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총 19,680건 중 17,941 - 17,960건 출력
  • 17941
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    [T]he summe of Christian religion: delivered by Zacharias Vrsinus in his lectures vpon the catechisme, authorised by the noble Prince Fredericke throughout his dominions: [w]herein are debated and resolved the questions of whatsoever points of moment, which haue beene, or are controversed in divinity. Translated into English by Henry Parry, out of
  • 17942
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    [The Bible]
  • 17943
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    [To the Church of Rome]
  • 17944
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    1588. A sermon preached on the queenes day. Beeing the 17. of Nouember. 1587. at the towne of Lidd in Kent, by Isaac Colfe, preacher of the word of God
  • 17945
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    [A Ballad of King Henry II and the miller of Mansfield]
  • 17946
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    [A declaration of the Queenes Maiesties will against the excesse of apparell. 13 Feb. 1588]
  • 17947
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    [A prayer for assistance against the Armada]
  • 17948
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    [Imprint of Thomas Orwin and device of Edward Aggas]
  • 17949
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    [Institutiones linguae Graecae ... cum scholijs P. Antesignani.... N. Clenardi Graecae linguae institutiones; a F. Sylburgio denuo recognitae; notationibusque H. Ste[p]hani. ...]
  • 17950
    Book Info
    [The recantations as they were seuerallie pronounced by VVylliam Tedder and Anthony Tyrrell: (sometime two seminarie priests of the English Colledge in Rome, and nowe by the great mercie of almightie God conuerted, vnto the profession of the Gospell of Iesus Christ) at Paules Crosse, the day and yeere as is mentioned in their seuerall tytles of the
  • 17951
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    [A golden chaine, taken out of the rich treasurehouse the Pslames of King Dauid: also, the pretious pearles of King Salomon published for the adorning of al true Christians which are the right nobilitie, against the triumphant returne of our blessed Sauiour, which is nigh at hande. By Thomas Rogers. Allowed according to hir Maiesties iniunctions]
  • 17952
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    [Daphnis and Chloe] [describing the vveight of affection, the simplicitie of loue, the purport of honest meaning, the resolution of men, and disposition of Fate, finished in a pastorall, and interlaced with the praises, of a most peerlesse princess, wonderfull in maiestie, and rare in perfection, celebrated within the same pastorall, and therefore
  • 17953
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    [La copie d'une lettre inscrite à monseigneur le comte de Lecestre]
  • 17954
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    [Sermonum decades quinque,] [de potissimis Christianae religionis capitibus, in tres tomos digestae, / authore Heinricho Bullingero, ecclesiae tigurinae ministro. ; Cum indice vario & copiosissimo. Tomus primus.]
  • 17955
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    [The CL. Psalmes of Dauid in meter] [for the vse of the Kirk of Scotland..]
  • 17956
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    [The booke of common praier and administration of the sacramentes, and other rites and ceremonies in the Churche of Englande]|Book of common prayer
  • 17957
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    [The history of the reformation of religion within the realm of Scotland]
  • 17958
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    1586. La graunde abridgement, collecte & escrie, per le iudge tresreuerend Sir Robert Brooke chiualer, nadgairs chiefe Iustice del common banke
  • 17959
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    [A Most wonderfull, and true report, the like neuer hearde of before, of diuerse vnknowne foules] [hauing the fethers about their heads, and neckes, like the frysled fore-tops, lockes, and great ruffes, now in vse among men, and wemen : latelie taken at Crowley in the countie of Lyncolne, 1586]
  • 17960
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    [A treatise against the Defense of the censure, giuen upon the bookes of W.Charke and Meredith Hanmer, by an unknowne popish traytor in maintenance of the seditious challenge of Edmond Campion ... Hereunto are adjoyned two treatises, written by D.Fulke ... ]