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총 19,680건 중 16,961 - 16,980건 출력
  • 16961
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    [Rate schedule for transportation of commodities within London]
  • 16962
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    [Some necessity of reformation of the publick doctrine of the Church of England. Or a modest and brief reply to Dr Pearson's modest and learned, No necessity of reformation of the publick doctrine of the Church of England.] [Directed to Dr Pearson himself. By William Hamilton gent.]
  • 16963
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    [Some necessity of reformation of the publick doctrine of the Church of England. Or a modest and brief reply to Dr Pearson's modest and learned, No necessity of reformation of the publick doctrine of the Church of England.] [Directed to Dr Pearson himself. By William Hamilton gent.]
  • 16964
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    [The rules of arithmetic]
  • 16965
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    [The worlds anotomy [sic]]
  • 16966
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    [The] merry boys of Christmas, or The milk-maids new-years-gift. When lads and lasses take delight, together for to be; they pass away the winter night, and live most merrily. To the tune of, Hey boys up go we.
  • 16967
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    [Two discourses] concerning episcopacy the former made by the Lord Viscount Falkland ; and the later by William Chillingworth.
  • 16968
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    [A] visition [sic] of love unto all people, (in whose hearts there are any true honest tender desires, begotten towards God and his righteousness,) in what sect or opinion or profession soever they be, in which is not in the Light; especially unto such who hath felt something of the workings of the life and power of God in them, and yet notwithstan
  • 16969
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    [A]n ex[pre]ss from the knights and gentlemen now engaged with Sir George Booth; to the city and citizens of London, and all other our free-men of England..
  • 16970
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    [An essay toward settlement upon a sure foundation being a testimony for God in this] perillous time / by a few, who have been bewailing their own, and other abominations, and would not be comforted, until their Redeemer, who is holy, be exalted in righteousnesse, and his name which hath been so much blasphemed, be sanctified in the sight of the na
  • 16971
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    [Catonis Disticha de moribus with one row English and another Latin / by C. Hoole].|Catonis disticha.
  • 16972
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    [Gwir ddeongliad breuddwydion]|Oneirocritica.
  • 16973
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    [Hebrew] A religious treatise upon Simeons song; or, instructions advertising how to live holily, and dye happily Composed at first for the use of the truly pious Sir Robert Harley, knight of the honourable order of the Bath But since published by Timothy Woodroffe, B.D. pastor to the church at Kingsland, in Herefordshire.
  • 16974
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    [Printer's device for John Allen of London]
  • 16975
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    [Printer's mark, showing, within a frame, rising sun in background, with two shields and a marigold [?] in foreground, the label 'Ip swiche' above a building on horizon; above the frame, a lion framed in a half-circle, with the date 16 59 divided by the half-circle.]
  • 16976
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    [Staurodidache kai stauronike] The doctrine & dominion of the crosse : in an historical narration and spiritual application of the passion of Iesus. / Written first in Latin by John Ferus ... ; now turned into English for the good of this nation by Henry Pinnell. ; Together with a preface of the translator, containing the necessity of knowing and conforming unto the cross of Christ, short con
  • 16977
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    [Th]is is for any of that generation that are looking for the kingdome of God with their own observations, but desernes not the signes of the coming of the Son of Man. And especially for them that meet to worship in the old Mass-House [i]n Aldermanbury.
  • 16978
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    [The book of the New Testament]
  • 16979
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    [The rump carbonadod, or], A new ballad to the tune of the Black-smith.|New ballad|Black-smith.
  • 16980
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    [The] Parliament and army invited to a great feast, at the costs and charges of the orphans of the city of London, the sixth of October, 1659; or, The orphans remonstrance shewing by way of petition and humble representation, the great wast and havock that is made of their portions and estates (deposited in the chamber of London) by the great Guardians and Trustees, the Lord Mayor, Court of Alder