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총 19,680건 중 16,141 - 16,160건 출력
  • 16141
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    [An] essay on the bilious, or yellow fever of Jamaica. By John Williams
  • 16142
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    [Lov]e in a tub: or, the [old m]iser outwitted. To an excellent new tune
  • 16143
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    [The Psalm-singer's compleat tutor and divine companion. ... By Thomas Moore.]
  • 16144
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    [The] saint's duty and exercise; or, an earnest invitation to the throne of grace. Wherein is laid down some quickening Motives for the stirring up of Sinners, both to Family and secret Prayer, with Dirrections how to pray and give Thanks to God in Publick and Private; and some Encouragements to servent hearty Prayer: Together with the great Danger of living in the neglect of so necessary a Duty.
    Russel, Robert
  • 16145
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    [Tom Brownás Complete jester]
  • 16146
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    [A catalogue] of the fellows : candidates, and licentiates of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
    Royal College of Physicians of London
  • 16147
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    [A] new and choice collection of loyal songs
  • 16148
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    [An Act for granting an aid to His Majesty by a land tax, to be raised in Great Britain, for the service of the year one thousand seven hundred and fifty.]
  • 16149
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    [An] appeal to the people of Ireland. Occasioned by the insinuations and misrepresentations of the author of a weekly paper, entitled, The censor. Proving, that the principles laid down in that paper, and the author's reflections upon England, are unjust, ungrateful, and, in their consequences, highly injurious to the Linen Manufacture, to the Charter Schools, and to the whole Protestant interest
  • 16150
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    [Poems, in] The life and character of the Reverend Benjamin Colman
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 16151
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    [Praehonorabili] domino,- - - - - - - comit de- - - - - -, &c. &c.
  • 16152
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    [The History of England.]
    Thumb, Thomas
  • 16153
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    [Vox populi, vox Dei, &c.] The petition and proposal of Jacob Henriques to the Honourable House of Commons, for paying the national debt, &c. ...
  • 16154
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    Æsop's fables. With instructive morals and reflections. Abstracted from all party considertions. Adapted to all capacities; and design'd to promote religion morality, and universal benevolence. Containing two hundred and forty fables with a cut engrav'd on copper to each fable. And the life of Æsop prefixed
  • 16155
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    [A catalogue of the] fellows : candidates, and licentiates of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
    Royal College of Physicians of London
  • 16156
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    [A general abridgment of law and equity alphabetically digested under proper titles with notes and references to the whole. By Charles Viner, Esq;].
    Viner, Charles
  • 16157
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    [A spelling-dictionary of the English language, on a new plan. For the use of young gentlemen, ladies, and foreigners. Being an introductory part of the circle of the sciences, &c. Published by the King's authority.]
    Newbery, John
  • 16158
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    [A] Scheme for restoring a little honour and honesty to the world. Humbly address'd to that worthy patriot Mr. Charles Lucas, one of the candidates to represent this city in Parliament
  • 16159
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    [A] catalogue of a very neat and valubale collection of books, in Greek, Latin, French, Spanish, Italian, and English, many of them are bound in Turkey leather, and other elegant bindings. Amongst which are the following, folio. Dicticnnaire de Bayle, 5 tom. Paris diction de commerce, 3 tom. 1741 Viturve, par Perrault - - 1684 Sir T. Roe's Negotiations, in Turkey leather Tanner's notitia, in Turke
  • 16160
    Book Info
    [A] voyage round the world, in the years MDCCXL, I, II, III, IV. By George Anson, Esq; Commander in Chief of a Squadron of His Majesty's Ships, sent upon an Expedition to the South-Seas. Compiled from papers and other materials of the Right Honourable George Lord Anson, and published under his direction. By Richard Walter, M. A. Chaplain of his Majesty's Ship the Centurion, in that Expedition
    Anson, George Anson