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111061Book InfoA commination.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1549전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111062Book InfoA consultorie for all Christians Most godly and ernestly warnyng al people, to beware least they beare the name of christians in vayne. Now first imprinted, the .xxx day of Ianuarie. Anno.M.D .xlix.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1549전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111063Book InfoA consultorie for all Christians Most godly and ernestly warnyng al people, to beware least they beare the name of christians in vayne. Now first imprinted, the. xxx day of Ianuarie.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1549전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111064Book InfoA contrarye (to a certayne manis) consultacion: that adulterers ought to be punyshed wyth deathe Wyth the solucions of his argumentes for the contrarye. Made by George Ioye.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1549전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111065Book InfoA copye of a letter contayning certayne newes, & the articles or requestes of the Deuonshyre & Cornyshe rebelles.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1549전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111066Book InfoCertayne Psalmes chosen out of the psalter of Dauid & drawen into English metre by Thomas Sternhold ...Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1549전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111067Book InfoCertayne psalmes chose[n] out of the Psalter of Dauid, and drawe[n] into Englishe metre by Thomas Sternhold grome of ye kynges Maiesties roobesEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1549전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111068Book InfoCertayne psalmes chosen out of the psalter of Dauid, commonlye called the .vii. penytentiall psalmes, drawen into englyshe meter by Sir Thomas Wyat knyght, wherunto is added a prolage of [the] auctore before euery psalme, very pleasau[n]t [and] profettable to the godly readerEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1549전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111069Book InfoCertayne sermo[n]s appoynted by the kinges Maiestie, to be declared and reade, by al persons, vicars, or curates, euery Sonday and holy daye in theyr churches where they haue cure:Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1549전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111070Book InfoCertayne sermons appointed by the kinges Maiestie, to be declared and read, by all persons, vicars or curates, euerye Sonday and holy day in their churches, where they haue cure:Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1549전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111071Book InfoCertayne sermons, or homelies appointed by the kynges Maiestie, to be declared and redde, by all persones, vicars, or curates, euery Sondaye in their churches, wher they haue cure.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1549전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111072Book InfoThe canticles or balades of Salomon, phraselyke declared in Englysh metres, by William BaldwinEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1549전문보기 (Full Text Access)ProQuest One Literature1549전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111073Book InfoThe castell of comforte in the whiche it is euidently proued, [that] God alone absolueth, and freli forgeueth the sinners of so many as vnfaynedly repent, and turne vnto hym Lately compyled by Thomas Becon.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1549전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111074Book InfoA Christen exhortation vnto customable swearers What a ryghte and lawfull othe is: whan, and before whome, it oughte to be. Item. The maner of sayinge grace, or geuyng thankes vnto God.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1548전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111075Book InfoA Christen sentence and true iudgement of the moste honorable sacrament of Christes bodye & bloud declared both by the auctorite of the holy Scriptures and the auncient doctores. Very necessary to be redde in this tyme of all the faythfull.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1548전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111076Book InfoA Copie of a lettre sent to preachersEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1548전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111077Book InfoA catechisme, that is to saie, a familiar introduccion and trainyng of the simple in the commaundementes of God, and the principles of oure religion muche necessarie to be taught and knowen to all good christian people, sette foorth in questions with direct answers to the same: [et] translated into Englishe for the behoufe and commoditee not onelyEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1548전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111078Book InfoA caueat for the Christians agaynst the arch-papistEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1548전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111079Book InfoA christen sentence and true iudgement of the moste honorable sacrament of Christes body [and] bloude declared both by the auctorite of the holy scriptures and the auncient doctores. Very necessary to be redde in this tyme of all the faythfull.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1548전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111080Book InfoA christian introduccion for youth conteinyng the principles of our fayth & religion. The master axeth the question accordying as he hath taught all thinges to the scholar afore. The scholar answereth as he hath afore learned and receiued it of the maister.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1548전문보기 (Full Text Access)