifienge partly the maner, partly the matter, in the most excellent meetyng and lyke mariage betwene our soueraigne Lord, and our soueraigne Lady, the Kynges and Queenes highnes pende by John Heywood.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 49463
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    A boke vvritte[n] by one Vince[n]tius Leriniensis, who wrote against certain heretikes, in the time of Theodosius then Emperour, which boke was written about aleuen hundreth and foure [and] twe[n]tye yeres paste, and now translated out of Latin into Englishe
  • 49464
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    A bouclier of the catholike fayth of Christes church conteynyng diuers matters now of late called into controuersy, by the newe gospellers. Made by Richard Smith, doctour of diuinitee, [and] the Quenes hyghnes reader of the same I her graces vniuersite of oxford.
  • 49465
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    Bulla plenarie indulgentiae per .S.D.N. Iulium diuina prouidentia Papam. III. concessae omnibus Christifidelibus, qui Deo optimo pro vnione regni Angliae Sanctae Matri Ecclesiae iam facta gratias egerint, ac pro caeteris qui adhuc in errore remanent, nec non pro pace inter principes Christianos obtinenda humiliter supplicauerint.
  • 49466
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    By the Queene where the Queenes most excellent Maiestie hath lately concluded a mariage ... with the most brave and mighty prince, the Prince of Spayne, her highnes consideryng the lightnes and euill disposition of diuerse lewde and sedicious personnes ...|Where the Queenes most excellent Maiestie hath lately concluded a mariage
  • 49467
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    By the Quene the Quene our soueraine ladye, understandynge that a multitude of euyl disposed persones, beying borne out of her highnes dominions in other sundrie nations, fleinge from the obeysaunce of the princes and rulers under whome they be borne ... be resorted and come into Her Maiesties realme ...|Quene our soueraine ladye, understandynge that a multitude of euyl disposed persones
  • 49468
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    By the Quene the Quenes highnes by thaduise and consente of her graces priuie counsayll is pleased & doth ordayne, that from the date and publication hereof forwardes, all maner Frenche crownes of the sunne, being of the iuste standerde finesse and weyght shalbe demed and accepted to be of the value of sixe shyllynges foure pence of curraunte moneye of this realme ...
  • 49469
    Book Info
    By the Quene the Quenes highnes by thaduise and consente of her graces priuie counsayll is pleased & doth ordeyne, that from the date and publication hereof forwardes, all maner Frenche crownes of the sunne, being of the iuste standerde finesse and weyght shalbe demed and accepted to be of the value of sixe shyllynges foure pence of curraunte moneye of this realme ...
  • 49470
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    By the Quene where as the Quenes Maiestie for sondry great and weightie affayres, concerning her highnes, and the state of Her Maiesties realme, and churche of Englande, hathe ... sommoned Her Maiesties highe courte of Parliament ...|Where as the Quenes Maiestie for sondry great and weightie affayres ... hathe ... sommoned
  • 49471
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    The bayte [and] snare of fortune Wherin may be seen that money is not the only cause of mischefe and vnfortunat endes: but a necessary mean to mayntayne a vertuous quiet lyfe. Treated in a dialoge betwene man and money.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 49472
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    The boke of Englysshe, and Spanysshe.
  • 49473
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    A brefe and a playne declaratyon of the dewty of maried folkes gathered out of the holy scriptures, and set forth in the almayne tonge by Hermon archbyshop of Colayne, whiche wylled all the housholdes of his flocke to haue the same in their bedchambers as a mirror or glasse dayly to loke in, wherby they might know and do their dewties eche vnto oth
    Von Wied
  • 49474
    Book Info
    A breuiat cronicle contaynynge all the kynges, fro[m] Brute to this daye, and manye notable actes, gathered oute of dyuers cronycles, fro[m] Wyllyam Conquerour, vnto the yeare of christ, a. M.v.C.Liii.
  • 49475
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    A bryefe sume of the whole Byble. A Christian instruction for al persons yonge and olde, to the whiche is annexed the ordenarye for al degrees..
    Van der Heyden
  • 49476
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    Brevissima institutio seu ratio grammatices cognoscendae, ad omnium puerorum utilitatem praescripta, quam solam regia maiestas in omnibus scholis docendam praecipit.
  • 49477
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    By the Quene Mary by the the grace of God Quene of England, Fraunce, and Irelande, defender of the fayth, & of the Church of England and also of Ireland in earth the supreme heade : to all mayres, shiriffes, bayliffes, constables, & to all other our officers, ministers & subiectes, to every of the gretynge.|Mary by the grace of God, quene of England, Fraunce, and Irelande
  • 49478
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    By the Quene forasmuch as diuerse light and seditious persons, delyting in continuall alterations and never contented with the present estate, haue of late much presumed, and yet cease not to inuente, spreade, and publishe many false, vntrue, and vayne rumors ...|Forasmuch as diuerse light and seditious persons ... publishe many false, vntrue and vayne rumors
  • 49479
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    By the Quene the Quenes highnes well remembrynge what great inconuenience and daungers haue growen to this her hyghnes realme in tyme past thorough the diuersities of opinions, in questions of religion, and hearing also that now of late ... the same contentions be agayne muche renewed thorowe certeyne false and vntrue reportes and rumors ...|Quenes highnes well remembrynge what great inconuenienc
  • 49480
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    By the Quene. The Quene our soueraygne Ladye graciouslye considering the good wylles, forwardnes, and harty dispositions of her trewe louynge subiectes ...