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총 19,680건 중 16,901 - 16,920건 출력
  • 16901
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    [Psalme tunes to four voices]
  • 16902
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    [A sermon preached before His Majesty at Whitehall, March 12. 1664/5.] [By the right reverend father in God, B. Lord Bishop of Lincoln. Published by His Majesties special command.]
  • 16903
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    [A sermon preached before His Majesty on Good-Friday at Whitehall, March 24. 1664/5.] [By J. Dolben, D.D. Dean of Westminster, and Clerk of the Closet. Published by His Majesties special command.]
  • 16904
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    [A] gratulatory verse upon our late glorious victory over the Dutch, by the author of Iter Boreale.
  • 16905
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    [C. Sallustius Crispus cum Historiaru fragmentis].
  • 16906
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    [Narative of Edmond Nangle of Cloandarah, 1665]
  • 16907
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    [Preparation to conversion ...] Concerning a sin, that lies lurking in the hearts of almost who not; which hath not a second like it, either to hinder the blessings, or draw down the curses and judgements of God upon the nation. And yet men are so farre from thinking it a sin, that not a few esteem it a vertue. Composed at first for friends only, i
  • 16908
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    [A] chrystall glasse [for] Christian women Containing a most excellent discourse of the godly life and death of Mrs. Katherine Stubs, who departed this life in Burton upon Trent in Staffordshire, the 14. of December. With a most heavenly confession of the Christian faith which she made a little before her departure: also a wonderful combate betwixt
  • 16909
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    [Aischylou tragodiai hepta]. AEschyli tragoediae septem: / cum scholiis Graecis omnibus; deperditorum dramatum fragmentis, versione & commentario Thomae Stanleii..
  • 16910
    Book Info
    [Aischylou tragodiai hepta]. AEschyli tragoediae septem: / cum scholiis Graecis omnibus; deperditorum dramatum fragmentis, versione & commentario Thomae Stanleii.|Works.|AEschyli tragoediae septem
  • 16911
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    [Glosso-chalinosis], or, A bridle for the tongue. Wherein Christians are exhorted and directed to a holy and religious vigilancy; as over all their ways, so in special over their words. / By John Brinsley ...|Bridle for the tongue
  • 16912
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    [Lacrymae Hungaricae] in luctuosum satum illustrissimi & excellentissimi D.D. Nicolai comitis a Zereny, sacrae Caesareae nec non Regiae Majestatis consi[l?]ii intimi, Dalmatiae, Croatiae, & Sclavoniae bani; Hungariae, atq; praedictorum regnorum generalissimi, in terrorem Mahumedorum anno MDCXII. nati, ac in moerorem Christianorum MDCLXIV. 24 Novemb
  • 16913
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    [O thriambos tēs alētheias] Truth's tryumph; or, The day of the Lord broken forth, to the discovery of deceit, deceivableness, though never so secretly acted in the dark, or, something added in reply to Fra. Holcraft his six sheets of paper, wherein his spirit is unmask'd, and his bitterness and unchristian-like expressions laid before him (and others), that if possible he may be sensible of his
  • 16914
    Book Info
    [O thriambos tes aletheias] Truth's tryumph; or, The day of the Lord broken forth, to the discovery of deceit, deceivableness, though never so secretly acted in the dark, or, something added in reply to Fra. Holcraft his six sheets of paper, wherein his spirit is unmask'd, and his bitterness and unchristian-like expressions laid before him (and others), that if possible he may be sensible of his
  • 16915
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    [P]hrases oratoriae elegantiores. Cui accesserunt phrases aliquot poeticae. Curâ & operâ Tho. Farnabii.
  • 16916
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    [Syriac] id est, Grammatica linguæ domini nostri Jesu Christi, sive, grammatica Syriaca tribus libris tradita quorum primus vocum singularum proprietatem; secundus syntaxin; tertius figuras grammaticas & praxin continet. Omnibus adeò breviter & dilucidè explicatis ut menstruo spatio (uti præfatione ad lectorem docetur) ipsa linguæ medulla exugatur. / Opera & studio Guliel
  • 16917
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    [The case & usage of Mr. Edw. Bagshaw, drawn up by himself, the night before he was to have been sent away, being March 10. 1663/4. With an account of his examination before the King.]
  • 16918
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    [The types unvailed, or, The gospel pick't out of the legal ceremonies] [whereby we may compare the substance with the shadow, written for the information of the ignorant, for their help in reading of the old testament / by Tho. Worden ...]
  • 16919
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    [The types unvailed, or, The gospel pick't out of the legal ceremonies] [whereby we may compare the substance with the shadow, written for the information of the ignorant, for their help in reading of the old testament / by Tho. Worden ...]
  • 16920
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    [Truth's discovery, or, The Cavaliers case clearly stated by conscience and plain-dealing] [presented to the honorable commissioners, and all the truly loyall and indigent officers, and souldiers ... / written by Capt. Charles Hammond ...]