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총 44,230건 중 43,741 - 43,760건 출력
  • 43741
    Book Info
    Here begynneth the seynge of urynes of all the couloures that urynes be of with the medycines annexed to euery uryne, [and] euery uryne his urynall muche profitable for euery man to knowe.
  • 43742
    Book Info
    Here foloweth the .X. co[m]maundeme[nts] in Englysshe, the Crede with the Pater noster, nat tra[n]slated by any [proper] person, but by the hole consent & auctorite of the bysshops of this realme [in] co[n]uocacion, euery true Christian to lerne [it as] he is bounde by Goddes co[m]maundeme[n]t & the Kynges grace iniunctions.|Ten Commandments|X. commaundements
  • 43743
    Book Info
    Here is a short resytall of certayne holy doctours which proueth that the naturall body of christ is not conteyned in the Sacrame[n]t of the Lordes supper but fyguratyuely, collected in myter by Ihon Mardeley.
  • 43744
    Book Info
    Here is a shorte resytal or certayne holy doctours whych proueth that the naturall body of christ is not conteyned in the Sacrame[n]t of the Lordes supper but fyguratyuely, collected in myter by Ihon Mardeley
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 43745
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    The harvest is at hand, vvherin the tares shall be bound, and cast into the fyre and brent. [...]
  • 43746
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    The historie of tvvo the moste noble capitaines of the worlde, Anniball and Scipio of their diuers battailes and victories, excedyng profitable to reade, gathered and translated into English, out of Titus Liuius, and other authoures, by Antonie Cope esquier.
  • 43747
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    An Heauenly acte concernynge howe man shall lyue, made by oure soueraygne lord God the father, God the sonne, and God the holy gost, and all the whole clergye in heauen consenting to the same.
  • 43748
    Book Info
    An heauenly acte concernynge how man shal lyue made by our suffraine lorde God the father, God the sonne, and God the holye goost, and al the whole clergie in heuen consenting to the same.
  • 43749
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    Here beginneth a ryght frutefull mater: [and] hathe to name the boke of surueyinge and improueme[n]tes
  • 43750
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    Here begynneth a boke, called the faull of the Romyshe churche, with all the abhomynations, where by euery manne may know and perceyue the diuersytie of it, betwene, ye prymatyue churche, of the whiche our souereigne Lorde and kynge is the supreme head, & ye malingnau[n]t church asunder..
  • 43751
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    Here begynneth a good booke of medecines called the treasure of poore men.|Treasure of poor men.
  • 43752
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    Here begynneth the pystles and Gospels of the Sondayes and festiuall holye dayes newly corrected and amended.
  • 43753
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    Here after foloweth the table of this present treatyse
    Du Wés
  • 43754
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    Here begynnethe a good booke of medecines called the treasure of poore me.|Treasure of pore men.
  • 43755
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    Here foloweth the Epystels and Gospels of the Sondayes and festyuall dayes, as they are red in the church through the whole yere
  • 43756
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    Here foloweth the seconde booke of thys lytell worke, in the whych shalbe treated of communications, & other thynges necessary to the lernynge of the sayde Frenche tonge
    Du Wés
  • 43757
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    Here after followeth twoo fruitfull and godly praiers the one in laude and prayse of the trinitie, and the other desiryng grace to with stande the feare of death.
  • 43758
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    Here after foloweth a litel boke called Colyn Cloute compyled by mayster Skelton poete Laureate..
  • 43759
    Book Info
    Here after foloweth a litel boke called Colyn Cloute compyled by mayster Skelton poete Laureate..
  • 43760
    Book Info
    Here after foloweth a lytell boke, whiche hath to name, Why come ye nat to courte compyled by maystr Skelton poete Laureate.