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총 60,478건 중 58,141 - 58,160건 출력
  • 58141
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    Love's dialect
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 58142
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    Love's dialect, or, Poeticall varieties dignified into a miscelanie of various fancies / composed by Tho. Iordan, Gent.
  • 58143
    Book Info
    Loves fierce desire, and hopes of recovery, or, A true and brief description of two resolved lovers, whose excellent wits, suitable minds, and faithfull hearts to one another, shall here fully be spoken of in this following new made paper of verses. To a delicate new tune, or, Fair angel of England.|True and brief decription of two resolved lovers
  • 58144
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    Lustra Ludovici, or, The life of the late victorious King of France, Lewis the XIII (and of his Cardinall de Richelieu) divided into seven lustres / by Iames Howell, Esq.
  • 58145
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    The Lady Eleanor her appeal present this to Mr. Mace the prophet of the most High, his messenger.
  • 58146
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    The London post, communicating the high counsells of both Parliaments in England and Scotland, and all other remarkable passages, both civill and martiall in his weekly travells through the three kingdomes.
  • 58147
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    The Lord Byrons First articles presented to Sir William Brereton before the surrender of the city of Chester vvherein the great ambition of that party doth appear ...
  • 58148
    Book Info
    The Lord Byrons first articles presented to Sir William Brereton before the surrender of the city of Chester: vvherein the great ambition of that party doth appear, and as by the last articles whereunto he subscribed is to be seen at large.
  • 58149
    Book Info
    The Lord Chancellor of Scotland his speech to the King in Newcastle, July, 1646 As it was sent up by a faithfull hand from thence. Published according to order.
  • 58150
    Book Info
    The Lord Chancellor of Scotland his speech to the King in Newcastle, July, 1646. As it was sent up by a faithfull hand from thence. Published according to order.
  • 58151
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    The Lord George Digby's cabinet and Dr Goff's negotiations; together with His Majesties, the Queens, and the Lord Jermin's, and other letters: taken at the battel at Sherborn in Yorkshire about the 15th of October last. Also observations upon the said letters. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that the letters taken at Sherborn in Yor
  • 58152
    Book Info
    The Lord Marques of Argyle's speech to a grand committee of both Houses of Parliament the 25th of this instant June, 1646 together with some papers of the commissioners for the kingdom of Scotland, wherein they do give their consent to the sending of the propositions of peace to His Majesty, and desire their armies to be supplyed, and the accounts between the kingdoms to be perfected, to the end
  • 58153
    Book Info
    The Lord Marques of Argyle's speech to a grand committee of both Houses of Parliament, the 25th of this instant June, 1646. Together with some papers of the commissioners for the kingdom of Scotland, wherein they do give their consent to the sending of the propositions of peace to His Majesty, and desire their armies to be supplyed, and the account
  • 58154
    Book Info
    The Lord Mayors fare-vvell, from the office of Mayoraltie which was sent to him in a letter, by one of those who are usually (but unjustly) called Anabaptists: wherein he is taxed not only for breach of promise, in not endeavouring to procure of the Parliament one of the City temples, for a publique disputation between the Anabaptists, and the Pres
  • 58155
    Book Info
    The Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled do order and appoint this day fortnight for a day of thanksgiving for taking in of Dartmouth to be kept within the cities of London and Westminster ... and this day three weeks for all other places in the countrey.
  • 58156
    Book Info
    The last articles of peace made, concluded, accorded and agreed upon the 30 day of Iuly, 1646, by and between His Excellency, James Lord Marques of Ormond, Lord Lieutenant General, and General Governor of His Majesties Kingdom of Ireland, His Majesties Commisssioner, to treat and conclude a peace with His Majesties Roman Catholique subjects of the said kingdom, by vertue of His Majesties Commissi
  • 58157
    Book Info
    The last articles of peace made, concluded, accorded and agreed upon the 30. day of Iuly, 1646. by and between His Excellency, James Lord Marques of Ormond, Lord Lieutenant General, and General Governor of His Majesties Kingdom of Ireland, His Majesties Commissioner, to treat and conclude a peace with His Majesties Roman Catholique subjects of the
  • 58158
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    The last conflicts and death of Mr. Thomas Peacock, batchelour of divinity, and fellow of Brasen-nose Colledge in Oxford published by E.B. from the copy of that famous divine Mr Robert Bolton, late minister of Broughton in Northhampton-shire.
  • 58159
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    The last vvill and testament of Charjng Crosse, very usefnll [sic] for the wits of the time.
  • 58160
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    The last warning to all the inhabitants of London.