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총 19,680건 중 16,881 - 16,900건 출력
  • 16881
    Book Info
    Æsopi phrygis fabulæ jam recenter ex collatione optimorum exemplarium emendatius excusæ : unà cum nonnullis variorum autorum fabulis adjectis et indice correctiori præfixo.
  • 16882
    Book Info
    [A bri]ef accompt of the maintenances arising by the tithes, glebe, and other profits to the several ministers of [the?] parish-churches demolished by the late dreadful fire in London; together with the names of the present incum[ben]ts thereof: drawn from the certificates of the said several parishes, and other informations; occasioned by a paper
  • 16883
    Book Info
    [A brief e]xhort[ation], with the means to [promote] pie[ty] especially directed to th[e] [...] of London. / By a lover thereof, a[nd] of all sincere Christians.|Brief exhortation, with the means to promote piety
  • 16884
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    [Choice poems of several sorts]
  • 16885
    Book Info
    [Choice poems of several sorts]
  • 16886
    Book Info
    [A new and further discovery of the Islle [sic] of Pines] in a letter from Cornelius van Sloetton a Dutch-man (who first discovered the same in the year, 1667.) to a friend of his in London. With a relation of his voyage to the East Indies. Wherein is declared how he happened to come thither, the scituation [sic] of the country, the temperature of
  • 16887
    Book Info
    [A] profitable and pleasant glass of extraordinary expen[ces ...] Whereunto is added, the true assize of bread, according to the statute.
  • 16888
    Book Info
    [A] profitable and pleasant glass of extraordinary expen[ces] ... Whereunto is added, the true assize of bread, according to the statute
  • 16889
    Book Info
    [En oligo Christianos] the almost-Christian discovered, or, the false professor tried and cast : being the substance of seven sermons, first preached at Sepulchres, London, 1661, and now at the importunity of friends made publick / by Matthew Meade.|Almost-Christian discovered.|False professor tried and cast.
  • 16890
    Book Info
    [Secret-love, or The maiden-queen: as it is acted by His Majesties Servants, at the Theater-Royal.]
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 16891
    Book Info
    Æsopi Phrygis fabulæ jam recenter ex collatione optimorum exemplarium emendatiùs excusæ ...|Æsop's fables. Latin.
  • 16892
    Book Info
    Æsopi fabulæ, Anglo-Latinæ; quarum singulæ in distinctas suas periodos, numericis characteribus annotatas, ita dividuntur; ut in eisdem transcribendis & transferendis exercitati pueruli, non modo regulas quascunque grammaticas accuratius intelligant; sed & aptam verborum compositionem, atque idiomata utriusque Linguæ fæliciùs prosequantur, atque imitentur. / A Carolo Hool, in Artibus M. è Coll. L
  • 16893
    Book Info
    Æsopi fabulæ, Anglo-Latinæ; quarum singulæ in distinctas suas periodos, numericis characteribus annotatas, ita dividuntur; ut in eisdem transcribendis & transferendis exercitati pueruli, non modo regulas quascunque grammaticas accuratius intelligant; sed & aptam verborum compositionem, atque idiomata utriusque Linguæ fæliciùs prosequantur, atque imitentur.
  • 16894
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    [An heroical song] on the worthy and valiant exploits of our noble lord general George Duke of Albemarle, &c. both by land and sea. Made in August, 1666. To the tune of St. George.
  • 16895
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    [Eye-salve for England, or, The grand trappan detected] [in a plain and faithful narrative of the horrid and unheard-of designs of some justices and deputy-lieutenants in Lancashire treacherously to ensnare the lives and estates of many persons of quality in that county, as also, in the counties of York and Chester / by Evan Price ...]
  • 16896
    Book Info
    Æsopi Phrygis fabulæ jam recenter ex collatione optimorum exemplarium emendatiùs excusæ : unà cum nonnullis variorum autorum fabullis adjectis : et indice correctiori præfixo.|Æsop's fables. Latin. 1667.
  • 16897
    Book Info
    [An ordinance made the eighteenth day of July.] Anno R.R. Caroli II. 18. Annoque D[o] 1666. The Right Honorable Edward Earl of Clarendon Lord High Chancellor of England, and the Honorable Sir Harbottle Grimstone, Baronet, Master of the Rolls, taking into their consideration the manifold disorders and undue practices which in the late times have cre
  • 16898
    Book Info
    [Dade] 1666 a new [almanack] and [prognostication] in which you may behold the state of this year of our Lord God 1666 : with physical observations and rules of husbandry, being the second from leap-year : [newly amplified with notes of] good consequence / by [William Dade...]
  • 16899
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    [De mirabilibus pecci]
  • 16900
    Book Info
    [Hebrew] Peace-offerings and lamentations being the tears of a compunctionated and compassionate spirit, shed over the pale and cunsumptive face of heart-sick England, issuing as from the bleeding heart of a son over his languishing mother. Exprest in an antidote against her present plague, in an alexipharmacum against her too too epidemical pestil