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총 60,478건 중 58,121 - 58,140건 출력
  • 58121
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    Leaven, corrupting the childrens bread; or Christs caveat to beware of sectaries and their dangerous doctrines. In two sermons on Mark 8. 15. The former preached in the Cathedrall Church of Lincoln, at the lecture, on Wednesday, October 1. 1645. The latter in another auditorie. / By John Clarke, B. D. and pastor of the church of Fiskerton, neere Li
  • 58122
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    Leoline and Sydanis A romance of the amorous adventures of princes. Together, with sundry affectionate addresses to his mistresse, under the name of Cynthia. Written by Sir Fr. Kinnaston, knight, late one of the squires of the body to His Majesty.
  • 58123
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    Letters and papers from the Committee of Estates and Commissioners of Scotland, concerning the Kings comming into the Scottish armie: and his Maiesties giving his consent to the surrender of Newarke to the Parliament. Dated the 7th and 8th of this instant May 1646. Commanded to be forthwith printed and published.
  • 58124
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    Letters from the Committee of Estates at Newcastle, and the Commissioners of the Kingdom of Scotland residing at London to both Houses of Parliament. Together with two papers delivered in to His Maiesty by the Committee of Estates. As also divers letters past between the Committee of Estates, and the Committee of Parliament at York, and Col: Genera
  • 58125
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    Lex talionis, or, God paying every man in his own coyn held forth in a sermon preached at Margarets Westminster before the honourable House of Commons, on their solemn fast, July 30th, 1645 by Francis Woodcock, minister at Olaves Southwark one of the Assembly of Divines ; published by order of that house.
  • 58126
    Book Info
    Lex talionis: or, God paying every man in his own coyn. Held forth in a sermon preached at Margarets Westminster, before the Honorable House of Commons, on their solemn fast, July 30th, 1645. / By Francis Woodcock, minister at Olaves Southwark, one of the Assembly of Divines. Published by order of that House.
  • 58127
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    Liberty vindicated against slavery. Shewing, that imprisonment for debt, refusing to answer interrogatories, long imprisonment, though for just causes. Abuse of prisons, and cruell extortion of prison-keepers, are all destructive to the fundamentall laws and common freedomes of the people. Published for the use of all the free-borne of England, who
  • 58128
    Book Info
    Liberty vindicated against slavery. Shewing, that imprisonment for debt, refusing to answer interrogatories, long imprisonment, though for just causes. Abuse of prisons, and cruell extortion of prison-keepers, are all destructive to the fundamentall laws and common freedomes of the people. Published for the use of all the free-borne of England, whom it equally concernes, by occasion of the House
  • 58129
    Book Info
    Liberty vindicated against slavery. Shewing, that imprisonment for debt, refusing to answer interrogatories, long imprisonment, though for just causes. Abuse of prisons, and cruell extortion of prison-keepers, are all destructive to the fundamentall laws and common freedomes of the people. Published for the use of all the free-borne of England, whom it equally concernes, by occasion of the House
  • 58130
    Book Info
    Lieutenant Colonell John Booker being sent out of the Province of Munster by ... the Lord of Inchiquine ... and the councell of warre there and having delivered letters from his Lordship to the Honourable Speaker of the House of Commons to the Right Honourable the Committee of Lords and Commons for the Irish affaires ... doth humbly present the sta
  • 58131
    Book Info
    Light for smoke: or, A cleare and distinct reply by Iohn Ley, one of the Assembly of Divines at Westminster, to a darke and confused answer in a booke made, and intituled The smoke in the temple, by Iohn Saltmarsh, late preacher at Brasteed in Kent, now revolted both from his pastorall calling and charge. Whereto is added, Novello-mastix, or a scou
  • 58132
    Book Info
    Light for smoke: or, A cleare and distinct reply by Iohn Ley, one of the Assembly of Divines at Westminster, to a darke and confused answer in a booke made, and intituled The smoke in the temple, by Iohn Saltmarsh, late preacher at Brasteed in Kent, now revolted both from his pastorall calling and charge. Whereto is added, Novello-mastix, or a scourge for a scurrilous news-monger.
  • 58133
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    Litchfield to be surrendred, together with all the ordnance, arms, and ammunition as also, the names of the commissioners appointed by Sir Thomas Tidsley, governour, on the one party, and the Right Honourable Sir William Brereton on the other party, for the resigning up of the said garrison to the obedience of king and Parliament : likevvise, the g
  • 58134
    Book Info
    Litchfield to be surrendred: together with all the ordnance, arms, and ammunition. As also, the names of the commissioners appointed by Sir Thomas Tidsley, governour, on the one party; and the right Honourable Sir William Brereton on the other party, for the resigning up of the said garrison to the obedience of king and Parliament. Likevvise, the g
  • 58135
    Book Info
    Little non-such, or, Certaine new questions moved out of ancient truths I. concerning the words, let us make man after our own image, II. whether that was a materiall apple which Adam did eate, III. whether the forbidding of marriage be not a popish injunction onely, and not rightly grounded from the Scripture : newly published with intent to finde
  • 58136
    Book Info
    Little non-such: or, Certaine new questions moved out of ancient truths. I. concerning the words, let us make man after our own image. II. Whether that was a materiall apple which Adam did eate III. Whether the forbidding of marriage be not a Popish injunction onely, and not rightly grounded from the Scripture. Newly published with intent to finde
  • 58137
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    London's liberty in chains discovered, and, published by Lieutenant colonell John Lilburn, prisoner in the tower of London, Octob. 1646
  • 58138
    Book Info
    London's liberty in chains discovered. And, published by Lieutenant Colonell John Lilburn, prisoner in the Tower of London, Octob. 1646.
  • 58139
    Book Info
    London's liberty in chains discovered. And, published by Lieutenant Colonell John Lilburn, prisoner in the Tower of London, Octob. 1646.
  • 58140
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    Londons gate to the Lords Table. Where the eldership doth sit doing their office aright, in discovering and shutting out the ignorant, prophane, and meere civill honest man : in suspending the suspected formall, legall, and antinomisticall professor, and in drawing in the weakest humble beleeving soule. In a dialogue betweene a minister of the Gosp