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총 44,230건 중 43,721 - 43,740건 출력
  • 43721
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  • 43722
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    The hystory writtone by Thucidides the Athenyan of the warre, whiche was betwene the Peloponesians and the Athenyans, translated oute of Frenche into the Englysh language by Thomas Nicolls citezeine and goldesmyth of London
  • 43723
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    The hystory writtone by Thucidides the Athenyan of the warre, whiche was betwene the Peloponesians and the Athenyans, translated oute of Frenche into the Englysh language by Thomas Nicolls citezeine and goldesmyth of London.
  • 43724
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    The hystory writtone by Thucidides the Athenyan of the warre, whiche was betwene the Peloponesians and the Athenyans, translated oute of Frenche into the Englysh language by Thomas Nicolls citezeine and goldesmyth of London.
  • 43725
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    Here foloweth the. C. hystoryes of Troye Lepistre de Othea deesse de Prudence, enuoyee a lesperit cheualereny [sic] Hector de Troye, auec cent histoires.
  • 43726
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    Here foloweth the. C. hystoryes of Troye Lepistre de Othea deesse de Prudence, enuoyee a lesperit cheualereny [sic] Hector de Troye, auec cent histoires.
  • 43727
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    The historie of Italie a boke excedyng profitable to be redde: because it intreateth of the astate of many and diuers common weales, how thei haue ben, [and] now be gouerned.
  • 43728
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    The historie of Italie, a boke excedyng profitable to be redde: because it intreateth of the astate of many and diuers common weales, how thei haue ben, [and] now be gouerned.
  • 43729
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    The hurt of sedicion howe greueous it is to a commune welth
  • 43730
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    The hurt of sedition howe greueous it is to a commune welth
  • 43731
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    An holsome antidotus or counter-poysen, agaynst the pestylent heresye and secte of the Anabaptistes newly translated out of lati[n] into Englysh by Iohn Veron, Senonoys
  • 43732
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    Here after foloweth the lyfe of saynt Gregoryes mother.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 43733
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    Here beginneth a necessarie instruction for all couetous ryche men to beholde [and] learne what perel [and] daunger they be brought into, yf they haue theyr consolacion in theyr daungerous and myserable Mammon, made by Ihon Mardeley Clerke of the Kynges maiesties mynte in southwarke
  • 43734
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    Here beginneth a necessarie instruction for all covetous ryche men
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 43735
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    Here begynneth a boke, called the faule of the Romyshe churche wyth all the abhominations, wherby euery man may know and perceyue the dyuersitie of it, betwene the primatiue churche, of the whyche our souerayne lorde and kynge is the supreme head, and the malignant churche, a sunder.
  • 43736
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    Here begynneth a boke, called the faule of the Romyshe churche wyth all the abhominations, wherby euery man may know and perceyue the dyuersitie of it, betwene the primatiue churche, of the whyche our souerayne lorde and kynge is the supreme head, and the malignant churche, a sunder.
  • 43737
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    Here begynneth a godly new story of .xii. men that moyses (by the co[m]maundement of god) sent to spye owt the land of canaan of whiche .xii. onely Iosua and Caleb, wer found faythful messengers.
  • 43738
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    Here begynneth the Pistles and Gospels, of euery Sondaye and holy daye in the yere
  • 43739
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    Here begynneth the egloges of Alexander Barclay, priest wherof the first thre conteineth the miseries of courters and courtes, of all princes in generall. The mattier whereof was translated into Englysshe by the saied Alexander in forme of dialoges, out of a boke named in latin, Miserie curialium, compiled by Eneas Siluius poete and oratour, which
  • 43740
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    Here begynneth the seynge of urynes of all the coloures that urynes be of/ with the medicynes annexed to every uryne, and every uryne his urynall muche profytable for every man to knowe..|Seynge of Urynes.