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총 19,680건 중 15,981 - 16,000건 출력
  • 15981
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    [Troposchematologia] maximam partem ex Indice rhetorico Farnabii deprompta: additis insuper Anglicanis exemplis. / In usum scholae Regiae Grammaticalis apud St. Edmundi Burgum.|Maximam partem ex Indice rhetorico Farnabii deprompta
  • 15982
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    ... Garl[and] containing four choice songs. 1. On the opening of the new theatre [in] Manchester. 2. The happy marriage. 3 The injur'd fair. 4 The sorrowful tailor's wedding
  • 15983
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    [A spelling book.]
  • 15984
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    [The mushroom blues. A song. Tune - The black joke.]
  • 15985
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    [The] Bonny broom
  • 15986
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    Œuvres de M. Gresset. ...
  • 15987
    Book Info
    [A] Collection of lectures and sermons, preached upon several subjects, mostly in the time of the late persecution. Wherein a faithful doctrinal testimony is transmitted to posterity for the doctrine, worship, discipline and governemnt of the Church of Scotland against popery, prelacy, erastianism, &c. By these faithful and eminent servatns of Jesus Christ; Messrs. William Guthrie, Michael Bruce,
  • 15988
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    [An] Addr[ess] to the common peop[le] of the Roman Catholic religion, concerning the apprehended French invasion. By the Rev. Arthur O'Leary, author of Loyalty asserted
  • 15989
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    [Artaserse] A new serious opera; as performed at the King's Theatr[e] in the Hay-Market. The music entirely new, by Signor Ferdinando Berton. The translation by Mistress Rigaud
  • 15990
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    [Etchings of Coade's Artificial Stone Manufacture Narrow Wall Lambeth near Westminster Bridge]
    Coade's Artificial Stone Manufactory
  • 15991
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    [G]oldsmith. An [A]lmanack for the [YE]ar of our Lord God, M.DCC.LXXIX. Being the third after [T]extile or leap-year. Wherein are contain'd necessary rules, and [U]seful tables; [WIT]h a new chronlogy of re[MA]rkable events; also, the ...oper days and hours for trans...ing stocks and receiving di[VID]ends; and a list of holidays ...pt at the public offices. Calculated by [JO]hn Goldsmith
  • 15992
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    [Mimosa] : or, The sensitive plant; A poem dedicated to Mr. Banks, and addressed to Kitt Frederick, Dutchess of Queensberry, Elect
  • 15993
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    [T]he history of Darien. Giving a short description of that colony an account of the attempts of the [Scots] nation to settle a colony [in that] place, a relation of the many ... fasters which attended that design; ... practical reflections upon the whole. By the Rev. Mr. Francis Borland, some time minister of the Gospel at Glassford; and one of the ministers who went along with the last colony to
  • 15994
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    [The] sons of darkness holding a Lanthorn to the children of light. Being the substance of a sermon delivered in the New-Market; in Birmingham. By Thomas Taylor
  • 15995
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    [A] catalogue of all the genuine houshold furniture, plate, watches, rings, linen, china, and other effects of Mrs. Mercy Holier, (deceased.) Which (by order of the exceutor) will be sold by auction, by H. Robins, on the premises, No. 8, Little Drury-Lane, on Wednesday next, April 1, 1778. The furniture consists of a neat mahogany double chest of drawers, a bureau, ditto four-post and other bedste
  • 15996
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    [An] attempt to vindicate, explain, and enforce the important duty of renewing our Solemn covenants: in several sermons
  • 15997
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    [O]vid's Metamorphoses, in fifteen books, with the arguments and notes of John Minellius translated into English. To which is marginally added, a prose version, Viz. The very Words of Ovid, digested into the proper Order in Construing; by the Assistance of which Young Scholars, of but a very small Acquaintance with the Rules of Grammar, may be enabled of themselves, with Ease and Pleasure, to lear
  • 15998
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    [The] knights. A comic entertainment. As it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. By Samuel Foote, Esq.
  • 15999
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    [The] pantheon: or, Fabulous history of the heathen gods, goddesses, heroes, &c. Explained in a manner entirely new; and rendered much more useful than any hitherto published. Adorned with figures from antient paintings, medals and gems, for the use of those who would understand history, poetry, painting, statuary, coins, medals, &c. With an explanation of the mythology of the antients from the wr
  • 16000
    Book Info
    [The] project. A poem. Dedicated to Dean Tucker