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총 19,680건 중 17,041 - 17,060건 출력
  • 17041
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    1650. The scripture-kalendar used by the prophets and apostles, and by our Lord Jesus Christ: (with our vulgar almanack:) explaining the accounts, measures, weights, coyns, customes, and language, of Gods ancient people, and of primitive Christians. ... By H.I a servant of Jesus Christ.
  • 17042
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    [A] new ballad of Tobias: wherein is shewed the wonderfull things which [...] to him in his youth; and how he wedded a yong damsell that had had seven husbands, and never enjoyed their company: who were all slaine by a wicked spirit.
  • 17043
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    [An Act for the further explanation of the former Act,] entituled, An Act for selling the fee-farm rents belonging to the Commonwealth of England, fomerly payable to the crown of England, dutchy of Lancaster, and dutchy of Cornwal. Die Martis, 130 Augusti, 1650. Ordered by the Parliament, that this Act be forthwith printed and published. Hen: Scobe
  • 17044
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    [An Exercitation concerning vsurped powers] [wherein] the difference betwixt [civil]l authority and vsurpation is stated : that the obedience due to lawfull magistrates, is not owing, or payable, to usurped powers, is maintained : the obligation of oaths, and other sanctions to the former, notwithstanding the antipolitie of the latter is asserted :
  • 17045
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    [Mafteaḥ lashon ha-ḳodesh] that is the key of the holy tongue, wherein is contained, first the Hebrue grammar (in a manner) word for word out of P. Martinius / Englished for the benefit of those that (being ignorant in the Latine) are desirous to learne the holy tongue, by John Udall ; carefully corrected, and many faults amended, which were found both in the Latine and English copies by a Jew ra
  • 17046
    Book Info
    [Mafteah lashon ha-kodesh] that is the key of the holy tongue, wherein is contained, first the Hebrue grammar (in a manner) word for word out of P. Martinius / Englished for the benefit of those that (being ignorant in the Latine) are desirous to learne the holy tongue, by John Udall ; carefully corrected, and many faults amended, which were found both in the Latine and English copies by a Jew ra
  • 17047
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    [T]haram Taniah, leader of the Lords Hosts, unto his brethren the Quakers scornfully so called, who are the children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; : who are circumcised in heart; : the Jewish race in descent, unto whom the promise was made, : I will turn them into my pure language, by taking away their stony hearts: : and they shall all tremble at my word.
  • 17048
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    [The clergy in their colours, or A brief character of them.] [Written from a hearty desire of their reformation, and great zeal to my country-men, that they may no longer be deceived by such as call themselves the ministers of the gospel, but are not. / By John Fry a member of the Parliament of England].|Brief character of them
  • 17049
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    [The engagement vindicated and explained, or, The reasons upon which L. C. John Lilburne tooke the engagement] [published by a well-wisher of the present authority on purpose to satisfy scrupulous minds in the lawfulnesse of taking said engagement.].|Reasons upon which L. C. John Lilburne took the engagement
  • 17050
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    [The government of the Fullers, Shearmen, and Clothworkers of London as proved by the charters & ordinances. / Compiled by a member of the court.]|Sir|We doubt not to say ...|Chitwin's collections of the Company of the Clothworkers privileges.
  • 17051
    Book Info
    1649, Mercurius annalis, or A new almanack and prognostication serving for the yeare of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ, 1649 wherein is contained a double Kalender, viz. the English or Julian Accompt, and Gregoriana and Forraigne computation, with the change of the moon, her full and quarters, and other neccesary observations, convenient to
  • 17052
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    1649, the Scripture calendar used by the prophets and Apostles, and by our Lord Jesus Christ, paralleld with the new stile, and our vulgar almanack : explaining the accounts, measures, weights, coyns, customes, and language, of Gods ancient people, and of primitive Christians : herein also are contained, besides others, these particulars : 1. The use, benefit, and necessity hereof, in the preface
  • 17053
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    27 Decembr. 1649. An act for continuance of the committee of the Army, and treasurers at vvar.
  • 17054
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    [...] or, A brief relation of an atheisticall creature, living at Lambert, which is of a strange opinion that his sins are too big for him to goe to heaven, and too little for him to goe to hell, he thinks he shall dye a Pharisie: further he desired to have a commission to burne every new marryed couple in the buttock. [sic] but paying him forty sh
  • 17055
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    [A letter concerning events at Oxford]
  • 17056
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    [A watch-word to the city of London, and the armie] [wherein you may see that Englands freedome, which should be the result of all our victories, is sinking deeper under the Norman power, as appears by this relation of the unrighteous proceedings of Kingstone-Court against some of the Diggers at George-Hill, under colour of law; but yet thereby the cause of the Diggers is more brightened and stre
  • 17057
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    [B]y the King, a proclamation declaringe Iames Marques of Ormond to be lieutenant generall and generall governour of the kingdome of Ireland
  • 17058
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    [Ba`al-samz] or, Soveraigne balsome, gently applied in a few weighty considerations (by way of quaerie) for healing the distempers of such professors of religion as Satan hath wounded and drawn aside (under the notion of living in God) to the utter renouncing and casting off the use of divine ordinances, and Gospel-institutions of worship. With an
  • 17059
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    [Certain quaeries concerning liberty of conscience.] [Propounded to those ministers (so called) of Leicestershire, when they first met to consult that representation which they so privately framed, and yet afterwards so publicquely fathered upon the county. / By Henry Danvers a lover of truth and just freedom].
  • 17060
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    [Eikōn basilikē] the porvtraictvre of His Sacred Maiestie in his solitudes and sufferings. : Together with His Maiesties praiers delivered to Doctor Juxon immediatly [sic] before his death. : Also His Majesties reasons, against the pretended jurisdiction of the high Court of Justice, which he intended to deliver in writing on Munday January 22. 1648.