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총 19,680건 중 16,821 - 16,840건 출력
  • 16821
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    [Hebrew] or Wisdome and prudence exhibited in a sermon before the right honourable the Lord Chief Justice Rainsford, and the Lord Chief Justice North. In their late western circuit. By Tho. Tanner, Rector of Brightstone in Hants.
  • 16822
    Book Info
    [Hebrew] or wisdome and prudence exhibited in a sermon before the Right Honourable the Lord Chief Justice Rainsford, and the Lord Chief Justice North. In their late western circuit. By Tho. Tanner, Rector of Brightstone in Hants.
  • 16823
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    [Pueriles confabulatiunculae, authore Evaldo Gallo, à mendis repurgatae].
  • 16824
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    Æsopi Phrygis fabulæ jam recenter ex collatione optimorum exemplarium emendatiús excusæ ... : et indice correctiori prafixe.|Æsop's fables. Latin.
  • 16825
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    1676, an almanack of coelestial motions of the sun and planets, with some of their principal aspects, for the year of the Christian era, 1676 being in our account the first after bissextile or leap-year and from the creation, 562[?] ... calculated for longitude 315 gr. and 42 gr. 30 min. of north latitude / by J.S.|Almanack of coelestial motions of the sun and planets ... for the year of the Chr
  • 16826
    Book Info
    1676. Apollo Anglicanus, The English Apollo: assisting all persons in the right understanding of this years revolution, as also of things past, present, and to come. With necessary tables plain and useful. A twofold kalendar, viz. Julian or English, Gregorian or forein computations, more plain and full than any other; with the sun and moons risings
  • 16827
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    [A Brief account of some choice & famous medicines]
  • 16828
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    [An appendix to the office and duty of an executor.]
  • 16829
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    [Hebrew] or, An appeal to the scriptures In a summary collection of scriptures, produced, and placed, in answer to twenty one questions, relating to this following enquiry. Viz. Whether the seventh, of last day of the week, in the weekly revolutions, and returns of it, formerly was, now is, and till heaven, and earth pass away, will be, the divine
  • 16830
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    [N]ews of a new world from the word and works of God compared together evidencing that the times of the man of sin are legally determin[ed] and by the same right the days of the S[o]n of Man are alre[ady] commenced : being some account of eight sermons delivered at a lecture in London : whereto for further evidence are added two small tracts, the one touching the times of Gog & Magog, the oth
  • 16831
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    [The country miss new come in fashion] or, A farewel to the pockifi'd town-miss. A country girl in a paragon gown, that never yet knew the tricks of the town ... to an excellent new play-house tune, called, The mock tune to the French rant.
  • 16832
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    [The sea-man's kalender, or, An ephemerides of the sun, moon, and certain of the most notable fixed stars] [as also a table of the longitude and latitude of all the most eminent places of the world / first calculated by John Tap ; since corrected and enlarged with many additions ... by Henry Philippes.]
  • 16833
    Book Info
    [The sea-man's kalender, or, An ephemerides of the sun, moon, and certain of the most notable fixed stars] [as also a table of the longitude and latitude of all the most eminent places of the world / first calculated by John Tap ; since corrected and enlarged with many additions ... by Henry Philippes.]
  • 16834
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    Æsopi Phrygis fabulæ jam recenter ex collatione optimorum exemplarium emendatiús excussæ ...|Æsop's fables. Latin.
  • 16835
    Book Info
    Æsopi Phyrgis fabulæ. Jam recenter ex collatione optimorum exemplarium emendatiùs excusæ. Unà cum nonnullis variorum authorum fabulis adjectis. Et indice correctiori præfixo.|Æsop's fables. Latin.
  • 16836
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    1. Catonis disticha de moribus 2. Dicta insignia septem sapientum Graeciae. 3. Mimi publiani, sive, Senecae proverbia, Anglo-Latina. Cato item grammaticè interpretatus, Latinis & vernaculis vocibus, pari ordine, sed diversis lineis alternatis. Quò sc. aetatula puerilis praecepta vitae communis ita legant ut intelligant. A Carolo Hoolo, A. M. privatae scholae grammaticae institutore in aurificum vi
    Caton l'Ancien
  • 16837
    Book Info
    1675, Apollo Anglicanus the English Apollo : assisting all persons in the right understanding of this years revolution, as also of things past, present, and to come : with necessary tables plain and useful : a twofold kalendar, viz. Julian or English, Gregorian or forein computations, more plain and full than any other, with the sun and moons risings and settings, daily observ'd, with latitude, n
  • 16838
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    [A] rejoynder to Mr. Henry Danvers his brief friendly reply to my ansvver about infant-baptism / by Richard Blinman ...
  • 16839
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    [An elegy] upon Marsh's one of [the two publick sworn informers against Protestant] religious meetings in the city of London, who [lately dyed very miserably in the prison of] the Counter.
  • 16840
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    [An] alm[anack of] coelestial moti[ons for the year of the] Chris[tian epocha,] 1[675] Being (in our a[ccount first from leap-year,] and from] th[e creation 5617.] The vulgar [notes ...] golden number 4 cycle of the sun 4 dominic. letter C [bracket] epact 14 Roman indict. 13 numb. directio[n] 14 : calculated for the longitude of 315 gr. and 42 gr.