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총 19,680건 중 17,881 - 17,900건 출력
  • 17881
    Book Info
    [Certen] instruct[ions, obseruati]ons and orders militarie, requisit for all chieftaines, captaines [and?] higher and lower men of charge, [and officers] to vnderstand, [knowe and obserue] / Composed by Sir Iohn Smythe, knight, 1591. And now first imprinted. 1594.
  • 17882
    Book Info
    [Certen] instruct[ions, obseruati]ons and orders militarie, requisit for all chieftaines, captaines [and?] higher and lower men of charge, [and officers] to vnderstand, [knowe and obserue] / Composed by Sir Iohn Smythe, knight, 1591. And now first imprinted. 1594.|Certen instructions, observations and orders militarie
  • 17883
    Book Info
    [Mass for three voices]
  • 17884
    Book Info
    [The Troublesome and hard aduentures in loue]
  • 17885
    Book Info
    1593 Fiue hundreth pointes of good husbandrie as well for the champion or open countrie, as also for the woodland or seuerall, mixed in euerie month with huswiferie, ouer and besides the booke of huswiferie. Corrected, better ordered, and newlie augmented to a fourth part more, with diuers other lessons, as a diet for the farmer, of the properties of winds, planets, hops, hearbs, beés, and approou
  • 17886
    Book Info
    [A christian view of life and death.]
  • 17887
    Book Info
    [A sermon] no lesse fruitfull then famous Preached at Paules Crosse, on the Sunday of quinquagessima, by R. Wimbledon, in the raigne of King Henrie the fourth, in the yeere of our Lord. 1388. And found out hyd in a vvall. VVhich sermon, is heere set foorth by the olde coppie, without adding or diminishing, saue the olde and rude English, heere and
  • 17888
    Book Info
    [By the Privy Council] [the several rates for wages for the East Riding]|Several rates for wages for the East Riding
  • 17889
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    [Imprint of: An approved medicine against the deserued plague].
  • 17890
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    [The fleur de luce.]
  • 17891
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    [The glasse of vaine-glorie] [translated out of S. Augustine by W.P. ...]
  • 17892
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    [The passoinate [sic] morrice]
  • 17893
    Book Info
    [A booke named Tectonicon,] briefly shewing the exact measuring, and spedie reckoning all maner of land, squares, timber, stone, steeples, pillers, globes, &c. Further, declaring the perfect making and large vse of the carpenters ruler, conteining a quadrant geometricall: comprehending also the rare vse of the squire. And in the end a little treati
  • 17894
    Book Info
    [A shorte introduction of grammar generally to be vsed: compiled and set forth, for the bringing vp of all those that intend to attaine the knowledge of the Latine tongue]
  • 17895
    Book Info
    [A triall of wits]
  • 17896
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    [An engraved sea card of the eastern Atlantic, etc. from the Orkneys to Cape Verde.] T. Hood descripsit. ARyther sculpsit 1592
  • 17897
    Book Info
    [An epistle or exhortation of Iesus Christ to the soule, that is deuoutly affected towards him.]|Alloquia Jesu Christi ad animam fidelem.|Epistle or exhortation of Jesus Christ to the soule, that is devoutly affected towards him|Epistle of Iesus Christ to the faithfull soule|Epistle of Jesus Christ to the faithfull soule
  • 17898
    Book Info
    [Dauids euidenece [sic], or, The assurance of Gods loue declared in seuen sermons.]
  • 17899
    Book Info
    [Europaei orbis, ac[ademiae] celebriores et aliqua[ndo] flore[nte]s].|Academiarum totius Europae, seu orbis Christiani, catalogus.
  • 17900
    Book Info
    [Greenes Groatsworth of Witte, bought with a million of Repentance, describing the Folly of Youth, and falshood of Makeshift Flatterers, etc. [Edited by J. H., i.e. John Hind?] B.L.]
    ProQuest One Literature
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