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총 19,680건 중 16,861 - 16,880건 출력
  • 16861
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    [Some seri]ous reflections on that part of [Mr]. Bunion's [Con]fession of faith: [t]ouching [church] communion with [unbapti]zed persons: [a]s also ... [a]rguments against the ..., and seven queries ... [t]o the author. ... [serva]nt of Christ & the Church
  • 16862
    Book Info
    [Some seri]ous reflections on that part of [Mr]. Bunion's [Con]fession of faith: [t]ouching [church] communion with [unbapti]zed persons: [a]s also ... [a]rguments against the ..., and seven queries ... [t]o the author. ... [serva]nt of Christ & the Church
  • 16863
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    [The Oxford] almanack for the year of our Lord God 1673. Being the first from the bissextile, or leap-year
  • 16864
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    [The book of the general laws for the people within the jvrisdiction of Connecticut.]
  • 16865
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    [A modest] representation of the benefits and advantages of making the River Avon navigable from Christ-Church to the city of New Sarum humbly submitted to the consideration of the city aforesaid, and the countries bordering upon the said river, and to all other persons that are, or may be concerned therein, for their incouragement, joyntly to carr
  • 16866
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    [Ichnographia templorum veterum]
  • 16867
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    [The book of common prayer]
  • 16868
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    [Y drydded rhan o waith. The third part of the works.]|Third part of the works|At Plwyfogion Llanddyfri, Llan-fair ar Brino Llanedi yn Shir Gaer-fyrddyn
  • 16869
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    [A description of a mathematical instrument] made by John Browne.
  • 16870
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    [Meteorologia, or, The true way of foreseeing and judging the inclination of the air and alteration of the weather in several regions ... by William Cock ...].
  • 16871
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    [Psalm tunes harmonised]
  • 16872
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    [The amorous travellers, or, The night-adventures] [written originally in Spanish by a person of honour ; translated into French by the exquisite pen of the Sieur Deganes, and into English by J.B.]|Engaños deste siglo, y historia svcedida en nvestros tiempos.|Night-adventures.
  • 16873
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    [The burning bush not consumed]
  • 16874
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    [The kings psalter. Containing psalms and hymns, with easie and delightful directions to all learners, whether children, youths, or others, for their better reading of the English tongue. Also prayers for every day of the week, beginning with the letters of the name of our soveraign lord King Charles; and other observable varieties, fit either for
  • 16875
    Book Info
    1. Catonis disticha de moribus, 2. Dicta insignia septem sapientum Graeciae, 3. Mimi publiam, sive, Senecae proverbia, Anglo-Latina Cato item grammaticè interpretatus, Latinis & vernaculis vocibus, pari ordine, sed diversis lineis alternatis, quo sc. aetatula puerilis praecepta vitae communis ita legant ut intelligant a Carolo Hoolo = 1. Cato's distichs concerning manners, 2. Excellent s
  • 16876
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    [A fruteful] and learned sermon preached in London; by a most worthy and faithful minister of Chrsit. For the great support and comfort of the people of God in evil times. Most learnedly opened, and prest from Psal. 97.11. Light is sown for the righteous. And farther shews, that if there be either justice in heaven, or fire in hell, persecutors sha
  • 16877
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    [Colophon of Johannes Lesnerius]
  • 16878
    Book Info
    [I]n Fan-Church-street, next door to the sign of the spectacles, near the Angel-Tavern, there is an Italian chymist doctor, that cures outward and inward diseases of the bo[dy], (if the party be not too old) as pains in the head, ...
  • 16879
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    [Suas gradum si virtutem colas, et nescias quis h]ic jacet, lege & luge. Iohannes Clericus, ecclesiae Anglicanae senior dignissimus, & electorum ordine meritò decoratus.
  • 16880
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    [The] Westminster cuckold