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총 19,680건 중 17,081 - 17,100건 출력
  • 17081
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    [A circular addressed to George Thomason desiring him to attend a Court of Common Council]
  • 17082
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    [A generall epistle to the universall church of the first born: whose names are written in heaven.] [Even to all the saints, in the unitie of the spirit: grace and peace to be multiplied. / Written by Thomas Collyer].|General epistle to the universall church of the first born, whose names are written in heaven
  • 17083
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    [A message] from His Highnesse the Prince of Wales, delivered to the Right Honorable the Lord Baron of Inchiquin Lord President of Mounster, in a councell of war at Corcke the 28. of November, 1648. by Richard Fanshaw Esquire, imployd by His Highness into Ireland.
  • 17084
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    [A second view of the Army remonstrance, or, Justice done to the Armie] [wherein their principles are new model'd, brought out of obscurity into clearer light by which the Army and the whole kingdom[e] are under the conduct of the spirit of God led out of a wildernesse to the view of a Canaan. Dedicated to the Generall, and the Councel of War / by William Sedgwick].|Justice done to the Armie|Remo
  • 17085
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    [A solemn league and covenant for reformation]
  • 17086
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    [A vindication of the army-remonstrance while they act sutable to those things therein remonstrated.] [Being a brief and moderate answer to Mr. Sedgwicks book, intituled, Justice upon the army-remonstrance. / By T. Collier].|Justice upon the armie remonstrance.
  • 17087
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    [An attestation to the testimony of our rev. brethren of the province of London to the truth of Jesus Christ and to our Solemn League and Covenant.] [As also against the errors heresies and blasphemies of these times and the toleration of them. / Resolved on by the ministers of Cheshire at their meeting May 2, and subscribed at their next meeting, June 6, 1648.]
  • 17088
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    [Ancient and durable gospell concerning the time of the perfect and totall subduing, washing away, remitting, blotting out, and pardoning, beleevers sins:] [and beleevers being justified, adopted, married to Christ; and presented by Christ spotlesse. Shewing, that though these things were in purpose before the world was in prophesie, and promise; before Christ dyed; purchased just then and aplied
  • 17089
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    [Clavis Bibliorum] [The key of the Bible, unlocking the richest treasury of the Holy Scriptures : whereby the 1 order, 2 names, 3 times, 4 penmen, 5 occasion, 6 scope, and 7 principall parts, containing the subject-matter of every book of Old and New Testiments, are familiarly and briefly opened : for the help of the weakest capacity in the understanding of the whole Bible / by Francis Roberts. A
  • 17090
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    [Joy after sorrow], being the sea-mans return from Jamaica:, or, The lovely lasses late lamentation for the long absence of her dearest beloved friend a voyage to Jamaica he pretends: but at his comming home makes her amends. To an excellent new tune, called, My love is gone to Bohemy, or, Wet and weary.
  • 17091
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    [Langley 1648] [by T. Langley]
  • 17092
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    [Mafteah lashon ha-kodesh] that is the key of the holy tongue. Wherein is contained the Hebrew grammar (in a manner) word for word out of P. Martinius / Englished for the benefit of those that (being ignorant in the Latine) are desirous to learne the holy tongue, by John Udall ; with some annotations upon every chapter by Christian Ravis Berlinate,
  • 17093
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    [Queries concerning the lawfulnesse of the present cessation]
  • 17094
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    [The Parliament justified in their late proceedings against Charls Stuart, or A brief discourse concerning the nature and rise of government, together with the abuse of it in tyranny, and the peoples reserve.] [As also an answer to a certain paper, entituled, The humble advice of the lecturers of Banbury in the county of Oxon, and Brackley in the county of Northampton. / By J: Fidoe, T: Jeanes, W
  • 17095
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    [The religious and loyal protestation of John Gauden, Dr. in Divinity, against the present declared purposes and proceedings of the army and others about the trying and destroying our Soveraign Lord the King] [sent to a colonel to bee presented to the Lord Fairfax and his generall council of officers, the 5 of Jan. 1648].
  • 17096
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    [The] out-crie of the Kings at Westminster, or, the junto who call themselves a Parliament. For their lamentable banging at Colchester, and the havock made of their sainted army there, conducted, by the gowty rebel Tom Fairfax, by the gallant Royalists under the command of the Right Honourable the Earle of Norwich, and the most valiant Sir Charles
  • 17097
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    [To the S]upreme Entrusted Authority of this nation, the Commons assembled in Parliament the humble petition of divers of the well-affected officers and souldiers of the army, under the command of His Excellency Thomas Lord Fairfax.
  • 17098
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    22 April, 1647. Remedies for removing some obstructions in church-government. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that these remedies for removing some obstructions in church-government, be forthwith printed and published: H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.
  • 17099
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    26. of August, 1647. To all the vvorld to view, and to all men of common sencc [sic] Christianity or humanity, to judge of Thomas Coningsby of Northmynis in the county of Hartford Esquire, now prisoner in the Tower of London. And of continuance under slavish and most inhumaine gaole tyrannie over his person, the space of foure yeares, eight months,
  • 17100
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    [A declaration of] the free-commoners of England, declaring and protecting against all tyranny and opression, in whomsoever: being resolved to owne their native-byrth-rights [sic], and thereing to center.