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111221Book InfoThe castell of pleasure The conueyaunce of a dreme how Desyre went to the castell of pleasure, wherin was the gardyn of affeccyon inhabyted by Beaute to whome he amerously expressed his loue vpon ye whiche supplycacyon rose grete stryfe dysputacyon, and argument betwene Pyte and Dysdayne.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1530전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111222Book InfoThe copy of the commaundement generall by the abbot of euyll profytesEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1530전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111223Book InfoCayphas and asked them what was prosylyte. AndEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1529전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111224Book InfoA copy of the letters, wherin the most redouted [and] mighty pri[n]ce, our souerayne lorde kyng Henry the eight, kyng of Englande [and] of Frau[n]ce, defe[n]sor of the faith, and lorde of Irla[n]de: made answere vnto a certayne letter of Martyn Luther, sent vnto hym by the same [and] also the copy of ye foresayd Luthers letter, in suche order, as hEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1528전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111225Book InfoA copy of the letters, wherin the most redouted [and] mighty pri[n]ce, our souerayne lorde kyng Henry the eight, kyng of Englande [and] of Frau[n]ce, defe[n]sor of the faith, and lorde of Irla[n]de: made answere vnto a certayne letter of Martyn Luther, sente vnto hym by the same [and] also the copy of [the] foresayd Luthers letter, in suche order,Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1528전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111226Book InfoA cut of St. John the EvangelistEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1528전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111227Book InfoComplures Luciani dialogi à desiderio Erasmo Roterodamo utriusq[ue] linguae doctissimo in Latinum co[n]uersi, & à Nicolao Buscoduce[n]si illustrati, additis fabularu[m] & difficilimu[m] uocabuloru[m] explanatio[n]ibus, cu[m] tabula. Distichon ab Hadriano Barlando lusum Graecia me genuit nuper facundus Erasmus transtulit in latium, munere plaude pueEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1528전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111228Book InfoThe Cronycles of Englonde with the dedes of popes and emperours, and also the descripcyon of EnglondeEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1528전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111229Book InfoA copy of the letters, wherin the most redouted [and] mighty pri[n]ce, our souerayne lorde kyng Henry the eight, kyng of Englande [and] of Frau[n]ce, defe[n]sor of the faith, and lorde of Irla[n]de: made answere vnto a certayne letter of Martyn Luther, sente vnto him by the same and also the copy of the foresaid Luthers letter, in such order, as heEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1527전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111230Book InfoA copy of the letters, wherin the most redouted [and] mighty pri[n]ce, our souerayne lorde kyng Henry the eight, kyng of Englande [and] of Frau[n]ce, defe[n]sor of the faith, and lorde of Irla[n]de: made answere vnto a certayne letter of Martyn Luther, sente vnto him by the same and also the copy of the foresaid Luthers letter, in such order, as here after foloweth.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1527전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111231Book InfoA compendious introduccion, prologe or preface vn to the pistle off Paul to the RomaynsEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1526전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111232Book InfoThe churche of yuell men [and] women wherof Lucyfere is heed. And the membres is all the players dissolute, and synners reproued.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1525전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111233Book InfoCollectarium mansuetudinum et bonorum morum regis Henrici. vi. ex collectiõe magistri Ioannis blakman bacchalaurei theologie et post Cartusie monachi LondiniEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1523전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111234Book InfoClaudii Galeni Pergameni De motu musculorum libri duo Nicolao Leoniceno interpreteEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1522전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111235Book InfoA caroll of huntyngeEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1521전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111236Book InfoCaleni [sic] Pergamensis De temperamentis, et De inaequali intemperie libri tres Thoma Linacro anglo interprete [...]Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1521전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111237Book InfoCarta feodi simplicis cum lettera atturnatoria|Carta feodi.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1521전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111238Book InfoContio quam anglice habuit reverendus pater Ioannes Roffensis Episcopus in celeberrimo nobilium conuentu Londini, eo die, quo Martini Lutheri scripta publico apparatu in ignem coniecta sunt, uersa in Latinu per Richardum Pacaeum a sesrenissimi regis Anglie secretis, verum Grece [et] Latine PeritissimumEarly English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1521전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111239Book InfoCuiusda[m] fidelis Christiani epistola, ad Christianos o[n?]es, eos salubriter admone[n?]tis, atq[ue] ad poenitentia[m] salutare[m] adhortatis subsequitur & diui Augustini de miseria, ac breuitate huius mortalis uitae, sermo deuotissimus, & ad mundi contemptu[m] efficacissimus.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1521전문보기 (Full Text Access)
111240Book InfoChristiani hominis institutum in fide Iesu et in amore.Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest1520전문보기 (Full Text Access)