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110921Book InfoThe castell of helth corrected and in some places augmented, by the first author therof, sir Thomas Elyot knight the yere of our lord 1541Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1560전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110922Book InfoThe catechisme or maner to teach children the Christen region [sic] vvherein the minister demaundeth the questio[n], and the child maketh ansvvere / made by the excellente doctour and pastour in Christes Churche Ihon Caluin.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1560전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110923Book InfoThe ciuilitie of childehode with the discipline and institucion of children, distributed in small and compe[n]dious chapiters / and translated oute of French into Englysh, by Thomas Paynell.|De civilitate morum puerilium.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1560전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110924Book InfoThe complaint of Roderyck Mors, sometime a gray Fryre, vnto the parlamenthouse of Englande his natuturall [sic] countrye for the redresse of certeyne wicked lawes, euill custumes [and] cruell decrees. A table wherof thou shalt fynde in the next leafe.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1560전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110925Book InfoThe contention bettwyxte Churchyeard and CamellProQuest One Literature1560전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110926Book InfoThe contention betwyxte Churchyeard and Camell, vpon Dauid Dycers dreame sette out in suche order, that it is bothe wyttye and profytable for all degryes. Rede this littell comunication betwene Churchyarde: Camell: and others mo newlye imprinted and sett furthe for thy profyt gentill reader.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1560전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110927Book InfoThe cruel assault of Gods fortEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1560전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110928Book InfoA colleccion of all the statutes (from the begynning of Magna Carta vnto the yere of our Lorde, 1557) whiche were before that yere imprinted VVhereunto be addyd the colleccion of the statutes, made in the fourth and fift yeres of the reignes of kyng Philip and Quene Mary, and also the statutes made in the fyrst yere of the raigne of our souerayne LEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1559전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110929Book InfoA colleccion of all the statutes, from the begynning of Magna Carta vnto the yere of our Lorde 1557, which were before that yere imprinted vvhereunto be addyd the collection of the statutes made in the fourth and fifth yeres of the reignes of King Philip and Quene Mary, and also the statutes made in the first yere of the the raigne of our soueraygne lady Queene Elizabeth : and furst an epistle, nEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1559전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110930Book InfoA compendiou[s regi]ster in metre contei[ning the] names, and pacient suffry[ngs of the] membres of Iesus Christ, a[nd the tor]mented; and cruelly burned [within] Englande, since the death o[f our] famous kyng, of immortal me[mory] Edvvarde the sixte: to the entr[ance] and begynning of the raign, of our s[o]ueraigne [and] derest Lady Elizabeth of EEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1559전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110931Book InfoA compendious Register in Metre, conteining the names, and pacient suffryngs of the membres of Jesus Christ, and the tormented : and cruelly burned within Englande, since the death of our famous kyng,ProQuest One Literature1559전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110932Book InfoCertayne sermons appoynted by the Quenes Maiestie to be declared and read, by all persones, vycars, and curates, euery Sonday and holy daye, in theyr Churches: and by her graces aduyse perused a[nd] ouersene, for the better vnderstandyng of the simple people.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1559전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110933Book InfoCertayne sermons appoynted by the Quenes Maiestie, to be declared and read, by all persones, vycars, and curates, euery Sondaye and holy daye in theyr churches : and by her Graces aduyse perused & ouer sene, for the better vnderstandyng of the simple people : newly imprinted in partes accordynge as is mencioned in the booke of commune prayers.|Certain sermons or homilies appointed to be readEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1559전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110934Book InfoCombien que ce soit chose toute notoire et arreste, no[n] seuleme[n]t aux subiectz naturellement constitués, soubz la courronne dangleterre, mais encores a plusieurs aultres nations estrangieres, de toutes parties de la Chrestienté ...Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1559전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110935Book InfoCompendios a totius anatomie delineatio, aere exarata: per Thomam GeminumEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1559전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110936Book InfoThe chronicle of Fabian whiche he nameth the concordaunce of histories, newly perused. And continued from the beginnyng of Kyng Henry the seuenth, to thende of Queene Mary.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1559전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110937Book InfoThe chronicle of Fabian whiche he nameth the concordaunce of histories, newly perused. And continued from the beginnyng of Kyng Henry the seuenth, to thende of Queene Mary.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1559전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110938Book InfoThe chronicle of Fabian, whiche he nameth the concordaunce of histories, newly perused. And continued from the beginnyng of Kyng Henry the Seventh to thende [sic] of Queene Mary..Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1559전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110939Book InfoThe chronicle of Fabian, whiche he nameth the concordaunce of histories, newly perused. And continued from the beginnyng of Kyng Henry the seventh, to thende [sic] of Queene Mary..Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1559전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110940Book InfoThe complaint of peace. Wryten in Latyn, by the famous clerke, Erasimus [sic] Roterodamus. And nuely translated into Englyshe by Thomas PaynellEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1559전문보기 (Full Text Access)