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총 60,478건 중 58,061 - 58,080건 출력
  • 58061
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    A light from Christ leading unto Christ by the star of his word, or, The rich jewel of Christian divinity practically explained in the principles enlightening the children of God how to meet Christ in his ordinances and by strength from Christ to walk comfortably with Christ in the whole course of their lives ... by way of catechism or dialogue, no
  • 58062
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    A list of such ships and friggotts of the Navy Royall, as also of such marchant shipps as are set forth to sea and prepared for the service of the King and Parliament, in this summers expedition, 1646 Together with the names of the captaines and commanders of the said shipps and friggotts.
  • 58063
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    A looking-glasse for England; wherein is expressed, severall passages, and remarkable observations, concerning the uniting of the Kings most excellent Majesty, and his great councell, the High Court of Parliament. Together, vvith divers heads or motives, / drawn up by Dr. George Snell, Dr. of Divinity; who being a delinquent (formerly) hath now tak
  • 58064
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    A looking-glasse for all proud, ambitious, covetous and corrupt lavvyers. Wherein they may see their fore-fathers love and humility.
  • 58065
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    A looking-glasse for sope-patentees: or A prospective-glasse, making discovery of a new project contrived and propounded (by the sope-projectors) to the Parliament, to monopolize the soping-mystery, under pretences of good to the state in the duty of excise.
  • 58066
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    L'usage de l'Oraison Dominicale maintenu contre les objections des innovateurs de ce temps. Par Jean Despagne ministre du S. Evangile.
    D' Espagne
  • 58067
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    Lanseter's lance, for Edwards'es gangrene: or, A ripping up, and laying open some rotten, putrified, corrupt, stinking matter in Mr. Thomas Edwards his Gangren, or book intituled, The second part of Gangrena. Wherein, amongst others, he hath abused and belied Mr. John Lanceter, calling him pedler, and saying, that he opened the whole book of Ezra,
  • 58068
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    Large additions to the Practicall catechisme written by Henry Hammond ... ; together with the authors preface, and many other insertions by way of appendix, directed to their proper places throughout the whole book.
  • 58069
    Book Info
    Large additions to the Practicall catechisme written by Henry Hammond ... ; together with the authors preface, and many other insertions by way of appendix, directed to their proper places throughout the whole book.
  • 58070
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    Laws and ordinances of warre established for the better conduct of the army: by His Excellency the Earl of Essex, Lord Generall of the forces raised by the authority of the Parliament; for the defence of king and kingdom. Together with orders established by His Excellency the Lord Fairfax, January 14. 1646. for regulating the army.
  • 58071
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    Lazari Riverii consiliarii, et medici regii atqve in monspeliensi universitate medicinae professoris, Observationes medicae & curationes insignes quibus accesserunt, Observationes ab aliis communicatae.
  • 58072
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    Le mercure Anglois [Issue 10]
  • 58073
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    Le mercure Anglois [Issue 11]
  • 58074
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    Le mercure Anglois [Issue 12]
  • 58075
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    Le mercure Anglois [Issue 13]
  • 58076
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    Le mercure Anglois [Issue 14]
  • 58077
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    Le mercure Anglois [Issue 15]
  • 58078
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    Le mercure Anglois [Issue 16]
  • 58079
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    Le mercure Anglois [Issue 17]
  • 58080
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    Le mercure Anglois [Issue 18]