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총 19,680건 중 17,601 - 17,620건 출력
  • 17601
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    [A discourse of the abuses now in question in the churches of Christ] [of their creeping in, growing vp, and flowrishing in the Babilonish Church of Rome, how they are spoken against not only by the scriptures, but also by the ancient fathers as long as there remayned any face of a true Church maintained by publique authority, and likewise by the l
  • 17602
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    [De officiis Marci Tullii Ciceronis libri tres]|De officiis|M.T. Ciceronis De officiis liber primus, ad marcum filium|M.T. Ciceronis De officiis liber primvs, ad marcvm filivm|Ciceronis De officiis liber primus, ad marcum filium|Ciceronis De officiis liber primvs
  • 17603
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    [Imprint and device of Thomas Creede with the motto, 'Viressit vulnere veritas']
  • 17604
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    [Rich his farewell to militarie profession] [conteining very pleasant discourses fit for a peaceable time. Gathered together for the onely delight of the courteous gentlewomen, both of England and Ireland, for whose onely pleasure they were collected together, and vnto whom they are directed and dedicated. Newly augmented. / By Barnabe Riche gentle
  • 17605
    Book Info
    [Rich his farewell to militarie profession] [conteining very pleasant discourses fit for a peaceable time. Gathered together for the onely delight of the courteous gentlewomen, both of England and Ireland, for whose onely pleasure they were collected together, and vnto whom they are directed and dedicated. Newly augmented. / By Barnabe Riche gentleman.]
  • 17606
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    [The bloudie booke or, The tragical and desperate end of Sir Iohn Fites (alias) Fitz.]
  • 17607
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    [The bloudie booke or, The tragical and desperate end of Sir Iohn Fites (alias) Fitz.]
  • 17608
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    [The key of the Spanish tongue]
  • 17609
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    [The popes eschucheon, or coate of armes. In a field sable he beareth tripartite, three furies, heresie, frenzy and hypocrisy. His fiue gracelesse children, which he hath begotten vpon the whore of babylon (whose name is idolatry) are: a papist lormant, a papist cowchant, a papist passant, a papist rampant, a papist pendant]. / Written by a gentlem
  • 17610
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    [A book of engraved lace patterns]
  • 17611
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    [A note] of the head-lands of England [as] they [beare] one from another, agreeing with the plot of the description of the countrey, with their seuerall distances, as followeth.
  • 17612
    Book Info
    [A note] of the head-lands of England [as] they [beare] one from another, agreeing with the plot of the description of the countrey, with their seuerall distances, as followeth.|Of the head-lands of England|Head-lands of England
  • 17613
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    [A record of auncient histories intituled in Latin, Gesta Romanorum]
  • 17614
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    [A record of auncient histories intituled in Latin, Gesta Romanorum]|Gesta Romanorum. English. 1698.|History of Gesta Romanorum.
  • 17615
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    [Adam Bell, Clim of the Clough, and William of Cloudesly]
  • 17616
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    [An] amp[le] declaration of the Christian doctrine. Composed in Italian by the renowmed [sic] Cardinall, Card. Bellarmin. &c. ; Translated into English by Richard Hadock, Doctor of Diuinitie.|Dichiarazione piu copiosa della dottrina cristiana.|Ample declaration of the Christian doctrine
  • 17617
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    [Catalogus librorum bibliothecê publicê quam Thomas bodleius in academia oxoniensi nuper instituit.]
  • 17618
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    [G]radualia: ac cantiones sacrae, quinis, quaternis, trinisque vocibus concinnatae. Authore Gulielmo Byrd, organista regio Anglo. Superius|Gradualia, liber 1|Gradualia: ac cantiones sacrae, quinis, quaternis, trinisque vocibus concinnatae
  • 17619
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    [M. Perkins his exhortation to repentance, out of Zephaniah, preached in 2 sermons together with two treatises of the duties and dignitie of the ministrie ...]
  • 17620
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    [Parismus, the renouned prince of Bohemia.]