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총 111,316건 중 110,961 - 110,980건 출력
110961Book InfoThe conspiracie of Catiline, written by Constancius, Felicius, Durantinus, and translated bi Thomas Paynell: with the historye of Iugurth, writen by the famous Romaine Salust, and translated into Englyshe by Alexander BarcklayeEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1557전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110962Book InfoThe copy of the self same wordes that mi lorde Sturton spake presently at his death being the vi day of March, in the yeare of our Lorde 1557 ...Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1557전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110963Book InfoA collection or gatherynge together, of certayne scriptures, both of the holy scripture, and also of the auncient and catholyke doctours of Christes churche, cocernyng the most the most holy and blessed body and blode of Christ to be royally present in the Sacrament of the Aulter..Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1556전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110964Book InfoA compendious treatise called the co[m]plaint of grace compiled by the notable clerke mayster Ihon Redman Doctour in diuinitee deceassed, late mayster or president of Trinitie colledge in Cambridge, containyng in it muche godly learning and veritee of matter, greatly profitable and necessary for all men to loke in, nowe newly and first set furth byEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1556전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110965Book InfoA confession of the most auncient and true christe[n] catholike olde belefe accordyng to the ordre of the .xij. articles of our co[m]mon crede, set furthe in Englishe to the glory of almightye God, and to the confirmacion of Christes people in Christes catholike olde faith. By I.O.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1556전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110966Book InfoA confutatio[n] of vnwritte[n] verities both bi the holye scriptures and moste auncient autors, and also probable arguments, and pithy reasons, with plaine aunswers to al (or at the least) to the moste part and strongest argumentes, which the aduersaries of gods truth, either haue, or can bryng forth for the profe and defence of the same vnwrittenEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1556전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110967Book InfoA copye of a verye fyne and vvytty letter sent from the ryght reuerende Levves Lippomanns byshop of Verona in Italy, and late legate in Polone, from the moste holy and blessed father Pope Paule the fourth, and from his most holy sea of Rome. Translated out of the Italyan language by Michael ThrockmertonEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1556전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110968Book InfoA copye of a verye fyne and vvytty letter sent from the ryght reuerende Levves Lippomanus by shop of Verona in Italy, and late legate in Polone, from the moste holy and blessed father Pope Paule the Fourth, and from his moste holy sea of Rome translated out of the Italyan language by Michael Throckmerton.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1556전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110969Book InfoCertayne godly, learned, and comfortable conferences betuuene the tuuo reuerende fathers and holye martyres of Christe, D. Nicolas Ridley late byshoppe of London, and M. Hugh Latymer, somtime bishop of VVorcester, duryng the tyme of their emprisonmentesEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1556전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110970Book InfoCertayne praiers, and godlye meditatcions of holy men and women: taken oute of the BybleEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1556전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110971Book InfoCerte[n] godly, learned, and comfortable conferences, betwene the two reuerende fathers, and holye martyrs of Christe, D. Nicolas Rydley late Bysshoppe of London, and M. Hughe Latymer sometyme Bysshoppe of Worcester, during the tyme of their emprysonmentes. Whereunto is added. A treatise agaynst the errour of transubstantiation, made by the sayd reEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1556전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110972Book InfoCertein godly, learned, and comfortable conferences, betwene the two reuerende fathers, and holy martyrs of Christe, D. Nicolas Rydley late Bisshoppe of London, and M. Hughe Latimer, sometyme Bisshop of Worcester, during the tyme of their emprisonmentesEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1556전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110973Book InfoThe castle of knowledgeEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1556전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110974Book InfoThe catechisme or manner to teache children the Christian religion wherin the minister demandeth the question, and the childe maketh answere. Made by the excellent doctor and pastor in Christes churche, Iohn Caluin.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1556전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110975Book InfoThe contentes of this booke Fyrst the booke for a justice of peace. The boke that teacheth to kepe a courte baron, or a lete. The boke teachynge to kepe a courte hundred. The boke called returna breuium. The boke called carta feodi, conteynynge the forme of dedes, releasses, indentures, obligacions, acquitaunces, letters of atturney, letters of perEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1556전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110976Book InfoThe copie of a letter, sent to the ladye Mary dowagire, Regent of Scotland, by Iohn Knox in the yeare. 1556. Here is also a notable sermon, made by the sayde Iohn Knox, wherin is euydentlye proued that the masse is and alwayes hath ben abhominable before God and idolatryeEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1556전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110977Book InfoThe copie of the publication of the trewse made betwene the most Cristien [sic] Kynge Henry second of that name themperour, and the kyng of Ingland his sonne published at Roan [sic] on Thursday the xx daye of Februarry [sic] ; translated out of Frenche into Inglishe.|Treaties, etc. 1556 Feb. 5Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1556전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110978Book InfoThe copy of certain lettres sent to the Quene, and also to doctour Martin and doctour Storye, by the most reuerende father in God, Thomas Cranmer Archebishop of Cantorburye from prison in Oxeforde: who (after long and most greuous strayt emprisoning and cruell handlyng) most constauntly and willingly suffred martirdome ther, for the true testimonieEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1556전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110979Book InfoA confutacion of that popishe and antichristian doctryne, whiche mainteineth ye ministracyon and receiuing of the sacrament under one kind made dialoge-wise betwene the prieste and the prentyse by Gracyous Menewe.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1555전문보기 (Full Text Access)
110980Book InfoCatonis disticha moralia ex castigatione D. Erasmi Roterodami vnà cum annotationibus & scholijs Richardi Tauerneri Anglico idiomate conscriptis in vsum Anglicae iuuentutis. Aliquot sententiae insignes ex varijs collectae scriptoribus per eundem Erasmum. Mimi publiani, cum Anglicis eiusdem Richardi scholijs, recognitiEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1555전문보기 (Full Text Access)