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총 19,680건 중 16,101 - 16,120건 출력
  • 16101
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    [Shakespeare: an epistle to Mr. Garrick; with an ode to genius.]:
    Lloyd, Robert
  • 16102
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    [State] of the process Colin MacArthur Dyster in Nairn; against James Rose merchant in Aberdeen, and George Bean Sheriff Clerk Depute of Aberdeen, factor appointed by the Lords of Session upon the estate of Hugh Rose of Clava. ...
  • 16103
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    [T]he duty of a Parish-priest; his obligations to perform it; and the incomparable pleasure of a life devoted to the care of souls. A [s]ermon, preach'd at a visitation of the clergy, held at Wakefield, July 2, 1760. [By] H. Venn, A.M. vicar of Huddersfield, and late fellow of Queen's College, Cambridge. [Pu]blished at the request of many of the hearers
  • 16104
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    [The South-Carolina almanack, for the year of our Lord 1760 By John Tobler, Esq; of New-Windsor]
  • 16105
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    [The Stag g]arland, containing some delightful new songs. The hunting of the stag. Sally's resolution; a new song. The sailor's farewel to his sweetheart. The attick banks. The new way of attick banks. Licensed and entered according to order
  • 16106
    Book Info
    [The court and city register. For the year 1760.] Corrected to the 17th of Nov. Containing, I. An almanack. II. New and corrected lists of both houses of Parliament. III. The court register. IV. List of the army and navy. The twenty-eighth editio[n], containing more lists than any book of ... and some new ones never yet printed. Carefully corrected at the proper offi[ces]
  • 16107
    Book Info
    [The] London rake's garland. Beautified with several choice new songs. I. The Rakes farewell to London City. II. The disconsolate Nymph. III. The Swain's answer. IV. The Curragh of Kildair. V. Two songs on the King and Queen's coronation
  • 16108
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    Æsop's fables. With instructive morals and reflections, abstracted from all party considerations, adapted to all capacities; and design'd to promote religion, morality, and universal benevolence. Containing two hundred and forty fables, with a cut ... to each fable. And the life of Æsop prefixed by Mr. Richardson
  • 16109
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    [O]roonoko. A tragedy. As it was acted at the Theatre-Royal, by His Majesty's servants. In the year 1699. By Tho. Southern
  • 16110
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    Æsopi Phrygis Fabulæ, nunc demum ex collatione optimorum exemplarium ab infinitis penè mendis repurgatæ: unà cum nonnullis variorum auctorum fabulis adjectis. Et indice correctiori præfixo.
  • 16111
    Book Info
    [A new] office of devotion adapted to the present times. To which is added, the prayer of a true Catholick, or of a consistent Protestant. In two parts. The whole being calculated for general use, and to promote a further refor[mation]
  • 16112
    Book Info
    [Dispute between William Thornton and Robert Fox Lane over the election in York to fill the seat in Parliament left vacant by the death of Sir John Armytage]
  • 16113
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    [Memoir relating to life and character of Mrs. Susanna Strangways Horner: taken from a sermon, on occasion of her death, delivered in the parish church of St. Peter Portesham, Dorset, ... April, ... 1758. By the author of An elegiac thought ...]
    Author of An elegiac thought
  • 16114
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    [The] thirty-nine articles of the Church of England, illustrated with notes, and confirmed by texts of the Holy Scripture, and testimonies of the primitive fathers. Together with references to the passages in several authors, which more largely explain the doctrine contained in the said articles. Written in Latin by the Rev. Mr. Archdeacon Welchman, and now translated into English according to the
  • 16115
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    [The] book of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the church, according to the use of the Church of Ireland: Together with the Psalter or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in churches
  • 16116
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    [I]nstructions to the [r]epresentatives in Parliament for the city of London, and county of York
  • 16117
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    [The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ]
  • 16118
    Book Info
    Æsop naturaliz'd: in a collection of diverting fables and stories from Æsop, Lockman, Pilpay and others. With useful morals and reflections: in easy and familiar verse. Adapted to all Capacities, and intended principally for the Entertainment and Instruction of the Youth of both Sexes
  • 16119
    Book Info
    --A mourning piece-- being a discourse deliver'd at Brooklyn in Pomfret, October 22. 1754. With some alterations. Occasion'd by the much-lamented death, and delivered at the funeral, of the Reverend Mr. Ephraim Avery, Pastor of the church there. Who expired on the 20th instant, in the 42d year of his life, and 20th of his ministry. By Ebenezer Devotion, A.M. [Three lines from Young's Night thought
    Devotion, Ebenezer
  • 16120
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    [A] view of the covenant of grace from the sacred records: Wherein the parties in that covenant, the making of it, its parts conditionary and promissory, and the administration thereof, are distinctly considered: together with the trial of a saving personal in-being in it, and the way of enstating sinners therein, unto their eternal salvation. To which is subjoin'd, a memorial concerning personal